"My father, Prince Callum, was the same. By the time he met my mother he was already married to a Wolf tribe woman. The two engaged in an affair right up until Cedric, my father's older sibling and Crown Prince of the Fenrir Royal Family, died of illness that'd ailed him for a long time. After that things took a turn for the worst. The reason being the events that followed. See, his death meant that 2nd Prince Callum was next in line for the throne and so he became required to sire an heir. Unfortunately his wife was unable to give him one. My mother? She on the other hand was quite fertile and so he openly revealed their relations.h.i.+p after she became pregnant. "
Minerva explained slowly.
I could already tell where this was going and I didn't like it one bit.
"You have to understand. Like I said before, it's hard to differentiate between the different tribes by appearance alone. But hostilities between tribes still existed. Especially between the Wolf tribe and Feline tribe, who were large in number and didn't follow the Fenrir Family's rule."
"Still, because it was so hard to tell who was from what tribe if you hid yourself well enough it was possible to go undetected by yourself. My mother was one of those people. She'd left her own tribe for another's, hid herself deep and eventually struck gold in a foreign land. She found romance with a Prince and was supposed to become the mother of a King's child. You'd think that it was a pretty happy end for them, right? That everything just worked out? But it wasn't, and didn't. Because of me, because of my mutations."
"They were an instant indication of my mother's true origins." She wrung her hands together nervously. "I mean that was bad enough. Even if some day they found out she was a Feline tribesman they could have still hid her ident.i.ty. But with these things?" Her ears wiggled enticingly, begging to be touched. "They couldn't hide that. I was already a half-breed. They couldn't accept me being a mutant too. If I'd had wolf ears perhaps things would be different. Even if I were a mutant at the very least the fact I was only a half-breed could have stayed hidden." A regretful sigh. "My mother knew their rules but thought she could fool them. If I wasn't born with these things, with these kind of ears, maybe she could have."
"Things didn't happen the way she wanted them to though. After I was born they forced the 2nd Prince to leave my mother. They were sickened by her for giving birth to a mutant. Couldn't stand her presence. I never saw her growing up. Only King Callum, my father, was the reason I was kept around. After he died too, that changed. The Fenrirs sent me away, wanting nothing to do with me, and I became the servant to the Asmodian's 3rd Princess, Lady Serena Asmodai."
"She was older than me by quite a few years. She was not kind, exactly, but she tolerated me. I don't know if she felt the same but I thought of her as a friend. My only friend. That's why when she decided to run away from her home and settle down in a human Kingdom, I followed."
"Eventually she met a young Count from a small n.o.ble family. She disguised herself well and became a tutor of his younger brother. Over time the young Count fell in love with her. But she, by then, already had her eye on a strapping blacksmith's son from one town over. After a year or two of secret courting she became pregnant with his child. Evelyn." She rubbed Evie's head lovingly. "Sadly the blacksmith's son disappeared from her life some time before she realized her condition. Not wanting to raise a child alone without a father she readily accepted the Count's affections and claimed Evie as his child. Like my mother, her own deception didn't last long either. She planned to use spells she'd learned from her family to change Evie's appearance to resemble that of the Count. But she...she, died. Only three years after giving birth to Evie. Then the magic she used to hide my ears and change Evie's looks disappeared."
"The Count flew into a rage. He kicked us both out of his home and we spent the next several years on our own. It was hard. I tried my best to hide my mutations but sometimes they slipped out. And Evie, well, she wasn't like her mother. She was special. The Asmodai bloodline ran strong in her and she couldn't show her face without causing others to lose control of their senses. We left that Country for this one after the King went insane and started a ma.s.sacre. We traveled with other immigrants here before one of the large n.o.ble Families, the Claybrooks, funded a city-building project to help house the deserters. It was nice. But then Evie's face got revealed. Specifically to the man who led the project back then. He then tried to...Um. That. Oh, I did manage to call for help in time before things got bad though. It's just that it drew a lot of attention and it wasn't long till people started asking questions. Then, again, my mutations came to light and people started getting restless around us. I feared the worst after I started receiving threatening letters so moved us further into the Kingdom where Lord Barnabus eventually found us. By that time he was already our fourth Master."
And the long, sad backstory of these two "Princesses" were revealed.
Several things: First off, how tragic! Imagining all those things....I felt my eyes mist up just a little. It was only briefly explained but they still got you right in the kokoro.
Second: They were with that group back then? Dammit! How could fate be so cruel?! I could have taken them in a long time ago! How old was I then? Like, 10? Evie would be maybe 7 or 8? And Minvera's 18 so she'd be like 14 or something...d.a.m.n that was young to be raising a kid!
Their lives had been so hard!
d.a.m.n you, G.o.ds! How dare you put them through such miseries! Thats it, ya'll done earned yourself a place on the purge list! See how I erase you from history, hmph.
Third: I just went for a walk and picked up two princesses.
...Look at me. I'm the protagonist now.
Mother was sitting on the in front of the two with an annoyed look.
"That cheeky brat...I thought she was...hmph, lying to me like that...the nerve."
I didn't get what she was angry about. I was too busy thinking a few things myself.
Like, that name. Evelyn. That sounded REAAALLLY familiar. And the whole "Asmodai" thing. In my old world that had something to do with a demon of l.u.s.t, right?
So like, was she basically a succubus then? Explains the reason she covers her face. And the odd reaction of the Prince, plus that "curse" stuff she mentioned.
I mean it was no wonder men would go crazy for her. In the future if she learned how to master those abilities she'd be able wrap any man around her finger.
Even without them though she'll definitely be a beauty when she-
Hold up.
Evelyn...blonde locks, red eyes...
Nah. Couldn't be...
I stared at Evie, who returned it unblinkingly.
"It is you!" I thought, and nearly jumped up in shock.
The Heroine! Evie was the Heroine! Mein Gott!
I couldn't believe it.
How did it take me so long to figure out?! It all made sense now! So THAT'S why the Prince in the game was so obsessed over her! She cast dark magics over him!
Now I understood why she was able to so easily get all the guys she wanted. All she had to do was look at them and they'd be all over her like bees to honey!
f.u.c.k. Maybe all so-called Heroines in these Otome games had secret succubi powers too. Would explain a whole lot, eh?
But what the f.u.c.k, Evie? You don't look like that kinda b.i.t.c.h at all! What made you become such a filthy thot, huh?
Wait. No. Let's think about it. Evie couldn't be the Heroine, it didn't make sense. In the game Evelyn was the daughter of a commoner household.
She was most certainly never said to be a Princess. It was never even hinted at, not once. And she had healing powers, which was aligned with the Light attribute.
Demons being able to do that didn't make a lick of sense either.
No, forget that a moment.
I thought back to Barney. That guy...
Like I said to Minnie, they woulda probably died without me. Or, Minnie would've died, most likely. But Evie, if she was the Heroine, would have survived.
Maybe she was found by someone after being dumped and ended up being adopted? That could work.
But Dolly always got bad endings. That had to be because Evie pushed for that to happen. I mean Vera gave Dolly a bad mouth but thats not something the Prince, given his att.i.tude in the game, would find so offensive as to exile or kill her for.
She was the daughter of a great House, after all. No way he was that dumb...I really always felt like that was a huge plot hole. The way he punished her didn't go with his character at all. Despite everything, she was a n.o.ble. His Fiance. Logically speaking he would have to handle it more delicately? He'd be seen as a monster otherwise, lose the trust of the people. Never a good thing.
He'd been depicted as a smart cookie in-game. So how could he have dealt with the matter so sloppily?
Evelyn was likely the one who pushed for him to do those things to Dolly, right? That must've been the case, there's no other reasonable explanation that I can think of.
But why would she do that? She had no reason to push the Prince into sentencing Dolly with such horrible ends.
Or, no. Perhaps it wasn't about Dolly?
I got a revealation as soon as I thought that. Maybe it was about Minnie! Come to think of it, she would've originally died after covering for Evie! Evie broke a bottle of wine meant as a gift for the King and Barney used that as an excuse to get rid of them.
But Minnie had it worse, she would've been used as a test dummy for some a.s.shole kid. She'd have been basically tortured to death.
Was it very hard to think that Evie grew up to hate n.o.bles, and the King, for what happened to the only mother, and even sister, she'd ever known?
f.u.c.k, that was dark! I thought this was supposed to be a fluff story! But maybe she'd been using the Prince as a puppet all along!
Dolly in the game loved the Prince. She got in the Heroine's way every chance she got. That woulda p.i.s.sed the Heroine off. She may have hated n.o.bles to begin with, Dolly being so stubbornly antagonistic would've made Heroine even angrier. Or even if not, Evelyn could've wanted to be rid of her just due to Dolly being an obstacle.
The Prince route was the default route, the "true" route. This may be because the Heroine wanted to...I dunno, get back at the King? He did indirectly cause Minnie's sad end, after all.
Like not really but Evie probably wouldn't be thinking rationally, she could just have wanted to get back at everyone even the tiniest bit involved. Or actually maybe she saw a chance and wanted to use the Prince's power to later on crush the Baron's family.
There were probably many factors that went into her doing the things she did. But they all boiled down to spite and revenge.
This didn't explain her role as the Saintess, however. If she truly is a Demon Princess, her having the power of healing would be truly very rare indeed. Not even one in a billion.
Dammit. It was all so complicated, my brain's tired just thinking about all the possible reasons and explanations.
....Oh f.u.c.k it all.
All I know is that there's a cute, innocent loli and a cute, busty, adorable cat-girl in need of some love and care.
I never planned on fighting the Heroine anyway. All I cared about was Dolly being happy. I'll try pus.h.i.+ng her with the Prince to achieve that, but if it don't happen then it don't happen.
I won't stress over it!
And as long as Evie doesn't grow up to be a b.i.t.c.hy thot, I don't care what she is! Right now she was just a loli, and you just don't mess with a loli.
Unless they're Vera. Then they need discipline.
Plus she was my future daughter-in-law...If things go as I hope. Ahem. I ignored other, more nagging questions that I had in my head and went on with with my day.
Meanwhile mother was still in a bad mood.
"Alright, I get the picture. Fate is a truly mysterious thing." She rubbed her temples. "I can't believe how things turned out. To think that guy can just stroll along a sidewalk and pick up girls with Royal bloodlines. No wonder he doesn't have a nose for gold and silver, the kid's got a sense for other kinds of treasure. Well. I guess that's a good thing? Not to mention one of them is the daughter of the little chick I helped out from way back then. Ugh. Whatever. It's not like I can just send you back to the Asmodais without them asking a few annoying questions. That brat, I thought she was barren! Now we've got an untrained succubus in the middle of a human Kingdom. I gotta say, you're lucky you're with us, kid." She pinched Evie's cheek. " We aren't affected by your Charm. And I can help you control your abilities, that way you don't get molested some day. You even know how dangerous it is for young Asmodians to be walking around with their powers not under their control, huh? Your kind can manipulate the hearts and minds of men and women if you only know how, but if you don't you're basically destined for...hm." She stopped. "Suffice it to say your ancestors were pretty wild."
She smiled.
"But what about you...Minerva, was it? What are you to do around here? Be a maid? That would be best since this little one seems attatched to you already, but...an inferior race hanging around my domain like this feels a bit..." A frown. "Unclean."
I couldn't believe my ears.
The rage was instant.
"Oh h.e.l.l no. You'd best take that back, old lady." I glowered.
She raised a brow. The whole room went dead-silent. The calm before the storm
"Excuse me?" Her tone was downright chilling.
But the righteous flames in my heart burn eternal!
"You don't be talking about my future wife like that, ya hear me?"
Minnie, who'd been sipping quietly on a gla.s.s of tea with downcast eyes, almost coughed up a lung.
"W-Wife?" She stammered.
Mother silenced her with a single look. Then turned her eyes towards me once more. "I know you have your...fetishes, son. So if you want to play around with her then that's fine. But wife? Don't be ridiculous. Look at her. I can't allow you to marry a mutant like this, it's simply not possible. Neither I nor your father can accept such a disgusting idea."
I waited calmly until she was done.
Then I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing.
The actions confused her. "What on earth are you doing, son?"
All I said in reply was, "After I'm done with this I'm gonna have to change my name to Bruce Wayne."
"What?" A confused tilt of the head. "Son, sometimes I really have no idea what you're talking about.
Sinners need not understand.
"I'm not your son anymore." My words were sharp and merciless, not budging at all.
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. He needs to stand for what he believes in, got that? Even if the one standing against him is his own flesh and blood!
"Don't be so dramatic."
""I don't know you anymore."
"...H-Hey now..."
"Don't talk to me."
"S-Son, wait, please..."
"I told you, I'm not your son."
She flinched. "L-Listen, there's just things you don't unders--"
"Good-bye, Miss. Have a nice life."
I was already ushering my (future)wife and child out the door.
Dolly, I'll come back for you!
The girl in question was watching everything unfold with unreadable eyes. Probably because she didn't understand anything that was going on.
Mother grew exasperated. "Oh fudge! Fine! Have it your way!" She grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "I didn't want to put this on you until you were older, but so be it!"
She looked me dead in the eye.
"Son, you're a Dragon."