Miya's lips curled into a snarl, and she almost swore under her breath. It was necessary to maintain her expression though. So she steeled her face and glared at the bald old gumball sitting before her.
After being threatened out, she had been pushed into a black limousine parked near the mansion. And now, she was being driven somewhere.
There were five men around her, four of them undoubtedly bodyguards. One was the a.s.sh*le who had held the gun to her back, the other three with similar physiques sat in front. They were all tall, burly men who were well armed.
One sat broodingly to her side.
The leader, Thad Carver, also sat before her, in the midst of the three guards.
It wasn't anything else, it was just the face of that b.a.s.t.a.r.d that made Miya's own expression go black.
He was a short old man, his belly protruding out to the point that it resembled a giant football. He had short hands, even shorter legs, and he smelled of smoke and women's perfume. He was sweating profusely, even though the air conditioning had been turned on to a maximum high.
It was that exact, useless demeanour of his that p.i.s.sed off the girl.
Miya was used to thugs, villains and sc.u.mbags. And the ones that got on her nerves were sh*tbags like these. The ones with zero ability, whose only power came from ten burly idiots guarding them like dogs.
She kept herself in check though.
The only weapon she carried right now was a simple pocket knife. And seeing that these men were well armed, she didn't dare act recklessly. She was only here to lure the old freak anyhow.
So putting on her best smirk, she greeted in a snide voice.
"Mr. Carver."
The old gumball looked at her from head to toe, his gaze rapid. Then his face turned to an angry frown, and he howled, "What do you know?!"
That startled Miya somehow, but she didn't let it show. But the old idiot's nervous face and first words had let his emotions slip.
He was more afraid of what she knew about Rebecca's existence, than he was curious for information on the Hunters.
Miya's smirk widened.
She might have been at a disadvantage, since her hand was bleeding and it wasn't really worth it, for she had been shoved into a car. The blood as tracks would be of no use now. Not to mention, she had hurt her right hand. But, this man.
She knew she could kick his a.s.s.
"A lot of things," she said in her calmest voice, "What in particular are you asking for, Thad?"
Thad Carver's face turned to filth.
"Do not address me by first name, little girl!" he lashed out in a threatening voice, "And tell me what you know about the Hunters… and Rebecca Storm!"
"That's what I offered to discuss. Until you had a gun shoved into my back."
"You were the one who made the call. I have my methods." Carver was getting agitated.
"And I have mine."
Thad's expression darkened, and for a second Miya felt like he would lean over and clutch at her throat. The gumball did no such thing though. He gave her his best possible glare though, which frankly was as useless as him. Plus, she had practice.
She had survived the glowers of both the Chairman and his son, after all.
Carver looked at her, and his eyes went dark.
"You don't seem to understand the situation you are in, little girl," he said, "If you don't answer me soon, I'll have you chopped to death."
Miya's voice went ice, and she smiled darkly.
As soon as the word left her mouth, Miya pulled out the knife from the belt of her dress. Then grabbing the left hand of the bodyguard sitting beside her, with her right, she simply slit his wrist.
Her action had been sudden, rapid. Before anyone could know what was happening, Miya had bent down and pulled out the gun tucked freely at the bodyguard's waist. She then lifted herself up and simply pointed it at Carver's face.
The entire sequence of events took place in barely five seconds.
It was only when it was over, that the car was filled with the screams of the bodyguard.
Miya's face spread into a mirthless smile.
The three guards seated to the sides of Carver had all simultaneously pulled out their guns too. They all pointed them at Miya. Thad Carver had simply froze, like the useless being he was.
Her next words were almost ecstatic.
"They could shoot me right now," she said with a deep smile, "But I a.s.sure you, mine will hit before. Willing to bet your life, Thad?"
The old man's sweating increased to thrice as much. He looked gormlessly at the three guards and then at Miya. Beside the little girl, the other guard was still clutching at his slit wrist and howling, looking paler by the second.
Carver didn't speak. So Miya took her turn.
"Throw me your phone, Thad. Unlock it. And ask your boys to hand over their guns."
With his hands s.h.i.+vering out of fright, the man took out his phone and threw it over in her lap. He signalled the guards to throw over their guns.
As the three men threw their guns in her lap too, Miya picked up the phone and smiled. Her one hand kept pointing at Carver's head. She opened up the voice recorder. From the corner of her eyes, she also noticed movement. Miya lowered the gun from the man's head, all the while looking into the phone.
Then, she shot.
Carver yelped in shock, as the bullet grazed by his right ear and pitted into the seat behind.
Miya didn't look up.
"Just in case your boys want to take out their other guns. Or breathe. It's annoys me."
The girl's uninterested voice landed Carver into hysteria. He clutched at his ear, which had begun to bleed slightly and howled, "Shut up! Don't move! You a.s.sh*les! Do you want me to get killed?!"
Miya noticed the guards' expressions go stiff. They nodded at their boss.
"Now," she said again, placing the phone in her lap. She picked up another gun, switched hands, and pointed one at Carver's head again, and the other at the guard beside her, just in case he tried to get smart.
"Tell me what happened to Rebecca."
Thad Carver froze.
Miya didn't bother to speak. She only had to s.h.i.+ft the gun to his left ear, when the man noticed the movement. His words came out in a frenzy.
"She's alive! I sent her to Country S! She's there! She's alive!"
Miya's face spread into a smile.
"Then why did you announce to the public that she died, when you took over the Toby-Freeman Publications?"
The rest was easy talk.
Miya kept the man speaking, trembling for around six minutes. All this while though, she only got him to confess on what he had done with Rebecca. She didn't mention the drug cartel.
Because believe it or not, she knew it in her gut that this person could not be the owner of a drug trafficking business spread over in three countries. He was much too easy to break. In fact, she was sure this gumball was simply a p.a.w.n.
Or lesser.
As Miya settled comfortably while Carver blurted out apologies and the same tale that she had heard thrice by now, a familiar rush went through her veins. A slight s.h.i.+ver went down her body, and she realized it had been a while since she had held a gun.
The only times she had been violent since meeting Jimmy had been when they were attacked near her apartment, and her fight with Rebecca.
Both times, there had been people around.
People she cared about.
Right now, she was alone. And she felt the rush of the fight come back to her.
She was reminded of her dark years, and it made her sick to the core. But somehow, she knew she had missed holding a gun.
And treating sc.u.mbags for who they were. That too, she had missed.
Carver was almost done confessing, and Miya couldn't help but sigh. The plan was supposed to be simple. She was supposed to remind him of herself, that she had been present in the Freeman family for a while and how she had caught up on Rebecca. It was just supposed to be domination by herself and subsequently by Rebecca's entry. Thad could have confessed live, there were media people and his enemies all around in the party.
The task would have been less of a pain in the a.s.s.
But, the fool had had to abduct her.
Once all was done, and she had sufficient proof, Miya confirmed as to where they were going.
Thad informed her of how they were roaming about in the Hunter estate itself, towards the back and the unattended areas where they could dodge the security cameras.
It was foolish to the point that Miya wanted to shoot Carver's brains off.
But obviously, she confirmed it now. He couldn't be a drug overlord.
He couldn't have been a dealer even. He didn't have the b.a.l.l.s.
He was just a pompous a.s.s sitting between guards. A cunning cheat, at max.
Miya got the car pulled over, and then jumped outside. Before she did so though, she ordered one of the guards to tie up the remaining people in the car. When the guard was done, she tied him up at gunpoint.
The one with the cut wrist hadn't dared to move since then. His face had turned pale though, and he was panting. Miya tore at the hem of her dress, then grabbed the man's hand and with a single hand of hers had wrapped the cloth around his wrist expertly.
"I cut your artery deep enough for you to bleed to death in exactly fifteen minutes," she told him coldly, as the man looked at the girl with a drained face, "Thankfully, I used up only eight. There's a hospital nearby. Drive fast."
It was exactly then, that she jumped out of the car.
The bodyguard was quick to get out too, as he rushed to the driver's seat, pushed the chauffeur aside, took the steering wheel in his hands and drove away.
When the car moved further away, Miya couldn't help but sag in relief.
She held the phone with the voice recording, and the four guns in her hands. Her own palm was still bleeding from the cut earlier. But the thing was, the deal was done.
It was mission accomplished.
So Miya simply followed the next orders. Technically, she was supposed to call Mr. Simon Hunter once the confession was made. Under different circ.u.mstances, yes, but the confession had still been made.
Miya made the call.
Inside a video room, Simon Hunter's phone rang.
The old man was sitting at the edge of his seat, staring into a similar model 88-inch screen that his son liked to use. A satisfied smile was plastered on his lips.
Of course, he had bugged the daughter-in-law's dress.
He had expected Thad Carver to play cheap, honestly. He had figured it had happened, when moments later, he had turned around, only to see that Miya wasn't in the corner that she had been standing in. Not to mention, he had noticed the blood marks.
This girl was good.
Very good.
She didn't know she had a b.u.t.ton camera on her dress, so the old man had rushed to see where she had been taken. She also didn't know that as he watched the sequence of events play out in the car on a screen, he had dispatched a hundred men for her protection. He had even placed out snipers.
Of course the fool Thad Carver couldn't have left the Hunter manor. Simon had placed orders that no one would leave before midnight.
With all honesty, the Chairman hadn't expected the girl to be this good too. He knew about her, but he had been worried sick that she'd be harmed in those circ.u.mstances.
And yet, all she had needed was a knife to turn things around.
He liked her. He liked her very much.
He couldn't really believe it, but for the first time, Jimmy had found a gem.
Two rare gems, actually.
So when the old Chairman's phone buzzed, he wasn't surprised. In fact, it made him feel kind, when he heard her voice.
"It's done, Chairman," Miya said.
Simon Hunter grinned.
She didn't have to have the voice recording. He already had the camera. She also didn't have to worry about that guard she hurt. His men would have taken care of that.
His nerves were of steel, but he was moved.
"What did I tell you to call me?" he said calmly.
Miya heard the words of the Chairman and rolled her eyes.
Then very politely, she said, "Father, The ordeal is over. I have evidence. But… I didn't talk to Carver about the drug business or Rivqah. I met him, and… I don't think he is the drug overlord."
That piece of information made the old man flinch, and he beamed.
Really… could he have her instead?
As his heir?
The Chairman's next words were pure satisfaction.
"Good, dear. I found out too. I'm sending over someone to fetch you."
The other end of the phone went silent for a while, before the girl spoke again.
"Do you know then… who it is, behind the trafficking?"
Simon didn't speak. He deliberated for seconds, but then decided the news was too heavy to break to her when she was injured and ragged. So he said instead,
"I do. But I can't tell you there. Come back. We'll talk."
With that, he ended the line.
On the other end, Miya sighed.
At least the trouble was over for now.