"Papa's seed!" Came the thunderous wave of replies.
"When do we want it?!"
"Good! Bring him out!"
I was then carried out while tied to a bed with some sort of magical rope, fully nude. We were gathered in front of the city lord's manor where hundreds of beautiful winged Angels were worked up in a frenzy.
By now all the players and other NPCs were driven out of the city and the Angels had taken over.
I felt like I was in episode four of Kuroinu, but reversed and I was the only one getting g.a.n.g.b.a.n.ged.
...Okay, I'll admit it. Guys, I f.u.c.ked up. I f.u.c.ked up real bad.
"The only real perk to being a Dragon? Lifespan. I just want to live long enough to see future cars. Are cars gonna be able to fly or is everything gonna be on a magnetic track, that's all I wanna know." I broke off to swat Yesmina's hands. " Girl seriously man you gotta get your hands up off me before I f.u.c.k you up. s.h.i.+t is nasty, creepy as f.u.c.k. Been touching my nipple for the last fifteen minutes."
Oh, right. It was Grey now.
"What's a car, Master?" Minnie asked.
"A metal carriage."
"...Woah…" Girl looks like I just blew her G.o.dd.a.m.n mind. She then very expertly refilled her bong's bowl with fresh weed and prompted Sera to set it alight. The water bubbled as the smoke traveled down the stem and then up the chamber neck, releasing the now much smoother and creamier fumes. "That's wack yo."
"Word." Sera agreed vacantly. She then giggled moments later. "Oh G.o.ds, I can't believe I'm just saying word to things now."
"Word." Minnie nodded absently.
Oh yeah. These guys are high as b.a.l.l.s. I chuckled and looked over at the scene of chaos to our front. There were players everywhere in the city. Literally filling the streets with white usernames above their heads. And what were they doing? Living up to the Love Orgy t.i.tle, of course.
I mean naked bodies up and down the streets just pounding against each other.
"Oh f.u.c.k yeah spread it."
"What the f.u.c.k, take it out!"
"Oh G.o.d, I can feel you inside me."
"I hope mom and dad don't find out."
They were totally freaking out the locals.
"What the h.e.l.l is going on?!"
"Mommy, I'm scared!"
"It's the end of days!"
"Dammit, Karl, put your c.o.c.k away!"
Every non-player was having a perfectly normal reaction to the ma.s.s orgy that was currently plaguing their city. The city guard had, of course, been called. But they had trouble keeping up with the sheer number of pervs and soon their jails were going to be full if they weren't already.
I'm not even sure if most of these players knew each other, they just sp.a.w.ned in and started f.u.c.king.
Some of them even tried to get with Mary and the others, but that never ended well.
"Young Master, is it okay if I feed these rabbits their own disgusting baby carrots?"
Bubbles just drowned them. "I'm shpoken for!" She would drunkenly drawl.
As for Chef Milf and Becks?
"The sound of their heads popping is so therapeutic." The Fae Queen was doused in blood gotten from literally popping the players' heads open between her hands. "Pretty!" She'd marvel each time their bodies would burst into specks of prismatic light.
Becks...she just kept close. "Warm...warm…" Kid absolutely refused to leave my side. Once, some enterprising young chap tried to sneak up and f.u.c.k her from behind as she buried herself in the back of my neck.
His screams as a thick icicle was thrust into his unsuspecting a.n.u.s still rang in my ears even an hour after he logged out.
I morbidly wondered if the "game" would have allowed **** between players and NPCs.
By the way, we didn't all choose to come out.
"It's over 9 o'clock, why are you singing? People are trying to sleep!" Mira roared as she rushed downstairs.
"We had our roof ripped off and THIS wakes you?!"
"Ripped off? What? You--" She'd stopped. "M-Mother?" A nervous, fearful stammer.
The woman had been busy staring at her own sparkling hand with a stupid smile on her face. She continued with that weird grin as she looked up and saw her daughter. "Mira..heyyyy~.I missed you SO much~ Wow, when did you get so fat? Anyway, look, I found Daddy! Come and say h.e.l.lo~ " There was simply no sign of the dangerous, kill-happy woman who first arrived.
"Are you…" MIra hesitated. "Are you...high?"
"Oh c.r.a.p, the baby!" I had realized the smoke and powder handing in the air wasn't good for a pregnant woman. "Everyone out!" I waved off the fumes and hurried everyone out the door.
"Wait! What's going on? Why's mother here? And why's Evie on the floor?" Mira called out in worry.
It was only when I heard this that I recalled she was hiding in one of the corners of the room prior to my drugging of Mary and the others. I remember turning and seeing her a.s.s up in the air staring back at me as we left.
Anyway, that's what happened.
Now we were just sitting on a bench enjoying the sight of pure mayhem as players f.u.c.ked, locals panicked, and Chef Milf began a compet.i.tion with Milly to see who could get the highest kill count.
Minnie would probably be freaking out right now if she was able to make sense of anything going on at the moment.
[Several targets have been charmed]
The first to come off was my s.h.i.+rt. Then my pants. That's how it began. Now freed from the shackles of common decency, I danced. Loud, feminine cheers greeted me with feverish excitement.
Rhiannon, our resident Fae Queen whose name I finally learned, conjured multicolored lights for special effect while Ba.s.shunter's Dota played aloud. In my mind.
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA (I hear you, man)
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA (I feel you, man)
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och pushar pĂĄ och smeker
Med motstĂĄndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och springer runt och creepar
Och motstĂĄndet vi sleepar
Let's get it on!
As my tight leather underwear--not sure where I found them--cradled my crotch I did the signature head whip and suddenly numerous pairs of panties found their way onstage. Which was to say, the table in my living room. We came back after
My body shone faintly with sweat and my hips thrust in and out to the beat of the song. I'm fairly certain at one point my c.o.c.k hit someone's face who got a little too close, but I didn't hear a complaint.
[Multiple targets have been charmed]
The system kept spouting out new notifications like that for hours.
I abruptly stopped. "Gotta take a leak." I told them. And hopped down. I drunkenly wandered off to the bathroom to the sound of cat-calls. It was a bit chilly for some reason, and dark. I tripped and fell face-first onto the dirt.
Shaking my head, I saw a bright orange dot in front of me. It was beautiful. Like...like a firefly. But it wasn't a firefly. I stared at it. After about three minutes I got the urge to kick it.
"f.u.c.k!" Someone cursed. I blinked. A dude! "What the h.e.l.l is your problem?!" I belatedly realized that the orange dot was from a lit cigar being smoked by some guy in the woods away from the Academy.
Wait. Hol up. The Academy? When did I get here? I don't remember coming here….
Oh G.o.ds. It finally happened, didn't it? I done got myself kidnapped by aliens.
Well they picked the wrong guy to probe!
"Bug-faced b.i.t.c.hes. Imma go Independence Day on they a.s.ses." I slurred, suddenly staring at the man in front of me with intense suspicion. Somehow my c.o.c.k was already in my hand and I was peeing on the ground by his feet. His face was horrible. He was definitely a shady motherf.u.c.ker if I ever saw one.
I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're one of them, aren't you?! Die!" I was ready to tear the no-good body-s.n.a.t.c.her limb from limb but a familiar scent caught my nose. "Wait. Do you smell that?" I sniffed. Then sniffed again.
The guy muttered, "Crazy a.s.shole." And walked off. I paid him no mind.
I could almost taste it...this smell, this flavor….
I felt my mouth water. Turning my head, a big bag of weed greeted me. "Damien," It called, voice like a siren.
And my mind, dizzy from copious amounts of drugs and herbs, began to hallucinate an entire life between me and the giant bag of weed. Our first kiss. Our first paddle boat ride. The time we first made love. Our wedding day. Happy times, for sure.
Though of course it was followed by a period of turmoil shown by the day when I, stressed out from hard work and having to take care of all the bills, snapped at her.
I could see it now. A sleazy, tank-top wearing me, in my mind, accepting a cup from my lovely bag of weed. Then spitting it out in disgust and slapping the bag angrily.
"b.i.t.c.h!" I saw myself yelling. "Learn how to make f.u.c.king coffee you f.u.c.king wh.o.r.e!"
Her quiet sobs pained my heart. " I love you." I later consoled. "Shhh. No, no, no, no. No baby, come on."
"Damien!" I was slapped. Hard.
"I'm awake!" I shook myself. "What? What is it, what happened?" My eyes darted left to right before focusing on the giant bag of wee--no, it was Mary I now saw.
"Oh. Nothing. I just like saying your name." The woman swayed unsteadily. She grabbed my face with both hands. "You're so pretty. Why're you so pretty?" She giggled. I was then licked on the cheek. "Sweet." Her soft, slippery tongue left warm trails all over my face.
Yep. It's official, I like a drugged-out Mary. She gets all bubbly and it's SO d.a.m.n cute.
"How'd you find me?"
"A little tree told me." She was now leaning on me for support. "I'm tired. Carry me." The woman commanded.
She's got the forest keepin' tabs on me! She has such stalker potential. She could be even worse than Evie.
Another thought popped up at that point: The trees have eyes. The trees have eyes! This is gonna be a new phobia, I just know it.
"Wait, what was I doing again?" I came out to take a p.i.s.s and could not for the life of me remember what I was doing before that.
"You were on a stage strip dancing at the school."
"...Not at home?"
"You took the party outside hours ago."
I racked my brain. Nope. Don't remember. "I see. Magic Mike it is then." I must go. My fans await me.
[Multiple higher-level beings have converged on your location]
"This is the greatest idea I've ever had in my life!" I snorted a line of c.o.ke off Bubble's a.s.s as we went barrelling down the street in a carriage that had no driver or horse. We unceremoniously ran over hundreds of naked players.
And I don't mean this idea. I was talking about another idea.
Where were the others? Last I saw, they were all breaking into the city lord's mansion for a surprise inspection.
"Milly, keep it up."
"Woo-hoo~!" Milly giggled excitedly as bolts of lightning dashed along the sky.
I could see dozens, hundreds, of light trails rapidly approaching. "Come to Papa~!" I raised my hands into the air and shouted.
[Multiple targets have been charmed]
Pure white feathers drifted down across the entire city.
[This area has been cut off from the rest of the realm]
[You have revealed your location. Quest complete]
Oh yeah. I'm getting that d.a.m.n reward.
I did not yet receive my due reward. Or if I did, i didn't remember it. But that don't matter right now. New Idea!
All my beautiful, angelic daughters stood behind the school in formation. The sheer aura of holy benevolence they radiated and their combined charm drove the crowd wild even thought they couldn't dance to save their f.u.c.king lives.
I threw a balled up piece of paper at them. "No, dammit! Not like that! Loosen up!"
We were back at the school rehearsing for their debut. Angelz Love is gonna be the next big thing, i'm sure of it.
"Rhea, lights!"
"Lights!" Rhiannon snapped a finger and several strobing orbs lit up the stage. The whole set sparkled.
"Sera, music!"
A cla.s.sic GIrls' Generation song played aloud.
"From the top, people. Work those hips! Wait." I suddenly realized a way to let them relax. "Does anyone need a puff before we start? Grey, did you spike the punch bowl properly? Christ. I really have to do everything myself."
Guys, we're making an idol group!
There's no way this could possibly go wrong.
I woke up feeling moist and sticky. My body shot upright. "Where am I?!"
I looked around and didn't recognize the room. But it was huge, even larger than the room from my parents' last estate.
All around me were the naked bodies of women I didn't know. That wasn't the strange part. The strange part were the feathers scattered everywhere. Now, I didn't see any wings but I'm pretty sure these girls were Angels. They were all devastatingly pretty and exuded an unblemished purity.
"Damien." Someone at my side called my name. Mary! She'd been sitting on a chair by the window and had come to stand over me as she saw me waking up.
"Oh. Hey." I scratched my head. I felt like I had cotton b.a.l.l.s in my mouth. "What happened last night. Last thing I remember was our rehearsal."
The woman didn't know what I was talking about. "...Rehearsal?"
"Yeah. You know. For the idol group. That was a d.a.m.n weird idea, heh. Are we ready for our debut?"
She stayed silent.
Her stare made me uneasy. "What?"
"You really don't know what happened last night?"
"Good. That's...good." I saw a tic in her jaw. "Let's go. We can't stay. Your father was right, you should leave the realm. I'll...I'll send you away. Alright? Come on." She pulled on my arm. "Quietly. Hurry. Before they wake up."
"Woah, woah, woah….hold up. The h.e.l.l are you talking about? Why do I need to leave? What happened? Tell me."
"It doesn't matter what happened!" She snapped. Then glanced back. The women around us didn't stir.
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's got you so worked up. Also, why's everyone naked?" Though from what I DO recall, nakedness wasn't uncommon last night.
f.u.c.king players, man. They crazy.
I noticed something then. "Your wrists…" They had marks on them.
She hid her hands behind her back. "It's nothing."
"Mary, seriously, what did I do? You're kinda scaring me right now and that's saying something. Did I hurt you?"
"It wasn't you. You didn't. Couldn't."
"Then who the h.e.l.l gave you those wounds? Out with it already."
Her gaze lingered behind me. "They did. They made me...watch." I could see the resentment clear on her face.
"Mother f.u.c.ker!" I cursed aloud as the pieces fell into place. "They f.u.c.king raped me, didn't they?"
"No. They married you."
"Son of a b.i.t.c.h. I f.u.c.king knew it!...Wait, huh? What was that again?"
"They married you.
"...I'm not sure I follow.
"They had a priest and everything. Then they raped you."
These girls aren't angelic at all! They're nothing but a buncha thirsty b.i.t.c.hes tryna take advantage of their poor, helpless, druggie father!
[Several hundred new b.i.t.c.hes has been added under your management]
[You have married Anastasia]
[You have married Nahria]
[You have married Grey]
[You have married Millenianna]
[You have married….]
"Alright. Yup. Lets go."