Except for the difference of the eyes, it had to be true.
He recognized that face… the contours of it, actually, and now that he thought about it, he recognized that face all too well.
It was her.
His heart beat faster, and without a moment further of hesitation, Jim picked up his coat, pulled it roughly across his shoulders, and walked out. He had ordered David to leave Miya before 'Handwritten'… the clothes there were good.
He had to meet her.
Igniting the car, as he roared through the street, Jim was a fl.u.s.ter of a lot of emotions.
He was shocked, surprised, and yet… a strange warmth made home in him. He wasn't a very sentimental person, but the concept of 'fate' right then, made sense to him. Maybe it was just those lousy romance movies he had watched, while training himself to find a bride, that he was suddenly having these thoughts.
But… what kind of a strange coincidence was this?
One that couldn't be faked, was improbable enough as it is… and yet, it had happened!
The young master mentally went over a lot of details, and his heart filled with strange pleasure. And when he finally pulled over before the store, he was practically br.i.m.m.i.n.g with delight.
Would Miya believe it, if he told her now?
And really, would she even remember?
Jim never went into stores himself, unless absolutely necessary, of course. He had most of his clothes sent over by the owners before they were even formally let out in the market. Some were designed exclusively for him, and would be the only ones never let out in an entire series.
So when Junior Hunter walked into this store of 'Handwritten', the staff, including the store owner were ready to pa.s.s out. He paid them no attention, whatsoever, he was too excited for that, and he hurriedly looked around for the wife.
And then, he froze.
His face visibly paled, and anger flashed across his eyes.
It was Simon Hunter.
The Chairman stood in another corner of the store, as he gazed at someone warmly. And in another second, he was patting her head, muttering in the most gentle voice that Jimmy had ever heard.
"Of course," the old man said.
Jim clenched his fists, his fury roiling through him as he watched his wife beam at the old man and dip her head in a silent nod.
He didn't know what he felt. Rage, was simply an understatement.
He knew the Chairman had landed in Country S in the morning today.
But why the f*** was he here now, in a store with his wife?
And now, of all the times?
Now when he had something so important to say?
Jimmy trembled from fury, barely containing the anger that filled him. He couldn't create a scene in this measly store, among these puny people. And yet, when he saw a strange, wild emotion flicker through the old man's eyes, Jimmy was immediately on alert.
He wanted to turn around, and storm out of the store initially. This was stepping on his pride.
But when Simon Hunter stared at Miya as if he was seeing someone special, Jimmy couldn't move. And when he thought the old man would pull the girl into a hug, Jim's voice left his throat on its known.
Unknowingly, he called out.
Miya had been dazed by the old man, almost as if there was something hypnotic about his gaze. She smiled up at him too, but then, she was pulled out of her trance by a familiar voice.
It called out her name.
Frowning, Miya shrugged, and then turned around.
And her face lit up automatically, beaming into an even broader smile.
"Mr. Hunter!" she called out too, happily running to him.
The missus's reaction calmed Jimmy's heart.
His eyes lost their ferocity once he saw how joyful the wife seemed on seeing him. He felt the same, of course, but anger lurked in major part of him. He smiled back at the missus, and simultaneously gave Simon Hunter a cutting glare.
His entire demeanour thundered, "Stay away from my wife!"
Simon Hunter's eyes had turned back to steel when his gaze met his son's. A storm brooded in them, and the old man accepted the boy's challenge.
"I'll have that dress," he said tonelessly, glaring at Jimmy as he spoke to the store owner.
The store owner, a short, bald man was tensed. He looked anxiously at the father and son, fearful if he must be overjoyed or feel d.a.m.ned. Both the Hunters were here, it was a rare occasion, and yet, it didn't warrant a celebration at all.
In fact, the hostility between them was almost palpable!
So when the Chairman spoke to him and ordered the dress, the owner felt obliged to intervene, and he praised the old master's choice, saying how it was a limited edition and the most expensive item in the store.
Senior Hunter c.o.c.ked his eyebrow at the word 'expensive' and smiled, all the while looking into Jimmy's eyes, his expression saying, "Your turn".
Jim's face steeled.
Miya had reached over to him now, and she was beaming. He gave her a quick smile, and she chirped, "How come you're here? And oh, thank you for the coat!"
Jim's eyes warmed up and he was about to say "You're welcome," when he noticed the scornful eyes of his father. Simon Hunter was looking disdainfully at the oversized coat on Miya. Jim swore under his breath, as he saw that he had overestimated her size.
Well, he wasn't losing the challenge anyhow!
So instead, he said politely, "Is there something else here that you like? Except that… dress?" He shot the creepy dress a look, looking as if his eyes were pained.
Miya chuckled.
"Oh, I don't actually like that," she whispered, and Jim's eyes gleamed at the words, "But your father was just helping me out with something. Um, and no. But thanks!"
Jim looked at her darkly.
Oh, so she would let the Chairman buy her one, but wouldn't tell him her choice?
Jimmy's face blackened, and his chest twisted somewhat painfully as he gazed into her eyes. The emotion was tenfold this time.
Shrugging, he mumbled, "Right."
Miya panicked when she saw the hurt look in the young master's eyes, and before she could stop herself, she blurted out, "But I did like a dress over there," she pointed at a random corner, "I just think it's not, er, expensive enough for your taste. It's –"
Before Miya could finish off her statement, Jimmy Hunter called out loud, "The section on the left. Pack it all."
Miya's jaw dropped to the floor, along with that of the employees. The store owner, who was getting Simon Hunter's order packed, now raced towards the Junior Hunter. Meanwhile, the employees all gave Miya an astounded look.
Who the heck was this woman, that both the Hunter boys were at the service of?
Moreover, she didn't seem to know of it at all!
Simon Hunter folded his arms across his chest.
"I'll take the one on this mannequin. A fresh piece, please."
Miya turned around, confused now, meanwhile the store owner who was busy praising Jim's choice now walked to Simon Hunter again, telling him how this was the second most expensive item in the storeroom.
Jim's face went cold.
d.a.m.n it, his father was good with ladies' clothes. He was a d.a.m.ned pervert after all! But Jimmy didn't know a single thing!
Annoyed, and wanting to get it over with soon, Jimmy howled, "Pack me everything else!"
There, killer move!
To his surprise, though, Simon Hunter smirked, then put his hands behind his back. Then shaking his head, as if disappointed in the young man, he walked towards the daughter-in-law and Jimmy.
Miya's brows had furrowed into a frown.
She looked at Jim with confused eyes, and said firmly, "You're not getting the entire store for me right?"
Jim's answer was dismissive, "Who else would I get it for?"
"But they're too many! And I don't wear dresses!"
Jim was annoyed.
"You are wearing one right now."
"But why are you wasting so much money?"
"Who else would I waste it on?"
Miya frowned darkly, unimpressed. She had a thousand retorts ready, when a hand fell on her shoulder. She immediately looked up, and saw Simon Hunter.
The old man smiled at her gracefully.
"I see," he said pleasantly, "Your husband got the entire store for you."
Miya was grumpy.
"I don't want it," she said darkly, to which the old man chuckled. He then patted her, and said, "Well I bought only two. The first one, you can throw away. The second one is rather pretty. I'd keep it for myself, but then, it'd suit you so much better."
Miya smiled at the words, and Jim was ready to beat up the old man.
His audacity!
Flirting with the wife in broad daylight! And before her husband too!
Just then though, Miya's eyes fell on something. She noticed the two Hunters glare at each other, and the temperature around the three of them suddenly froze. Miya quickly went over to another corner.
"There," Simon Hunter took the opportunity to tell his son, "That's called 'Know your prey'. What use was your move then? I won the battle."
Jimmy was furious.
"Stay away from her," he hissed angrily.
Simon was smug.
"Why? She's such a sweetheart."
"And she's smart. I don't know why she'd marry you, though."
Jimmy's face tightened, and he was about to retort, when Miya chirped again.
"Mr. Hunter!"
The gleeful voice made both men smile, and they turned around to face her.
"Yes!" they called simultaneously.
Oh, oh.
The atmosphere tensed again.