Me and my sister, Dahlia Claybrook, the main Villainess of the story "Love Orgy" which I amazingly reincarnated into, were preparing to meet Prince Alexander Mikaelson.
That's right, the main capture target of Love Orgy, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who always ends up sending this adorable angel of a sister into a downward spiral of jealousy and heartbreak.
That Prince.
The one my sister somehow, for some reason, always falls in love with.
I wanted to beat him up. If legos existed in this world I would curse him to step on one every time he set his foot on the ground. And have him stub his toe on every corner just for good measure.
Anyway, he's the guy who was supposed to arrive today and we, Dahlia and I, were forced to stand in wait of his arrival. If I hadn't been here I would have missed this opportunity because the visit was such short notice.
Even father hadn't known about this before he recieved the letter the day before. In fact I was the only one who knew about this event, but not the exact date. It's why I chose to stay home despite having other matters to attend to already.
I hadn't been sure when he would come but I couldn't take the risk of missing him so I had to offend that snot-nosed brat Jacob. And bear the consequences of blowing off Sir Kane, but who cared about that? This was all for my sister's sake, after all.
Unlike the rest of my family this meeting held a lot more significance to me personally. lot wanna mess with my Dolly, do you? Send her towards some Bad End? Does the little Heroine want to challenge a few routes? The Prince route? Or perhaps the Teacher route? Maybe the Vice President route? Or the Harem route, even?
Well I have a different route in mind: The Villainess X Prince Ultra Love And Happiness Route!
This was completely going against everything the game had planned. To have the Villainess and the Prince get together? What kind of concept was that? No Otome game would allow that kinda bulls.h.i.+t to happen, eh? But that's exactly what I intended to happen!
To that end I knew I had to act as the mediator between the Prince and Dahlia. She was known for her foul mouth and caustic temper in the game.
This was a misunderstanding that I was certain stemmed purely from a bad speaking habit of her's that she'd picked up during childhood.
It had to be, because the setting was that she lost any good will the Prince had for her pretty early on in their relations.h.i.+p.
Even though she eventually fell in love with the guy it was never communicated properly, likely due to the condition worsening as they aged.
In short, she was kinda a tsundere? So it was my job to be not just a mediator, but also the translator!
I would weasel my way into the Prince's good graces and slowly make him understand the true G.o.d-given luck he has to be the marriage partner of this cute sister of mine!
And so, fifteen minutes later, my first meeting with the Prince began.
Me: *Smiles* "You know the price of cheating, don't you?"
The Prince: *Sweats*
Some time earlier.
We stood in front of our house's foyer, a staircase on either side of us, with my mother's hands resting firmly on my sister's shoulder. Vera and her mother stood near them, Vera being right by my side but a little behind
Father and Baz stood at my other side, Baz also behind us.
Speaking of father, no one spoke about what happened to him that day or what they'd talked about but Mother had been treating him coldly ever since.
"Remember," Father began for the third time. "The Prince will make you his Queen someday. You have to be on your best behaviour and make a good impression. None of those snide remarks."
He was referring to her habit of saying mean things sometimes when she opened her mouth.
Things like, "Please don't touch me with your filthy hands you pile of whale s.h.i.+t." Or, "Your existence is both unneeded and unwanted, please quietly die in a corner you maggot."
These were not, however, words full of malice. She didn't even understand what she was saying at all.
It was all because of Aloe Vera here.
I cut her a glance. Which she noticed. And then avoided, whistling innocently.
I saw a bead of sweat roll down her cheek. While her impa.s.sive face gave nothing away, her body remembered.
Remembered the Devil's Left I'd dealt her rear the first time I'd heard Dolly cuss.
"Ahem." She coughed lightly, ill at easy under my gaze.
It was the reason why she held herself back in my presence.
The girl had SUCH a rotten personality. If her mother didn't spank her, allow this big bro to do it instead. I'm completely not against smacking unruly children into obedience!
I really wasn't sure what could have made the girl so malicious either, not that it mattered.
Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's early menopause.**
Anyway since she was Dolly's best friend and personal attendant the girl had long since picked up on this habit and it just popped out of her sometimes.
She would even smile angelicly as she denied your worth so it was even more destructive than when it came with Vera's cold eyes of disdain.
Dolly herself didn't really realize what she was doing or why it was wrong, such was her degree of shelteredness.
Even if you said what father just did and directly pointed it out she would just get this blank look on her face and agree.
As for Vera, no one chastised her. Mary was a good friend of mother since "way back". They were a bit special so Vera's foul mouth went unchecked.
"Don't worry Father. I'll be good."
"I hope so." Father popped a grape into his mouth with a perfectly calculated arc. "And you, Damien, you bahave too. Don't go causing any trouble, alright?
"Fine, fine. I understand." I held up my hands.
Honestly, it wasn't fair. I mean to be perfectly honest I felt like I was a pretty decent bloke. Other people just pushed me to do bad things.
I was petty, too, so maybe that had something to do with it. Tolerance? What's that, can you eat it?
"I'll hold you to that." And he just went back to staring dead ahead at the door.
I pulled at my s.h.i.+rt's collar.
As this was a special occa.s.sion I even took care of my appearance more than usual. It wasn't anything ostentatious, I just opted for a simple navy-blue colored dress s.h.i.+rt, a soft black vest and an open dark grey coat sporting polished silver b.u.t.tons. A black tie was neatly tucked underneath the vest while matching pants and knee-high black boots completed the ensemble.
It might have seemed a bit underwhelming compared to other n.o.bles but to me it was perfect. Trying to look flashy would just have the opposite effect, you know? I liked the style in any case. It gave off a very cool image. I never really got used to dressing up since I never wore these kinda clothes in my past life but Damien had the good looks of both his mother and father so it fit well with his face.
...Odd. When did I start thinking of it as "his" face? I'd been the one living with it all these years. I suppose it was different now, though. Before it was like becoming someone completely new. Now it felt like I had just taken over the lease of someone else's car.
I wasn't quite sure whether to think of myself as me or think of myself as that hateful guy from the game.
I then remembered what kinda guy this dude was and my mood fouled up immensely. f.u.c.k, no way am I actually that spiteful, no good wastrel! This is just spectating someone else's game! With some control. Yeah. He was an avatar, that was it! I don't even control his backstory...
I denied myself with great vehemence.
Hm, but it was good Damien had nice specs a least, he really pulled off the whole Young Master look. Not to toot my own horn or anything but "I" definitely got better-looking the more you saw me.
It's just that unlike the original Damien, my face face was a bit indifferent. But we already know that. Good thing about that though was that my poker face is unmatched.
Still...d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d, who was the boy crazed idiot who designed you, huh? What's the smug smile for? Feel superior just cuz you're a little good-looking, is it?
f.u.c.k, are you making fun of us bachelor dogs? If your face wasn't my own I'd mess it up till even our mother couldn't recognize you!
Some may think my hate for the kid, and therefore myself, is too excessive. To them I'd say wait till the little s.h.i.+t grows up and takes all your hard-won heroines away, see how much pity you have from him then!
To know why I hate this Damien character, first you gotta know a bit of background.
You have to understand, Love Orgy not only the t.i.tle of the game. It was the t.i.tle of the series. It was a whole world unto itself and the game with Dolly and the Prince was just the first. It had sp.a.w.ned numerous other t.i.tles all part of the same world.
But most of the t.i.tles were standalone and gave little information about the goings-on of the world at large.
That is, except one. One which tied directly into the first game and continued into it's own storyline which could impact the future of the series as a whole.
This was the sixth, and newest by the time I'd died back then, installment. Featuring a male Hero, a gal game of much infamy.
In that game you played as a young man who was ordained by the G.o.ddess of Light as the Chosen. You were sent to the frontlines near the Demon Continent to combat the dark forces of the Demon King as a weapon to be used in the war effort.
it was not known why this war happened since the Demons and Humans had friendly relations for a little over a century by the time the events of the game took place.
Whatever the case was there, that was the gist of it. It was a very generic game that had little going for it except the excellent s.e.x scenes and harem characters.
But while it was a direct sequel, it did not have many reoccuring characters that you'd have seen from the first game. Or they'd be minor characters if anything.
There was one in particular, though, who was decidedly well-known.
Who was it? Yup. You guess right. It was Damien Claybrook. Brother to the Villainess of the first game.
It was his appearance that you'd dread most in the sixth game, much more than any of the Bosses.
Why? Well...
Suffice it to say that if you did something to make this Damien b.a.s.t.a.r.d angry...which was very easy to do...he totally cucks you.
You've not know true anger and injustice until some NPC comes along and forces you to watch him bang your heroines on your own bed. Servicing and being serviced.
It was a virtual reality game too so it just made the entire thing that much worse. Took the Love Orgy name to a whole new extreme.
And THAT'S why I dislike the guy. I always hated that f.u.c.ker since, come on, what'd I ever do to you? No need to be such a d.i.c.k.
And even his dialogue with you was so hostile. People a.s.sumed he was just bitter after what happened to his sister but I dunno. He didn't seem quite so petty in the previous game.
...No, lets not relive those dark days...
Ahem. Anywho, as a boy of 14 meeting his sister's fiance for the first time it was a good thing to look both presentable and fas.h.i.+onable. In the world of n.o.bles it was all about image and I didn't want to give an impression of an awkward child who only wore what was picked out for him to others.
Not that I could compare to Dolly. She looked especially welcoming, I had to admit. Her dress was a frilly, dark-purple colored thing with a tight bodice and thickly layered skirt that looked like a downturned teacup.
Her face had small amounts of expertly-done makeup that enhanced her natural beauty, with black eyeliner which allowed her magnificent blues to be even more noticible and alluring.
They took her hair and made it into a loose updo that accentuated her high, delicate features. Her face was framed by strands of vibrant blonde curls.
She also showed off a pair of black pearl earings with a matching black pearl necklace which hung off--and brought attention to--a slender, swan-like neck. Both mother had to lend her for the occasion.
She was well and truly prettied up, a picture of elegance and refined beauty. But I didn't think she needed it. My cute little sis would look breathtaking in whatever she wore.
Of course she didn't like any of it. She tightly gripped the back of my arm, probably feeling ill at ease. This sister of mine, she wasn't that good at meeting new people. Probably.
"Day, I'm hungry." Of course.
"Here." I took out a cookie from my pocket and fed it to her dotingly, patting her on the head as she accepted it.
Oh just look at her nibbling it up like a little bunny rabbit...
More head pats, head pats for days!
"You're going to get her fat." Vera spoke.
"Then she'll be the cutest little piggy in the land." I pinched Dolly's cheek. It was impossible not to.
Vera gave it more thought. "Actually if she became a piggy maybe the Prince wouldn't like her and call off the--"
I immediately s.n.a.t.c.hed the cookie away.
"Dolly, no one likes piggies. Tomorrow we'll start a diet, alright?"
Vera was not pleased. Neither was Dolly. She watched me eat the cookie in one big bite with a look of deep betrayal.
I'm sorry, Dolly! This is for your own good!
Although you never got an ounce of fat no matter how much you ate before, but still!
Five minutes later.
"Young Master, be honest, if you distract mother do you think we'll be able to make it to the window?" Vera asked in a hushed whisper.
Did she plan to take Dolly and run away?
I considered. "No, wouldn't work. They've got people everywhere, how far do you think you'd be able to get before you're caught? Plus they already locked the windows. Give up."
She tsked irritably. "Annoying." The girl muttered. "I don't see why we have to go through all this. Aren't they just trying to sell her off? They really don't love that daughter of theirs."
They can probably hear you, you know that right?
As Dolly's big brother myself, how could I not know how she, Vera, was feeling? This girl, too, was like Dolly's sister. And though slightly younger she was obviously the more mature of the two. She was very elder-sister like and her worrying about the situation was more than understandable.
But I only gave a secret smile, knowing full well that once Dolly met the prince and got to know him she'd be as love-sick as she was during the game. So there was no need for Vera to act like this on her behalf.
I told her as much, too. She wasn't comforted at all.
"She'll like him, I'm sure. Don't worry. He is a Prince, after all. "
She gave me a suspicious stare as if wondering how I could possibly be supporting this.
A snort. "A bird in a gilded cage is still at best a pet, at worst a slave."
They were words insightful beyond her years. How cynical.
Mother and Father noticed our interaction but neither showed any indication of wanting to reprimand her
I could only turn and clap her shoulder in silent support.
Though it felt like she's not the one who should be needing this...
I saw Dolly out of the corner of my eye.
Don't worry, dearest sister, you'll absolutely love the Prince!
I quietly rea.s.sured her in my mind, momentarily ignoring the existence of the Heroine who wanted to destroy her happiness.
Thinking such things, just as the doors were opening, a voice announced the prince's arrival.
"Introducing His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Alexander, and Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte."
My cheek twitched.
Hold up....