They did this each year at the start of the first semester, apparently, and this time he was the one who had the responsibility of giving the tour.
One of the many downsides of being
"What's that over there?" One of the bankrollers pointed.
There was slight congestion of students down the hall where a checkpoint had been set up. There was a group of white-clothed students patting down their fellow cla.s.smates.
The leader of the group wore a large white and gold-trimmed greatcoat with a silver badge in the shape of a triangular s.h.i.+eld upon his breast that read, "Discipline." He wore an eyepatch, with a face set at a stern angle while a giant great club hung at his back.
Gladstone called upon his years of military service and remained calm.
"Oh this station is just a formality. Pay no--"
Damien pulled out a box."Here's a bunch of stuff we confiscated just this week."
"Mr.Claybrook, no need to show them that." He coughed, an obvious hint that was ignored.
The boy pulled out a long, ornate stick that had a dark iron rod attached to the end. "This a wand with a silencer on it. Why? But I ask again, why?"
A little baggie holding a blue powder substance was next.
"Bag of fairy dust. Contraband."
The visiting students and bankrollers began whispering among themselves.
"Let's move on, shall we?" Gladstone glared at the youth and brought them deeper into the building.
Damien tagged along. "1 out of 5 girls in this block is pregnant with a devil baby!" He suddenly announced.
Gladstone nearly fell to the floor. "That is not true!" He insisted. But no one listened. His face was full of black lines.
Just then a blast of red energy pelted the wall behind them. Damien pounded his oversized club onto the ground, bursting with an auspicious golden radiance. The whole floor shook.
"Knock it off with that grab-a.s.s, touchy-feely*-a.s.s nonsense!" He barked. "d.a.m.n kids." A weary shake of the head. "Yesterday a guy's fingers got blown the f.u.c.k off before I even got here. Shame, but it happens. Haytham is Haytham, after all."
Gladstone narrowed his eyes when he saw the boy covertly pa.s.sing a fat purse to one of the kids involved. A vein nearly popped in his forehead, nose flaring.
"What kind of school is this?" Everyone following expressed concern.
Damien gazed at Gladstone with a look of smug victory in his eyes. The man wanted to throttle him.
"What are you doing!" He hissed hatefully when out of earshot.
"Motherf.u.c.ker, I came here to learn magic and I'm dumped in the only place with no G.o.dd.a.m.n magic instructor. You expect me to take this lying down? f.u.c.k off, ya wee little c.u.n.t. Watch how I reduce this school's reputation to ash."
It was too much. Even back in his military days no one dared speak to him that way. He was treated with utmost fear and respect, having trained hundreds of the best talents in his time.
Now he was bad-mouthed by some snot-nosed brat just barely weaned off his mother's milk who didn't even both to remember his name. And before this, he was forced into accepting the kid's so-called "disciplinary committee."
"You'll never learn even a single spell here! G.o.dd.a.m.n brat, you think I'll give in to you?"
Eventually, after scaring off five more groups and losing around two dozen important bankrollers, he did, in fact, give in.
However, Damien was personally banned from Blocks A and B under threat of expulsion.
Gladstone a.s.signed him the laziest and most bullish magic instructor for Block C, sure the kid would learn nothing but misery and helplessness.
It was just around mid-morning.
The whole cla.s.s took two days to get back in order after his week-long disappearance.
The boys were easy to take care of, but the women were simply atrocious!
"You there! Your skirt is 5cm too short, lower it immediately. 10 demerits."
"Hey, who said you can eat food in cla.s.s? 10 demerits!"
"And you, stop the graffiti. 10 demerits. d.a.m.n kids, that's already over 100 demerits since yesterday. Are you trying to p.i.s.s me off? All three of you p.i.s.sants strip down and get over here right now!"
Three rough-looking girls with outrageously colored hair, painted nails and piercings on their lip or nose promptly took off their skirts and cried as they got ready for their punishments.
He's already said that anyone getting 100 demerits had to go through that sort of shameful display again. He understood they'd become little m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic exhibitionists, but he allowed it.
"Hey, bro, why don't you join the Public Morals Department?" The boys were easier to manipulate when they were distracted.
All he needed was their signature for this waiver he'd written up. And they were his to do with as he wished.
"Good morning, Lord-Commander!" Every one of the boys stood abruptly at Damien's entrance, eyes dull. They all wore the standard white uniform of the Disciplinary Committee, the entire cla.s.sroom having been converted into the club room and the students appointed as members.
"At ease, men." He gestured them to sit.
He ascended the stairs and sat down heavily upon that G.o.dd.a.m.n gaudy throne that'd SOMEHOW made it's way all the way here from the Dry Lands.
He had a red velvet pillow thrown on the seat to make it comfier.
Big D rested to his left, while Milly leaned against the throne's right arm.
"Master, I'm so glad you're back!" Minerva had been very curious about his sudden disappearance and had no idea what to do with him just gone.
After thinking about it carefully she took to the other blocks and spread the Good Word of Day along with the Holy Texts, Nekopara volumes 1-3.
Although her efforts were valiant, she was ignored. She was quite put out. People here simply didn't want enlightenment. She felt they were pitiable souls and kept at it to no avail, finally falling into depression as she thought she was useless without Evie and Milly to back her up. Some people even began picking on her. Ah, so worthless….
But then Master came back and she found he was as splendid as ever, quickly establis.h.i.+ng order.
Just then, the door flew open. It wasn't Henry who entered, but an old man with wild hair, a stubble, and disorderly robes.
He yawned, walked to the desk, and sat his bag down with a thump too loud for it's size.
He snapped a finger. Instantly a giant sphere of light brightened the room. Magical runes spread in all directions and covered the walls. "Anyone who wants to learn magic get inside. Last ten minutes."
And promptly fell asleep.
The students were all gaping with their mouths wide open. What was going on?
"Is he...serious?" One of them asked. They heard that block C never got to learn magic on account of their "untrustworthy natures."
Not to mention most magic was dangerous to the user so only those who go through the physical training of block B or people who pa.s.s several physical exams would be allowed into block A where magic was taught.
Though even if they had the qualifications, those in block C never normally got the chance.
"We shouldn't go, right? Who knows what's inside."
"But he's a teacher. He wouldn't harm a student."
"He's in this kind of place, who's to say he wouldn't? This old coot seems fishy."
Damien was already walking down. "All of you are p.u.s.s.ies."
"f.u.c.k, if that guy's not afraid I'm not going to be a chicken either." A stocky youth rose.
"Y-Yeah, what's the worst that can happen?" A girl with piercings on her left ear hesitantly followed.
"I'll learn magic and beat that a.s.shole within an inch of his life." Several malevolent students thought to themselves quietly as they, too, stood and followed.
One by one, they all entered.
"Is it fine to do things like this?" A disembodied voice ruined his nap.
It was one of the spirit friends he'd become acquainted with some time back, Fa, the only one capable of communication in human speech.
"Why not?" He replied telepathically. "They'll just be in an out, thoroughly crushed, and I'll be free to sleep."
"What sleep? All you do is peep on the female teachers!"
The wise old sage was reduced to a pervert in the spirit's eyes. His astral projection was laying on the floor in front of the stairs as a couple girls unknowingly walked over him.
"Shut up. " He told Fa, not denying the claim. He stayed there as many more students got up and started following their peers.
Soon enough they all disappeared into the sphere of light.
At that moment another spirit floated by. This one was different from Fa, a human magician from ages past who'd ended up with the sage in his youth when the younger him had fallen through a dimensional hole and awoke in a strange land.
This was an ancient and powerful spirit who was once an apex level mage in his living years, specializing in all kinds of formations and sealing spells. He had regrets in his life, leading him to reject death and attach his spirit to a book of divination made of special materials at the end of his days.
This book was coincidentally found by the sage and the two had been together ever since.
It was he who taught the sage this sort of technique.
The spirit in question wore a tall hat and long, luxurious robes. His eyes were sharp and slightly raised at the ends with a single black dot between his brows. He looked young and feminine, face a soft oval, hands hidden under his long sleeves. Around his neck hung a row of large beads each baring a particular character in their depths that almost seemed to burn mysteriously.
"There was someone with an incredibly powerful soul among them." He informed. His hands came together. A smile formed upon his lips. "And a beastkin is here too. Interesting. It's been millennia since I last saw a pureblood like her. Most of her kind don't even have their tails anymore."
Back in the warring period between realms it was common to see beastkin with animal ears or tails running wild on the battlefield. So hard to kill.
"Ah." The spirit raised a brow. "No wonder, she has both Fenrir and Nemean bloodlines. Royalty, even. I do hope she doesn't go berserk, you can't beat one at your current level."
The old sage snorted. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d was always putting him down. How could he not handle even a little girl like that?!
Fa sensed his thoughts and admonished, "Didn't you get kidnapped by a bunch of mortals not long ago?"
"They snuck up on me. That doesn't count."
"If you weren't busy peeping you'd have noticed them."
"Hmph. " He couldn't argue. He actually wasn't very strong for a mage, No, well, he was. But it took time for him to operate his spells. Other than some techniques his Master taught him, other spells took a while to form. It's because all he knew were high-level spells. And those had insanely long casting times.
His master had said there used to be ways to drastically shorten the casting time for high-tier spells but those had long since been forgotten.
"It's already been over two minutes since the last one entered. They should be--" And a body was thrown out of the sphere.
"They're coming out."
Just like that, several students at a time were cast outside the sphere one after another. They each had faced of hopelessness and despair.
They seemed as if their wills had been broken. Not a single scratch on their bodies, but their minds were shook.
"Hm? Where's that first brat?" The sage looked and couldn't find the purple-eyed youth anywhere.
His master squinted at the sphere. "He is still inside. Admirable. "
He the only one who fully understood the power of the world within the sphere. Back then this was his ultimate technique. Not used for combat, though it did well for that too. But no, this was used for training. To temper those with arrogant personalities unsuitable for learning magic and turning them into more humble versions of themselves.
Many geniuses died young of recklessness and overbearing natures. Through this, those flaws were fixed.
He'd helped many talents ascend to the stars in this way. He was even actively sought out and begged by countless powerful factions to allow their youths into his BIg Heaven Little Earth array.
Since it's already been over five minutes since the first young man entered his array, it was truly praise-worthy. It showed he had a very dauntless and firm belief in himself. However, this type of person only delayed the inevitable.
The entire purpose of his array was to temper these kinds of self-a.s.sured people. To show them how truly small they are, how weak and insignificant they were in the face of Heaven.
He'd even stolen the second core of a Dragon, a seed of divinity itself that held a dormant spark of Heaven, and merged it with the array on a conceptual level so that it would always hold a piece of Heaven's magnificence.
Over time this seed matured and the spark awoke, blazing with the matchless might of the G.o.d Realm. A small portion of the realm, yes, but unbeatable nonetheless. A power so strong all mortal beings were rendered helpless.
Even he only lasted no longer than half an hour in real-time. Though within the sphere he spent a thousand years dying and being revived, challenging the trial again and again until he gave up, thoroughly beaten and made truly humbled.
"He should be thrown out any time now." He nodded to himself.
Minutes ticked by.
He and his disciple waited patiently.
Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. Thirty, forty, fifty…..
An hour pa.s.sed.
"He's stubborn, isn't he?"
Cla.s.s had already ended, but as there weren't really any to go to next the students all just stayed and messed around, talking to themselves in a subdued nature about their strange experience.
Two hours went by.
It was time for lunch.
"Um, sir magician?" The beastkin woman gently nudged the "sleeping" old man. "When is Master coming out?"
The old sage's astral projection looked at his master. "Yeah, when?"
His master's beautiful face was strained. "Any time now, surely."
Minerva got no answer and so quietly left the room. She appeared a few minutes later with a tray of warm food and then sat on the floor in front of the giant orb. She wasn't worried about her Master, but hoped he would come back soon before his meal went cold.
Avery, who had NOT gone into the sphere, also waited when she got back from her meal. "He's still in there?!" The portly kid's rolls of fat shook in surprise.
She waited one more hour. "Is he going to be okay?"
"Master? Of course. Why do you ask?"
"Papa is papa. He'll be fine." Milly cut in from across the room.
"It can talk!" The sage blinked. He stared at it with widened eyes. "Some sort of supreme Artifact!"
Normally his master would chide him for not noticing it's nature sooner, but the old spirit was too busy gazing into the sphere's depths.
Two more hours pa.s.sed.
The beastkin and fatty had fallen asleep on the floor.
Still, the boy was nowhere to be seen.
Eventually, the two got up and went to bed, Minerva sleeping in Avery and Damien's room.
The day ended.
Night came and went. A new morning dawned.
The old spirit was sweating bullets. "What the h.e.l.l is happening in there?!" He was in panic. "Ah, dammit, I'm going in!"
The sage woke with a start at hearing this. His true body, aching badly, chased after the young-looking spirit into the sphere.
"Master, wait for me!"
"You two might've killed him." Fa's body-less voice chirped in his ear.
The three entered.
What greeted them blew their minds.
Inside was a perfectly white room that stretched on endlessly. In the middle of said room? A table, a couple of chairs, and two figures sipping tea.
One was a woman with fiery red hair and a revealing set of clothes. The other was a boy who had her by his side, idly groping her chest as she fed him snacks.
The sage's master, Lord Yasunori, recognized the woman as the former owner of the Dragon core he'd stolen. The woman had long been dead, her body exhausted, reaching it's end after going through some battle and left to die in the chaotic streams of s.p.a.ce before he'd even found her.
But he'd never seen the core of the array reveal her real body before.
Normally speaking she took the form of the most powerful enemies of those who appeared before her. But their strengths amplified greatly. And the more powerful each person's own enemies, the stronger and more unbeatable her version would be.
Never did she appear in this form.
However, he knew this wasn't that woman who had long died. She was a new creature, a small piece of the G.o.d Realm birthed from the dead Dragon's second core after nourishment in the Heaven and Earth array for many years. After absorbing a bit of power from all the materials used in the array's formation, and all the power left behind by the many geniuses who'd entered.
This was a being representative of Heaven itself! And she's letting herself be groped just like that?!
"What...what…" Yasunori choked. His mind was threatening to collapse. "What's going on here?!"
Damien blinked at the newcomers but made no comment, biting into yet another grape put into his mouth by the beauty at his side.
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Meanwhile, the woman gave Yasunori an annoyed looked. "I kept killing him and he kept getting back up. Each form I used he'd keep fighting and dying for countless years until he could kill me. Coming up with all these strange techniques....Can a little mortal man like you even comprehend how many universes would have been born and died of old age in the span of time we've been here? He just didn't stop! Ah, it was tiring."
Heaven tired?! Also, what's with the suggestive wording just then?
Damien Took another sip of his tea. "It reminded me of the good old days…" He reminisced over his short affair with death and her infinite oblivion which had seduced him to madness several times before the whole thing got old and the magic was gone.
Compared to that, this was so much better though.
"And why are you letting him play with your b.r.e.a.s.t.s?" This was just too strange. The old sage watched on enviously, angered to death. It should be him, dammit!
"This is my race's Prince, he can do what he wants to me. What's it to you?"
She glared at them with hostility.
Damien, however, peered up at them innocently. "So when do I get to learn my first spell?"