My Perfect Lady - 75 The Green Eyes

75 The Green Eyes

Albeit the statement was directed at Miya, but she was busy observing the girl. The kid looked around twelve to thirteen years of age. She had a slight build, beautiful long hair that were a golden brown in colour, and an average height. In fact, if they both stood up, this little girl was only an inch or two shorter than Miya herself.

That made Miya sigh. It was as if everyone had been given the blessing of stature except for herself.

Zahniah… The girl was very beautiful for her age. But what struck Miya the most, were her eyes. They were a striking green, one that reminded her of the depths of an ocean. It made a sudden chill go down her spine as well.

She looked away, but couldn't resist a half smile as she said, "That's a lovely name."

The girl smiled back politely, while Becky pulled another chair beside herself and arranged for the girl to sit. She then ordered a chocolate milkshake for her.

The atmosphere somehow grew awkward between the three.

Miya had no idea what was going on, and now that a child was sitting in the midst, she couldn't even ask what the f*** was up.

Becky, however, lightened the mood by clearing her throat, and then turning excitedly towards the girl.

"Darling," she said sweetly, "Did you go visit your father?"

The girl nodded quietly.

She then opened her drawing book carefully, skimmed through it, and then turning to the last page, handed it over to Becky. Rebecca took it from her, and looked at the drawing. Her face spread into a smile.

Wordlessly, she handed over the book to Miya.

Miya was feeling puzzled by now. She did take the book, but had no idea what to expect. When she looked at the pictures though, shock was evident on her face.

For on the page was drawn a hospital bed, and a huge man that lay on it, all covered in bandages. Albeit the drawing book was an average size, nothing too big, but Miya was struck by the detail with which every picture had been drawn. Even though she had beat up the guy yesterday, and had only seen his face slightly, on seeing the picture, she could recognize him in a heartbeat.

Miya was amazed.

What a stunning talent.

She also noticed two words that were written in a gorgeous, slant handwriting.

"3 weeks".

Rebecca chuckled at the shock that pa.s.sed over Miya's face. Pleasantly, she said, "The words mean that it will take three weeks for Zahniah's father, my boyfriend, to recover."

Miya's lips drew into a thin line when she heard Rebecca call that b.a.s.t.a.r.d "my boyfriend", but she didn't stir up trouble because of the child. Now that she thought about it though, it was strange that Zahniah was looking so cheerful when that*le was lying on a hospital bed. Did she know about her father's deeds, that she was happy about him being critically injured?

Miya refrained from voicing her confusion, whereas Becky handed over the drawing book back to the girl. She was all praises for her.

"Miya," she said delightedly, "It's a rare talent, but Niah here can draw on paper anything that she sees, in less than ten minutes. She's a gem I found, really. In fact, dear," she then said, turning around to face the girl again, "Why don't you brag some of that gift of yours? Would you draw me and Aunty Miya in this setting?"

Zahniah nodded her head enthusiastically.

Miya thought it was an uncalled for request, and that Becky was simply biding time. When she saw the little girl get up though, and move to another corner in the café, to a far away table, she frowned.

Rebecca smiled, and then sighed.

Her voice dropped to a low whisper, and it was a strangely firm sound, "Niah is the daughter of Karl, and his wife Marjorie –"

Horror spread on Miya's face.

She dropped her voice to a low hiss as well, before shrieking, "You are having an affair with a married man?!"

Becky exhaled furiously. Then rolling her eyes, she shot back, "Listen to me, will you?! No! Around half a year ago, Niah started frequenting the library. She was just another kid with a new found fascination for books, I thought, so I mostly ignored her. Sometimes, when I did try to talk, she never spoke, so it was sort of annoying. However, around a month later, I saw her draw."

Miya's face grimaced. Rebecca continued.

"I was fascinated, for sure. It's such a miraculous talent! That girl could literally draw anything within minutes! And then I helped her find an old book on drawing shapes, so she kind of opened up to me. Over time, she sketched me, the library, the parlour, the street… she was just fantastic! We became friends, and I discovered she can't talk. In fact, she explained it to me herself. She drew a picture of her mother and herself as a baby, and how the woman had dropped her while she was just four months old. She lost her voice then."

Miya's heart went out for the little girl, but she was still confused.

"Becky," her voice was firm, "I understand. You love the child. And she seems wonderful. But what has she got to do with us meeting here?"

Becky smiled, and sipped on some coffee.

"Everything, Miya. She's the starting point of my story, and its turning point as well," the captivation in Becky's voice was evident as she spoke of the girl, "She came to the library one day, and she had a cut lip. She wouldn't tell me who hurt her, but I got her to talk. That's when she drew a picture. And guess what she did paint? My uncle's face."

Miya almost spat out her own latte.

"What!" she cried out in surprise.

Becky simply nodded.

"Imagine my shock, little one. I had been trying to pull a few contacts for years, trying to figure out what was happening back at the Freeman Publications. But it couldn't work out. In fact, I won't lie to you. I almost went on drugs again. But then, just like that, I hit the jackpot with Niah."

Miya swallowed.

"W-What did your uncle do?"

Becky scowled.

"Nothing much. He was just sleeping with Niah's mother, Marjorie."

Miya thought her head was going to blast.

She didn't understand what the h.e.l.l Becky had got involved into, but she certainly didn't like the sound of it. Also, this child was too small! This b.a.s.t.a.r.d of an uncle of hers… why in the world was he having an affair with a random woman, all the way in Country S? And why the f*** was Becky dating this woman's husband?

Miya's face was an open book in that moment, her emotions all over the place. Just then though, Zahniah came up to them again, and handed over Becky her drawing book. Rebecca's eyes sparkled at the picture, and pa.s.sing it on to Miya, she gave the girl a hug.

Miya herself was startled at the precision of the drawing.

It was drawn only in pencil. However, it was as if Miya could see herself more clearly, sitting in a corner in a blue dress, her mud-brown locks flowing freely. She thought she even seemed pretty in the picture.

"You're so wonderful," she couldn't help but look at the child with admiration.

Niah smiled broadly, and nodded politely in a "Thank You".

Becky then whispered something into the girl's ears. The girl handed over a bunch of keys to Rebecca, and then giving her a soft kiss on her cheek, bounced out of the cafe happily.

Becky looked at Miya again.

"Long story short Miya, my uncle is involved in a lot of sh*t, it seems," she said gravely.

Miya looked back solemnly.

"I want the longer version, Becky. I don't get this one completely."

Rebecca nodded in understanding, and then motioned her to follow. Miya did, but when she saw Becky approach the women's washroom, she was a bit startled. When she didn't turn around, and simply entered the place, Miya followed in too, somewhat hesitantly.

They were the only two people in the place, and something just felt wrong to Miya. When she saw Rebecca lock the door from inside though, she was instantly on alert.

"What the –"

She could barely complete her sentence, when Rebecca pushed her against the wall. The attack was so sudden, and so unexpected, Miya fell back easily. Rebecca was much taller than her, so she grabbed one of her hands and twisted it back.

Miya winced in pain.

Becky's face turned sinister. Her eyes went cold

"Enough playing around, girl," she hissed angrily then, "Tell me the truth now!"

Miya was flabbergasted.

"S-Sis Becky...!" she said, trying to free herself of the grasp, "What truth? What are you talking about?!"

Becky's expression grew filthier.

"I've had enough of you!" she howled, "It was my mistake, I thought you were Miya. But clearly, you've been planted by my uncle! Tell me while I'm still asking nicely. Who the f*** are you?!"

Miya was so shocked at the words, she didn't know how to react. Rebecca twisted her arm further. Miya howled.

"Ow, ow! Becky! What the f*** has got into you? I am Miya!"

"B*tch, I was playing along because you know Jimmy Hunter! Now I know you can't have him protect you in a bathroom, so yes. Are you here because of my uncle? And why are the Hunters suddenly involved with me?"

Miya couldn't understand this sudden change in events at all. Unable to free herself, she said helplessly, "Will you let me talk! Why do you think I'm not Miya?!"

"You punk! Just because it's been a decade, you think I'll forget my friend?!"

"Sis, please. Why?"

"It's your eyes, you fraud!"

"Eyes… what about my eyes?"

"Miya's were green! Now, quickly, before I hurt you. Who are you? And who sent you?!"

Miya went numb under the older woman's hold.

Her eyes went colder, and she stared at Becky's neck.


So that was it.

Wordlessly, Miya pulled out her other hand and ripped apart her dress from its left shoulder.

Rebecca was taken aback.

For in the light, the scar on Miya's left shoulder shone like a dull mutilation, carved in a perfectly U-shape. It still held the slight outline of canines around it.

The mark from when she had been attacked by a wolf…

Miya's steel eyes met Rebecca's uneasy ones.

"Do you want me to rip the dress off from my stomach too, to show you the gunshot wound?" Her voice was cutting.

Drops of sweat formed on Rebecca's face. She trembled slightly, her face pale in shock, and she immediately let Miya go.

Her voice came out in a hoa.r.s.e whisper.

"You… You are Miya…"

Miya shrugged, and silently ma.s.saged her wrist.

"I am."

The words were cold.