My Perfect Lady - 78 Too Happy In Her Coa

78 Too Happy In Her Coa

Jimmy Hunter had actually sent for her a Porsche.

Miya almost hit her head.

This man…

Wordlessly, she smiled at Becky in discomfort, awkwardly remembering how she had declared before her that there was nothing going on between herself and Jimmy Hunter. Thanks to this car though, Becky obviously had suspicion written all over her face now.

Miya coughed, and then said with a wavering smile, "Um. He doesn't really own normal stuff, so…"

Becky raised her brow at that, but then she shrugged and smiled back at Miya. Then giving her a half hug, she promised to meet her the next day while she took care of some things. Miya told her to stay in touch, and that she'd inform Becky if something came up.

With that, Rebecca drove away.

Miya was still clutching uncomfortably at her shoulder, when the familiar face of David, the chauffeur from before, appeared before her. The short man beamed at the girl.

"Madame!" he said by way of greeting, and quickly pulled open the door for her.

Miya smiled as well, slightly unnerved by all the respect, but it felt comforting to see a familiar, kind face.

David was enthusiastic as ever, and when he saw the Madame's torn dress, he immediately remembered the Boss's orders. He picked up a neatly folded and packed overcoat from the front seat, and handed it over to Miya.

"The boss said it was cold," he said pleasantly, and shut the door as Miya took the packet in confusion. When she opened it though, her face was a mask of relief, surprise and a lot more confusion.

It was cold?

How come she didn't feel it?

She didn't give it much thought though, and smiled warmly at the overcoat, which was a dull black in colour. She quickly wore it, relieved that she could finally cover her scar.

The coat didn't suit her at all.

In fact, it wasn't even her size. The colour looked strange on her blue dress, and all over, she looked like someone who had no sense of dress or clothes. That, and someone who was probably colour blind as well.

And yet, such thoughts didn't cross her mind at all. Throughout the car ride, Miya felt as if she was engulfed in a tender embrace. She snuggled into the coat, smiling, feeling strangely content and thankful.

Jimmy Hunter really did know how to take care of the smallest of things.

When David saw the Madame snuggling into the coat and beaming thoughtlessly, he was amazed. He still didn't know who she was, for the Boss to take care of her so well. She couldn't be a mistress, of course, because junior Mr. Hunter never had one. Earlier, there had also been a boy.

Could they somehow be related?

Cousins, maybe?

The thought made David very uncomfortable, but Madame's smile made him sit in place and not disturb her with his questions. She looked too happy in her coat to be bothered by him.

So David just followed Mr. Hunter's orders, word by word, and stopped the car only when they were before a clothes store, that went by the name of its brand, 'Handwritten'.

When the car suddenly stopped, Miya looked up to see if they had reached back to the hotel. However, when David pulled open the door once again and looked at her expectantly, she didn't know what to do.

Confused, she stepped out.

"You should shop, Madame," he said cheerfully again, and handed over another parcel to her, this time a bag. And before Miya could retort, or say anything else, David got back into the car and hurriedly drove away.

The girl was left standing awkwardly before the store, wrapped in an oversize coat and with a bag in her hand. She didn't understand.

What had that been for?!

She looked at the intimidating structure of the store, its gorgeous alphabets as it read 'Handwritten'. She hadn't even heard the name before. And she obviously didn't have the guts to go and shop in there, so she decided to hire a cab instead.

Of course, she couldn't understand for the life of her, why Jim had wanted her to suddenly shop. But…


He had been complaining about her clothes in the morning, and he had thrown away her own bag. Was it some distorted way of his, to apologize?

Or once again, was he trying to bully her into wearing clothes she didn't like?

Miya sulked, and then shrugged.

Either way, she wasn't going in anyhow. The place terrified her whatsoever.

Miya, therefore, was about to turn around and call for a taxi, when she felt a tall, familiar shadow behind her. Somehow, it was different, and yet familiar at the same time.

She immediately looked up, a faint smile on her lips as she called out, "Mr. Hunter!"

And the soul was almost knocked out of her body.

For her gaze wasn't met by the familiar deep eyes that she was used to. They were met by hard, grey ones. Those eyes had their own beauty too, but they were foreign and cold.

"h.e.l.lo, dear." The rough voice said.

Miya swallowed.

For it wasn't Jimmy Hunter at all who had appeared behind her back.

It was the Chairman.

Somehow, she was afraid.

Simon Hunter was a few inches shorter than his son, but when he stood towering over Miya, she felt like the smallest creature in the world. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and she gulped again.

What was this strange turn of events?

No, wait.

Jimmy had informed her last night that the Chairman would probably be arriving within the week. Then why was he here so soon?

Moreover, why had she suddenly been dropped in the middle of a road, and had then b.u.mped into Simon Hunter?

What was going on?

And whatever it was… it was too suspicious!