She pulled the sheets up to her head, covered her face with a pillow. And yet couldn't help but fidget on the bed.
For one, the mattress was too soft!
Miya was used to sleeping on hard beds, and the pile of fluffy cotton beneath made her back go numb. She almost howled in irritation. She was tired, too tired, mentally and physically, and yet, sleep seemed miles away.
Annoyed, she looked at the soundly sleeping Ben, who lay beside her, snoring softly. She stopped turning around recklessly, afraid that he would wake up. When she still couldn't lay still, she turned around to stare at the only other being in the room.
Jimmy Hunter.
The young master lay comfortably on the other bed, reading a novel with a bed lamp turned on. His eyes noticed the wife staring at him of course, and when he couldn't take her tossing around anymore, he kept the book down and complained.
"Would you stop making such a fuss? You're disturbing me! And you'll wake up Ben."
Miya moved over closer to the edge of her bed. Jim's bed was only about a meter away from hers, and he was lying on the edge of his own, so the distance wasn't too much. Agitated, she shot back.
"I can't sleep!"
"Well, try to!"
"I am!"
"Argh!" Groaning, Jim turned off the lamp, and lay on the bed with a thump. Then turning around, so that he was facing Miya, he said, "What is it?"
"What's bothering you?"
"Nothing! I mean… I don't know! I just can't sleep!"
"Is it Rebecca?"
Miya closed her mouth, and then sulked unhappily.
"Yes" she then said, "I don't understand why you're being so secretive about it."
Jim practically huffed.
"You can have a bit of patience, now can't you? I want to see how much she wants to tell you. Based on that, I can decide what her actual purpose is."
"See, now that's what I'm talking about! I don't even understand what you said right now."
Jim's voice was tired, and Miya instantly felt sorry. The moonlight was entering the room through the many windows, and they hadn't drawn the curtains. Miya could see Jim's stressed out face, and the deep lines that were drawn across his forehead. He looked like he hadn't slept in a while.
"Sorry." She muttered quietly.
"I'm sorry too. I'll explain in the morning, okay?"
Miya nodded, and then they both fell silent.
Jim watched the missus, buried into sheets, with only her face visible. Her hair was sprawled on the pillow beneath her head, and her nose had turned slightly red. Somehow, his bottom stirred.
Growling, he turned around, now so that he was lying on his back and staring at the ceiling.
Miya looked at Jim too, and once again admired how flawless his face was. When the young master abruptly turned around though, she immediately hid further in the sheets, thinking that he had caught her staring at him weirdly.
Miya's heart somehow beat faster, whereas the young master's groin was ready to make a tent out of the sheets. Afraid of how unsightly it would be, Jim turned around again, and said hastily, "Your cheek… does it hurt too much?"
Miya looked out from beneath the covers.
"No," she said simply.
Jim's bottom steeled. However, he was determined to conquer the feeling, so he persevered.
"Are you mad at me, for pulling that trick and letting you get hit?"
She shook her head, but then fell into thought and said cheekily, "But that quite depends on where Becky had to go, and what she tells me tomorrow."
Jim smiled.
"Don't beat her up again."
"Wouldn't be able too. She's still strong, and there's the advantage of her height." She shot him an accusing head to toe glare as she said the words.
Jimmy swallowed his laugh.
"But you know what, I think you were kicka.s.s today," he then said admiringly, "I almost learnt some of your moves!"
"You didn't!"
"Well, next time we have a thug around, I'll show you."
Miya beamed at his words, and somehow, Jim was dazed, again.
"You know," Miya then said with a grin, "I wouldn't have attacked Becky… it was just that… she was always the one who defended girls. She couldn't stand seeing girls be weaklings when bullied. And when I saw her drop to the floor and cry like that… it just, it just…"
"Hey, it's alright. That respect dialogue you made really had its effect. She came around."
Miya looked at Jim with bright eyes, pressed her lips, and then chuckled lightly. Then putting an arm under her head, she said, "You know, I've never won a fight against Becky."
Jim wasn't surprised. But he did humour the wife.
"Really?" he asked.
Miya nodded sincerely.
Jim then scratched his chin thoughtfully, and said, "That's odd. She likes you very much, to say the least. Even when you beat her to a pulp, she kept hugging and kissing you."
Listening to Jim's words made Miya slightly go red, and her ears twitched. Jim noticed the reaction. Propping his head on one elbow, he smiled teasingly.
"Did I just see you blush, my dear?"
Miya turned a bright pink, almost as if Jim had talked about an ex-lover. With his interest growing, he looked at her pointedly and asked, "Miya. What is it?"
The girl turned a brighter pink, and held the sheets to her chin.
"Sis- Sis Becky has always been like that. Very… anxious and f-flirting."
Jim couldn't help the broad mischievous grin that spread on his face.
"And why did your sis Becky flirt with you Miya?"
He put an extra emphasis on 'sis'.
Miya noticed the playful undertone of the young master, and was immediately on the defence.
"I won't tell you!"
Jim was too interested to let it go.
"Oh come on! Aren't we best friends? You've got to tell me!"
"That's such a cheap trap. How come we're best friends only when you want to know something?"
"Hey, we're always best friends. You just forget to use that weapon when you try to gorge out answers from me."
Miya made a face.
"Fine. Then tell me all that you know about Becky."
"I said in the morning. And I did arrange a meeting for the both of you. Not to mention, we had so much fun on the beach, and you still haven't thanked me for it."
That was a lot of cards that Jim had laid out on the table.
Grudgingly, Miya sighed.
"Okay. S-Sis Becky… she has been very flirtatious with me ever since an incident."
"It was at a masquerade party."
Miya had turned scarlet now. She didn't dare look at Jim.
"She was my first kiss."
As soon as the words left Miya's mouth, Jimmy began to howl with laughter. Albeit Miya stared at him with a lot of indignation, even explaining how it had been a mistake. And yet, the young master couldn't stop.
"Oh G.o.d," Jim was finally saying between gasps, "No wonder you two have such excellent chemistry!"
It was only when he noticed the missus' unhappy face that Jim made an attempt to control his laughter. He wasn't successful though, and he ended up laughing again.
Miya was ready to pounce on him and attack.
When Jim sensed the danger, he immediately went quiet, and just stared at her.
He couldn't resist one last urge though.
Grinning, he said.
The woman's voice was offended.
"I'm just making a compliment here."
"When the two of you were fighting tonight… I really thought it was hot!"
With that, he burst out laughing again.
Miya couldn't resist her own impulse, and grabbed the pillow from under her head. Then quickly throwing it at the young master's face, she buried herself completely into the sheets and turned away.
"I'm not talking to you!" she complained, and Jim apologized half heartedly.
When Miya still didn't turn around, his mischievous side kicked in again and he teased.
"Alright, come on. Stop being angry. Don't you want to hear about my first kiss?"
Miya's reply was by instinct.
"No!" came her voice from under the covers.
"Oh, come on! It was with this really gorgeous girl in –"
Before Jim could complete his sentence though, another pillow hit his face. The motion was fast, and the missus was into the covers before he could even see her make the move. Jim laughed heartily, whereas Miya complained indignantly.