Damien raised a small flagon of the stuff in merriment just before taking a long swig. There were several confused faces, namely from Minerva, Evie, Frog, and Charlotte. Yes, the girl had been staying here while continuing her forays into the dungeon--alongside Damien, who still persisted in his quest for slime girls.
"f.u.c.k that's good." Damien licked his lips. "Nice and thick like melted ice cream." To anyone who hasn't had eggnog before, that's how it tastes like but a little richer.
He stood up and felt his bulging "belly" jiggle. "Well? Go on and open your presents." The boy prompted.
Charlotte dressed in tight dark leather trousers wrapped with a brown belt casually hugging her hips alongside a black split-sleeved doublet pattered with luxurious gold patterns embossed on the fabric. The girl had foregone cute dresses and had now chosen to follow a slightly boyish style of clothing. Her personality had also seemed to switch from an elegant Princess to that of a more down-to-earth and heroic persona.
This kind of Charlotte, headstrong and proud, furrowed her brows as she held her gift in hand.
"I don't understand. What did we do to earn gifts?" She'd only just came down and missed Damien's brief explanation of Christmas.
Damien rubbed his majestic white beard thoughtfully. "Nothing? Just open it, see what Papa got you."
Mira clutched her own brightly-wrapped package. "But...I didn't get you anything." This was all very strange.
When she woke up today the house was decorated with an array of blues, reds, golds and greens. The smell of cinnamon and nutmeg pervaded the air pleasantly and very large socks hung above the fireplace stuffed full of treats, one of which held her name specifically.
She didn't understand at all what was going on and had become quite frightened when a red-clothed and white-bearded Damien hopped into the room through the chimney carrying a large sack.
Then he just handed out these presents. Was this some custom she wasn't aware of? He had gone on to explain this time of year was meant for gift-giving and the bloating of your stomach from devouring a delicious meal. A time to spend with your friends and family.
Yet though the atmosphere he'd created was heart-warming and comfy, the fact she hadn't known of this strange holiday before and didn't get him a present in turn left her feeling just a bit miserable.
In her own realm events like this were nearly nonexistent. Even if they did have ones they weren't nearly as full of love as this one felt.
She was thankful for the thought, but…
Her first holiday with her father and she didn't do anything for him? She'd lived here in this realm for several years now and still hadn't known about this holiday. Also despite him not knowing her very long he still included her.
How could she not feel guilty?
"So?" Damien pointed. "She's been celebrating this with me for years and she still hasn't gotten me anything." His finger was aimed at none other than Vera. "Don't worry about it, just enjoy yourself. Get me something next year." He put a gla.s.s of 'nog in her hand. "Rather, you're already giving me my first grandkid. That's more than enough." He gently patted his daughter's swollen belly.
If anyone thought he wasn't gonna be part of that kid's life, they were dead wrong. He already was in the midst of making a s.h.i.+rt with the words, "Grampa's Favorite Purge Trooper." All he needed was to figure out how to make an electrostaff.
He wasn't gonna tell that Claude dude any of this. That guy didn't quite seem to care for Damien all too much. Which was understandable. Damien felt any normal person, so long as they were male, wouldn't like him. Ca.s.s, WIll, Phil, Baz and Jacob, of course, the exceptions.
Though he hadn't seen most of the others in a long time. Especially Will, that no-good thief.
He couldn't blame the man for it. Didn't mind either. Like with Avery, who'd been avoiding Damien whenever she could, he didn't really care about one more person hating him. As long as his precious lil girl, Mira, loved him, it's all good.
The thought of his youngest daughter brought him joy. Look at this. He had all his little girls with him. Charlotte, his oldest. Evie, his middle child. And now Mira. Although the seniority looked messed up.
"Father..." Mira wasn't used to parental affection like this. But it was nice. Soothing. Just hearing her father's voice and knowing they were in a place full of such love and warmth made her want to never leave.
It nearly brought tears to her eyes. Didn't it seem that happened to her a lot lately? But they were tears of joy right now. She leaned into her father's shoulder and heard the strong, steady beat of his heart. She stayed like that for some time and he indulged her without complaint. Her father on one side, her husband on the other. The two of them made her feel impossibly safe and content with life. Was this not a blissful moment?
Meanwhile Vera stared at them. Her gaze held a longing note that none of the others picked up.
Except, obviously, Damien. "You too. Get over here." He reached over and brought her in for a half-hug.
Mira offered the woman a shy, unsure smile. "Mother…"
Vera instantly became as stiff as a board. She didn't know how to react. She was a virgin who hadn't even married yet, but she was being called a mother? This was...a rather strange feeling.
Mira took Vera's hand and placed it over her stomach. "Can you feel her?"
Vera felt incredibly awkward. What was she doing? What was she trying here? Her first reflex was to s.n.a.t.c.h her hand back and give the pregnant lady a good tongue-las.h.i.+ng. But she glanced at Damien and couldn't bear to do any of that. Not after she saw the expectancy in his eyes.
She swallowed whatever she was going to say and instead gave a, "She's...strong." What else could she say?
Minerva couldn't stand watching them. Somehow the scene brought up horrid feelings and she didn't want to ruin their cheer.
She rose from her seat quietly. "I'll open mine later. Thank you, Master." Although she wasn't sure when this "Christmas" thing came about she was truly thankful she'd been thought of. But being here was suffocating.
A time for friends and family was no time for her. The only family she had was Evie and other than being taken in by Master there weren't many times for them to feel festive about. So a setting like this just reminded her of the people she'd either never had or the people she lost.
Evie watched Minerva leave and hesitated. She had many gifts for Master acquired from the several tests leading up to the "final exam" from Lady Claybrook. But she hadn't prepared them yet.
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"Nah, don't worry about it. I got this." Damien then exited the room after Minerva. He was gone all of five minutes before carrying the woman back over his shoulder.
Her face was flushed a deep red and her eyes were unfocused. She was also hiccupping almost nonstop. Everyone sent concerned looks their way.
"What did you do?" Vera was the first to ask.
Damien gave her a thumbs up. "I shoved some extrspecial brew down her throat." He chuckled. Then paused. "That's not a double entendre, by the way. The second batch of 'nog is just really heavy on the spirits." He explained. "Can't be sad if you're p.i.s.s drunk, eh? Come, Minnie. You're singing Jingle Bells with me."
A knock on the door came just then, right as he was about to ask Baz to hit them with those sick beats.
"I'll get it." Vera's hips swayed seductively as she went to the door. She was immediately pushed down to the floor as a very enthusiastic Mother sauntered into the house.
"Surprise!" Mother Claybrook's arms were full of bags. She looked down. "Oh, my poor, dear Mary. I didn't see you there. Let me help you up~" A hand was offered.
Vera's heart beat at a hundred miles a minute. That's right, she still hadn't been properly introduced to Lady Claybrook in her new form.
She must've thought she was her mother. But that raised a question: Where is her mother, exactly? Why isn't she with Lady Claybrook?
But that didn't matter. She couldn't face Lady Claybrook right now. She knew the woman spied on her son regularly these days. And because of that she's sure the Lady had seen...certain unspeakable things.
And that was a bit of an excitement in itself, but Vera didn't have the courage to meet her face-to-face so soon!
"No thank you." Vera rose and dusted herself off. "The others are already inside except for Lady Dahlia. I was just about to go fetch her, actually. Please come in."
Right when she was about to make her retreat, Damien popped in. He saw his Mother and shouted, "Hey, you came! I wasn't sure you would. Don't just stand there. Come on and take a gla.s.s, there's enough 'nog for everyone."
He deliberately came and planted a kiss on Vera's cheek as he invited her in. He was well aware that his Mother spied on him and didn't at all care about flaunting his relations.h.i.+p with Vera no matter what she thought of it. She knew already, there isn't any point pretending otherwise. Why not be open with it then?
"Hmph!" Muriel was thoroughly enraged. This...absolute b.i.t.c.h! How dare she get all lovey-dovey with her son right in front of her face like this!
f.u.c.k, they've been friends for so many years and this is what she does? It's bad enough she had thoughts on her husband before, but now she wants her son? This woman's gone too far!
Any other woman would've been fine. The fact it was a long-time friend of her's, though, and someone who was actually quite dangerous to her family, that made Muriel feel both betrayed and on edge.
It was a good thing she destroyed that scrying orb when she did. She'd have already lost it if she saw them kissing and stuff so often. And her son seemed fine.
Good. That's good. If anything happened to him because of this d.a.m.n overgrown shrub, well, things wouldn't end very well for anyone.
"I see you two are getting along splendidly. That's great. I'm happy for you." Muriel wanted to stab the chick. Maybe she would've if Elias hadn't taken the initiative to speak up.
"Hey, where's the food?" The man discreetly pinched his wife's b.u.t.t. Hard.
Muriel felt a rather unpleasant bolt of electricity run through her and knew she was being plotted against. This guy!
Whose side was he on?! Their son was being played with by some cougar, dammit!
"Right this way, good Sir." Damien ushered him in. He took him to the kitchen, pouring him some strong eggnog. "So you're going to be a great-grandfather soon." And dropped a Nagasaki-sized bomb.
Elias coughed so hard he thought he was gonna die. "I didn't know trees could grow that fast!" He marveled. "Wait, then where's my granddaughter?"
"Let's introduce you. You'll like her, she's really nice."
Elias looked at Mary with some amazement as he was led away. This was faster than when she came back with Vera and Baz. No, wait, how long had this been going on? Even if this granddaughter aged really fast it'd take some time to find a partner and get preggers, right?
Elias considered this and grew even more amazed and confused.
Seriously, did they….hide it all this time?
He shook his head. "Son, I think the great one here is you."
"Well I don't claim any of them." Muriel folded her arms. She saw a certain oval-faced woman at that moment and sent her a hard stare. "Say, don't I know you?"
Mira's hair stood on end. Lady Okeanos!
"I-I just have one of those faces."
Muriel was going to say something but noticed another strange woman. "What the h.e.l.l is an Ogrekin doing here?"
"Meeting my destiny." Riley gave a flirtatious wiggle of the brow. She rose elegantly and was fully intent on bringing this grade-A MIlf back to her room. However the woman shut her down quick, fast and in a hurry.
"Sit or die. Disgusting creature."
"Yes Ma'am."
Muriel spotted Evie. She gave the girl a bright smile. "Evie! So glad to see you again. So? How'd it go?"
The blonde bombsh.e.l.l shook her head in melancholy. "The road to being a good body pillow is long and arduous. I still have much to learn."
"I told you to get naked and push him down, it's not that hard."
"But if I'm naked, Master would see my face!"
"Is that really the part to be embarra.s.sed about here?!"
"You should join the fun." Damien knocked on the door but didn't wait for an answer before opening.
Bubbles was sitting back on her bed reading a book, legs outstretched. She had just brushed back a strand of loose blue hair when he came in.
"We've got ham, pie, 'nog and cookies. Good stuff."
"I'll be down in a minute." She looked him over. "Unless you'd care to join me instead?" One leg rose over the other, giving a brief but very noticeable flash of hot pink.
"Nope. I'm good." Damien took another sip of 'nog.
"Figured." She blew out in disappointment.
He tossed her a small box."Anyway, I just came to give you that. Merry Christmas, my cute little fish friend."
"So we're still friends?"
"Hm? Why wouldn't we be?"
"I thought it was pretty clear you were sick of me?"
"If I was sick of you, I'd tell you. Don't overthink s.h.i.+t just because I didn't wanna continue our foreplay sessions. You're still my favorite fish. b.u.t.tered or not."
"And if it wasn't just foreplay for me? What then?"
"Then that's on you. I don't dictate how you feel. I mean we knew what it was when we started it so we shouldn't just expect things to change after it. But yeah. I don't control your feelings. So don't worry about it. I'm not going to suddenly stop being your friend even if you wanna seduce and then toss me aside for not feeling the same way you did. Or do. Or for somehow making you think I felt the same."
"...I wasn't planning to do that."
He gave her a frank stare.
"Okay, maybe the thought occurred to me."
"Alright, so I still want to. But f.u.c.k you, you hurt my feelings."
"Unrequited liking does that, and that's never the other person's fault. It's not even yours."
"I still resent you for it. You made me feel things, and for that you must pay!" She waved a fist at him.
"Cool, cool." He finished his cup. "So, you seem energetic for someone who just lost their entire city to the uncle of the person they like."
"I don't like you. I hate you. You made me feel things, and for that--!"
"I must pay, got it."
"Great. Also, It's not like I don't care about it. I felt responsible for the lives of those who lived there. But it's like seeing your pets get ran over. Some people take it differently. Me, I'm sad about it. But it's not devastating. And only a few thousand died, most instantly from what I'd seen. The majority got out safely while I stalled for time."
"There were a lot of people in that city even if a few thousand died. Where would they go?" Damien wondered aloud.
Bubbles looked at him like he were dumb, and he understood the moment he asked.
"We're married. We're their G.o.ds, and we're married. Where do you think they'd go?"
"....Bah, humbug."
"You were wrong, you know. " Vera said from the bathroom. She was getting ready for bed. The festivities had already died down long ago.
Dahlia arrived a bit late along with her four friends and made a great ruckus with Evie, her mortal enemy. Since Damien had run out of presents he had to think fast and offer a few trinkets of his to the four unexpected guests. Each of whom accepted the presents with glowing faces of appreciation. Such nice girls.
The party got a bit wild when Milly and Dr.Schitt came. The two great artifacts quickly took sides, Milly with Dahlia and Schitt going to Evie.
The battle had been epic. And tiring since Dahlia made him be her wings so they could take to the skies.
"Cheater, using Master as a s.h.i.+eld like that!"
"Those who don't make use of the resources at one's disposal are fools deserving of naught but death!" Dahlia replied, quite reasonably.
Damien heard that their battle made for quite an amazing light show.
But that had ended some time ago and now the two girls, including Minerva, were pa.s.sed out in the living room while the two G.o.dly Artifacts shrunk down and rested near the fireplace.
Damien, after cleaning the dishes and packing away the leftovers, was only now able to take a rest.
"About what?" He yawned from his bed.
"About the presents." Vera's calm, cool voice responded. "I'd always gotten you one. I just could never bring myself to give them to you."
"Oh yeah?"
He couldn't see it, but he could swear he could sense the nod. "Mm. I wanted to muster up the courage to give them to you this year. But they all ended up destroyed with the Estate." Her tone turned a touch remorseful
"Sorry about that." Damien cleared his throat awkwardly. Yeah, he f.u.c.ked up big time back then.
"No, it's okay. I got you something this year too, by the way."
He lazily asked "Oh? And what's that?"
"Me." In the very next moment, Vee walked out of the bathroom wearing a red and white one-piece dress. It was very revealing with an exceedingly short skirt, the red cloth shoulderless and only barely restraining those mind-boggling b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
Her legs were covered by black fishnet stockings that squeezed her plump flesh in all the right ways.
Vera's face was as composed as ever, but the way she shyly pulled down at the skirt and crossed her feet showed how much she was forcing herself to go through with this.
"Does it look alright? I'm not used to this."
Damien couldn't look away. "You're gorgeous." He breathed.
"Yes. Right. Okay then." She coughed. Truth be told she felt stifled today with his parents and sister here.
She'd gotten quite used to him being open with his affections. But it was hard to accept those sort of things with his mother glaring at her so hard or under Dolly's watchful eyes. There's no way she could let him hug or kiss her, especially not with Dolly around. She wouldn't understand, or maybe even start to hate her.
It made her feel so much relief when they were just by themselves.
Even doing something as embarra.s.sing as this was fine. And he called her gorgeous, too. She knew she was, logically. Her mother was a very gorgeous woman, after all, and they looked just like each other now.
Hearing it was different though.
"Come here." He said.
And she did. Walking step by step until she came to stand in front of him. She had done similar things before with him so she wasn't shy. No, she was expectant.
She was right to be. Vera could already feel his hands on her body. His slow, sure movements. The way his palms roamed along her exposed legs and thighs.
His hands moved upwards. He slid underneath her skirt and grabbed at her toned cheeks. She stepped closer, pressing his face to her abdomen. The way he touched her always had this effect. The barest of brushes from his fingertips able to make her s.h.i.+ver hungrily in antic.i.p.ation.
But just this wasn't enough anymore. Vera took him by the shoulders and pushed him onto the bed. Then crawled atop his body until his face was right beneath her and she could feel his hot breath tickle her most sensitive area.
His tongue, wet and slippery, began making familiar euphoric circles against her bare lips. The pleasure hit hard and fast, coming like unending waves while he serviced her.
This wasn't right. It was selfish. She was the one who was supposed to be giving a gift here, wasn't she?
Vera understood well what she had to do.
"You too." She panted. And turned around. The bulge was painfully obvious. She had a sudden urge that was undeniable. Leaning over, Vera bit down lightly on the bulge and watched it twitch in response.
Somehow it was fun. But she didn't waste time and instead worked on his belt. Then the strings to his pants. And finally, he was free, as intimidating as ever. The Young Master's enraged c.o.c.k thrust into the air defiantly.
Vera didn't even try to take it whole: It was impossible for her. Instead she gripped at the base and enjoyed the searing, pulsing warmth. Just like that she peeled away at the extra skin and unearthed the head of this monstrosity.
Her small tongue worked with excruciating slowness. Damien could feel each and every time she teased him. His c.o.c.k seemed to become harder by the second.
Up and down she went, savoring the stench of sweat he'd built up. As always the Young Master had the best scent. But this was even greater and more concentrated. The smell here was potent and really almost chokingly thick.
She loved it.
Not just that, either. She loved when he made her feel good too and loved even more making him feel good.
Vera lay there, thoroughly spent after several long hours of o.r.g.a.s.mic h.e.l.l. She looked over at her partner and felt slight resentment at his absurd stamina. Even now he was still so energetic. Look at him, still making her use her hand even after releasing so many times.
Not that she minded, though her arm was starting to tire.
"Young Master." Vera suddenly spoke up.
"On second thought, I think I'm fine with you having more women."
"f.u.c.king WHAT?"
She looked into his eyes, dead serious. "With your size and stamina? When the time comes, I think I might die if it's just me."