Miya sulked unhappily, as the older girl twirled her about, trying to adjust her dress.
She didn't like it at all, the blue fluffy looking gown that Becky was forcing her into. Becky was also pulling at Miya's hair curling it at the bottom and putting powder on her face.
Miya coughed, creeped out instantly.
"Becky," she said in revolt, "This is so stupid. What are you planning? And why should I go to the party? And this dress sucks!"
Becky laughed.
"I'm just glad mother didn't get me a pink one. And this one's not so bad, little one. It's a good colour, it's called royal blue."
"Okay, but why are you putting make up on me? It makes me want to faint!"
"Because you have to get dolled up in order for the plan to work. Now quiet! You're making me lose focus.�� Becky had begun to paint the girl's lips red.
Miya made a face.
"I don't care about the plan," she said in one final try. Becky smirked.
"It's going to be fun, punk. Stop whining now."
That was Miya's last effort. She then closed her mouth and let Becky carry out her plan.
Downstairs, Jimmy Hunter was standing in a corner with a gla.s.s of wine in his hand. He was wearing a black tuxedo paired with a black tie. He was the very image of breath taking beauty wrapped in a cold exterior right then.
He gave the hall a glance, looking unimpressed.
The Chairman had dragged him to this party tonight, saying that it was important. Jim had paid his respect to the Freeman couple and was now not to be bothered.
To be honest, he was not much of a party person. And he didn't really care about the Freemans. He had just joined the financial department of Hunter Corporation, and so had had the chance to look at the Toby-Freeman Publis.h.i.+ng House's books.
With all due respect, they sucked at business.
Jimmy sipped on the wine quietly, bored. He had done his research, and there was nothing that interested him at this place. Except of course, that girl that he kept hearing about.
Rebecca Freeman Storm.
He had heard rumours about how useless an heir she was. And it amazed him, that a lady from a respectable family could ever be bred bad. So, he wanted to meet her and make his own observation.
After all, half of what you hear in his world was always c.r.a.p.
The party had started a long time before.
Honestly, Jim thought it was stupid, a masquerade party. It wasted too much time, and he would rather go back and finish some of his work. But he couldn't voice his opinion, so he too had put on a simple black mask that covered his eyes and part of his nose.
Then, he waited silently in a corner, wondering if anything interesting would at all happen.
Becky had meanwhile pulled some strings with the servants of the house.
"Miya!" she said excitedly, giving the smaller girl a final glance, "I've found out. That Jimmy Hunter is in a plain black tuxedo and a simple mask! Oh, this is perfect. It's not at all hard to arrange. Miya, this is going to be so much fun!"
Miya's face scrunched up.
She enjoyed fooling around in the neighbourhood with Becky, but this she didn't approve of.
"Becky," she said indignantly, "What are you planning? And why are you so concerned about this Jimmy Hunter?"
Becky rolled her eyes.
"Stop being a wuss, little one. And I don't give a rat's a.s.s about Jimmy Hunter. He's just part of my plan to make my life a bit easier!"
"What are you going to do?"
Becky smiled evilly.
"What I am good at. Creating a ruckus!"
With that, Becky went on and found herself a black tuxedo. She wore it, and then looked back proudly into the mirror.
She herself was only about an inch shorter than the Hunter boy. And she had seen him in the pictures. Their faces were too different, obviously, but with a mask covering half her face and the right make up, she would make a good imitation of Jimmy Hunter.
Not to mention, the lights must have been dimmed by now, and the dance must have begun. She could hear the music upstairs.
n.o.body would notice that she was a fake.
Giving her appearance one final touch, and forcing the lace mask that looked like falling raindrops, on Miya's face, she dragged the little girl to the party.
Meanwhile, Jimmy Hunter was bored to death.
He had had his wine, made minimum conversation, refused sixteen dances and now was walking over to meet his father. He had had enough of this party. He was going back to the Hunter Estate.
Just then though, something caught his eyes.
Miya walked down the staircase nervously, holding up the gown, almost tripping over it in the process. Becky helped her with it, appearing like a proper gentleman. Miya was complaining.
"I look so stupid in this."
Becky rolled her eyes.
"Shut up. You're gorgeous. Do you want me to call Adrian to confirm?"
That ended the conversation, but the frown never left Miya.
"And your plan is stupid."
Becky again rolled her eyes.
"No, its perfect. Come on, Miya! I'll push you to a private corner, where my parents can obviously see you, and I'll pretend to force a kiss. There! The good image of Jimmy Hunter is shattered, he becomes a pervert and I can live at least a month in peace. How cool is that?!"
"It's not cool. It's stupid. But promise you won't kiss me for real? I don't want my first kiss to be you!"
"Yes, promise!"
"And make sure only Uncle and Aunt are looking when you do this. It would be bad to spoil the image of an innocent person publicly."
"Yes, yes. Now don't be such a goody-goody. I'm not an idiot to mess with the heir of Hunter family anyway."
Rebecca helped the girl down.
Just then though, her eyes fell on the gentleman that she was imitating. Jim was looking in their direction, and Becky was instantly nervous. Thinking that if he saw her, she might be found out, Rebecca quickly descended the stairs and hid in the shadows. In the process however, she stepped on Miya's dress.
The girl was already struggling with the fluff around her, and her hair that kept falling to her face. So when Becky accidentally stepped on the dress in her hurry to hide, Miya automatically tripped.
She would have fallen face down, but someone put an arm before her waist.
When Becky saw Miya was about to fall, she ran from her hiding spot for help. Someone else though made their way before.
Jimmy Hunter was just in time, to stop the girl from falling.
It was the blue in her dress that had initially attracted him. And now, he stood at the bottom of the stairs, grabbing the front of her torso as she almost fell over his shoulders. She was standing two stairs above.
Miya breathed a sigh of relief, clutching at the person's shoulder.
Then she quickly regained composure and looked back. The room was only lighted by faint blue ballroom lights. She couldn't really see the person. The mask was familiar. As was the dress. The jaw seemed slightly out of place, but Miya didn't suspect much. She concluded the obvious.
"Becky," she sighed, "Thank you."
With that, the girl let go of Jim's shoulder, and trotted down the stairs clumsily, saying she would say h.e.l.lo to uncle and aunt.
Jim was surprised.
He let the small thing go, but he didn't forget to look back all the way till she had disappeared into the crowd.
Slightly dishevelled, the young boy shrugged.
That girl… well, it had been only for an instant. But he had never seen such striking green eyes.
And somehow, they seemed familiar.
Becky stood in the shadows, barely breathing. She couldn't believe that Jimmy Hunter had rushed to Miya's help! And that little punk couldn't even tell the difference! She thought it was her doing the saving!
Had she really disguised herself that well?
Or was Miya was actually just inattentive?
Just then, Rebecca's phone beeped. She took it out hurriedly, and saw Kasu's number flash. She picked up the call and barked angrily.
A deep voice spoke to her on the other end.
Rebecca's frown just grew filthier by the second. She then glanced at Miya, who was standing with her parents, happily chatting. She was doing fine.
Becky barked again.
"Fine. But I'll be out for just five minutes. Get your f***ing a.s.s out of my place then."
The deep voice chuckled.
Miya made little conversation with the Freemans, clearly nervous. She found it hard to explain to Aunty Meera as to why Becky had not arrived yet. Also, the explanation as to why Miya was wearing her dress. They hadn't held too big a grudge though, because Aunty then simply fawned over how cute Miya looked and if she should simply introduce her as Rebecca to everyone else.
For a moment, Aunty and Uncle seemed to be seriously considering the idea, and that freaked Miya out. So when they were not looking, she simply slipped out.
Miya wasn't very happy with the mask stuck to her face too. It made her feel itchy.
But what p.i.s.sed her off more was that Becky had run away. She couldn't find her anywhere! This girl… what was she planning now?
And what about that stupid plan of hers?
Miya walked out of the house, and to the garden trying to look for Rebecca.
They both had a favourite tree in the garden that Miya loved to climb. Becky simply liked sitting under it. Maybe she had gone there.
Night had fallen heavily, but a bright moon shone through the clouds. The sky was full of stars, and a soft wind blew. The air was filled with echoes of the music playing on inside.
Miya s.h.i.+vered, feeling slightly cold.
Moments later though, she saw the familiar black tuxedo and a smile spread on her lips. Happy to have found the girl, Miya called out.
Jim was about to leave, but then had decided to bide some time in the garden instead. While he was strolling, enjoying the brush of cool wind against his skin, a small voice called out behind him,
Jim froze. He recognized that sound. He turned around slowly, and looked to confirm.
It was indeed the girl.
She was running towards him, looking like a very small mouse of sorts.
G.o.d… how old was she? Eleven?
And why did she keep calling him Becky?
The girl almost stumbled again before reaching him. She steadied herself though, and panted before speaking.
"Becky! Where are you roaming? And why did you leave me alone at the party? It's scary!"
The girl went on some more.
Jimmy didn't move.
He looked at her small stature, her little face. It was half hidden by a beautiful mask, but her eyes were enough to hold his attention.
They were the most beautiful shade of green that he had ever seen, one that reminded him of that roiling, pa.s.sionate green of an ocean during a storm. The green of a forest, after it had rained. A shade that spoke of life and hope, it's very existence seemed to define 'spring'.
"Becky! Now why are you staring?"
Jimmy stood entranced, unable to move his gaze. He took in whatever he could see of the girl's face, and felt something strange in him stir. His heart thudded a little, and his mouth went dry.
Miya felt weird, she wasn't used to being stared at. Moreover, it was Becky! Why was she behaving so strangely?
Just then, Miya heard a familiar voice. She turned around, and saw Uncle and Aunt Freeman coming out of the house, talking rather loudly. Her first instinct was to hide: what if they found her and introduced her as Becky? But then, she altogether was. .h.i.t with another idea.
The girl quickly turned around.
"Becky!" she squealed, "Let's do it now! There's no one around. And Aunty and Uncle are coming this way. This is a good chance!"
Jim frowned a little, not really understanding her. Was the little mouse mistaking him for someone else?
Miya was fired up.
If Becky didn't fake-kiss her now, she'd whine a lot later on, about missing a supposedly golden chance. Miya turned around again, saw the Freemans approaching. And even though they were looking at each other, she and Becky were directly in their line of sight.
So she rushed up again.
"Come on! What are you doing? Kiss me now!"
The words shocked the soul out of Jim, and his eyes shot up in alarm. Albeit his heart began to pound dangerously, he ignored the feeling and simply stared at the girl.
What was she talking about?!
Miya was losing her cool. Was Becky afraid now? But why? It wasn't like it was a real kiss! And really, she wouldn't let the girl back out now. Not when Miya had worn this c.r.a.ppy dress, and put on all kinds of stuff on her face, just to help her out.
Agitated, she said again.
"You're such a wuss! Come on! It's just a kiss!"
Jim's eyes shot up at the word 'wuss'. The little mouse had tapped into his pride now. Not to mention, she was the one asking for it. Of course he was a little hesitant, he had never kissed anyone before. But then again, he had been teased endlessly for that by his friends.
He was about to turn eighteen after all.
Not to mention, for the first time in his life, he found a girl to be cute. Maybe it was the beauty of her eyes, or that trotting walk, or just her small mouth, but he really thought she was beautiful.
Miya was practically holding her head by now.
"Becky," she grumbled heatedly, "Why are you are so annoying? You can't –"
Just then though, the little girl was swept off her feet.
Jim grabbed the girl's wrist as she had begun to mumble something more. He then pulled her towards himself, so that she was pressing hard into his body. He wrapped an arm around her slender waist. His own bottom stiffened, and Jim froze at the sensation.
That too, had never happened before.
But then he looked into her eyes, that were now too close, and lost all sense of place and time. His heart missed a beat, and then started beating harshly against his chest. Miya, who had clutched at the person's chest in alarm, was scared now, when she felt the violent heart beat beneath her fingers.
She trembled in those arms, her lips quivering from an unknown sensation.
Something hard seemed to be pressing against her stomach.
Jim didn't know what came over him.
He traced the side of her face with his thumb, which made her go further numb. Then cupping her face gently, he dipped his head and kissed her lips.
The girl shook violently at the sensation. Jimmy too stopped breathing.
He licked at her lips, and lightly bit at the lower one. The girl gasped at the feeling, and Jim took the chance and prodded his tongue to hers. She s.h.i.+vered again, gasping, and Jim plunged inside.
The kiss went all the way from being gentle like a breeze, to being needy and urgent.
Miya had somehow ended up clutching his collar.
It was only when Jim felt the metallic taste of blood in his mouth that he regained some sense and pulled away.
The girl was out of breath, and so was he. He noticed the stain on her lips, and gently wiped it away. He looked into her eyes with a feeling he didn't know how to define.
"My name," he began –
Just then, Miya heard footsteps. She remembered Aunty and Uncle, the master plan, mission Jimmy Hunter, and finally the kiss. Her mouth fell open in shock. She immediately let go of the collar that she had been clutching, and pulled away.
Her face was filled with horror, and before Jim could complete his sentence, the girl gathered her dress and ran off in the direction of the house.
Miya was on the verge of tears.
Her first kiss! Lost!
She had kissed Becky!
Jim looked at the girl who slipped away from his arms, and ran off again. He couldn't even tell her his name, or ask hers. His heart was still pounding, and he felt a strange sense of loneliness as she went further away. Albeit, he felt as if he had seen it happen before, he didn't give the thought much weight.
His own heart surprised him.
She had now reached to the door. Jim wiped his lips with the back of his hands, remembering the taste of her mouth on his. Somehow, he blushed furiously.
Then nervous as h.e.l.l, he walked away, his heart still thumping in wild uproar.
What the f*** had he done?
Ever since then though, Jimmy Hunter had had a particular type of girl that he liked. Short. Cute.
Just like her.