The woman was getting beat up harshly by Miya. And Jimmy being a sharp observer, watched the wife's every movement. He was one of those prodigy's after all, who only needed to look at something once to learn it. He wasn't physically weak, and he had picked up a few of Miya's moves himself. He had yet to learn her precision though.
The girl never missed her mark.
Then again, the fact remained that Jimmy wasn't a supporter of violence. At least not of violence in which he was directly involved. Otherwise, he was fine.
He didn't give one flying f*** about Rebecca, and he did worry for the wife, but it was pointless. She was being pretty severe anyway. There did come a point when Jimmy actually wanted to run to Rebecca's help.
But then, Becky was Miya's master.
She improved tremendously with every hit she took. Her defence became sharper, and her attacks turned from lousy to ruthless. Within ten minutes of extreme attack from the wife, Rebecca was able to stand her own, almost as if her body was remembering what it had been used to ages ago.
It was when Becky landed a blow to the missus's shoulder, that Jim clenched his fist.
Okay, time to intervene.
To be honest, Jim didn't quite get the outrage Miya was in. It was almost as if something was triggered in the girl. In fact, every time they had been faced with a situation like this, she always lost control. Just minutes before, she would have killed a man in her frenzy.
Once again, Park's words flashed in Jim's mind. He shrugged.
Jim was fine with everything. Even the burning of the father Tao.
His only question was if the man was really innocent, as Charlie had found out.
But… going by Miya's character, he probably wasn't.
Jim's phone suddenly beeped, and because he was idle, he checked the few text messages, frowning as he went through them. He then took a glance at Miya, who was holding Rebecca's collar again, and had her pinned to a wall.
This little mouse. She could really bite!
Jim finally sighed, shrugged at his thoughts, and then called out loud.
"Miya, stop! Ben's here! He's crying!"
As expected, the reaction was instant.
Miya quickly turned sideways to glance at Jim, her radar detecting the name 'Ben', because all else was currently of no importance to her. She was about to say something, when Becky saw an opening and took her chance. Something flickered in Jim's eyes, and he wanted to warn his wife, but he held back.
In a second, Rebecca had landed an unforgiving blow on Miya's cheek. And because Miya had been distracted for just a moment, she fell to the floor in a bundle. The next of Becky's moves were quick. She straddled over her junior and locked her arms and legs with her own, and counted aloud to three, as if they were in a formal wrestling match.
When Miya couldn't disentangle from the death-like grip, a wild smirk spread on the older girl's lips.
"Knock out," she said in a husky voice, and immediately let the girl go.
Miya was enraged.
She looked dangerously at Jim, realizing immediately that he had lied. Ben was nowhere in sight, and she could hear no cry. That relieved her of course, but Jimmy Hunter was dead. Holding her cheek, as she coughed severely, she sprang up and shot another revolting look at Jim, and then at Rebecca.
The woman smiled.
"I was tricked," Miya muttered slowly, her glare fixed on Becky. The older woman laughed.
"He's your man," she then said with a sigh.
Miya didn't respond.
For the one month they had been together, Miya had never won a single fight between her and Rebecca. What had happened just now also wasn't a fight, more of an a.s.sault launched by her. She had managed to lose it too.
That, however, wasn't the point. Miya didn't mind losing to Becky.
She did mind that*e she had called her boyfriend though.
As soon as the thought crossed her mind again, Miya was immediately repulsed. But before she could lose her temper again, she saw from the corner of her eyes that Rebecca was closing in. Miya was immediately in defence, when the woman simply touched Miya's swollen cheek.
"Does it hurt?" Her voice was aggressive, yet soft.
Miya pressed her lips together, her fists clenching involuntarily. She shook from her words.
"Don't you dare play the guilt trap with me!" she said aloud, and Becky laughed again. She clutched at her sides, she had been injured and there was still blood on her mouth. Her eyes though, gentled, and with her one free hand, she hugged Miya.
"Long time, little punk, long time."
With that, Rebecca began to walk out of the room. Miya still had a lot of questions to ask, and of course, she had to treat Becky's wounds. So she held her hand again.
This time, however, Becky's stance wasn't weak or defensive. It was simply calm. She looked as if a lot of burden had just been removed from her shoulders.
"Miya. I really need to go somewhere. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
The fury in Miya's eyes was instantaneous.
It was exactly at that moment that Jim decided to intervene. He held Miya's arm, that was grabbing Rebecca's hand, and removed it gently. Miya shot him a 'You-don't-touch-me!' look.
Jim's eyes, however were steel, his face solemn.
"Let her go," he told Miya firmly.
This took her by surprise, but Miya knew Jim was no one to talk. She was about to retort, when Jim turned to Rebecca and said in a toneless voice, "I have my man ready outside. Please let him help. He'll drop you on Shade street."
Becky flinched at Jim's words, suddenly looking alert. She looked at Jim's cold eyes and expressionless face, wondering who he was. The shock was evident, she hadn't expected Jim to know where she was headed to.
Something pa.s.sed between the two elder people, that Miya didn't understand. Then she watched as Becky nodded slightly, and began to head out of the parlour. Miya didn't know what to do. She didn't even understand the situation completely, she felt.
But Becky would have to answer.
So before Rebecca could move out, Miya said with suppressed outrage,
"I'll never forgive you for that*le!"
Becky stopped for a moment, hesitated, and then chuckled deeply. Her voice was quiet when she spoke.
"Believe me, my dear. You will."
And then she left.
As soon as Becky was gone, all strength left Miya. She felt herself go weak in the knees, and she almost collapsed, when Jim steadied her by wrapping a hand around her waist. Miya tried to push him away, but she was too exhausted from the fight.
Jim, on the other hand, rolled his eyes.
"Don't overreact to things you don't know," he chided, and replaced his hold on her waist, "Does it sting?"
He was talking about the scar on her face.
Miya's voice was sarcastic.
"Considering it's the result of your betrayal, yes!"
Jim let out a deep breath, and before the missus could say anything anymore, he just lifted her up.
Miya's eyes widened from shock.
"You!" she immediately howled, "What are you doing?!"
She tried to wiggle out, but Jim simply tightened his grab. When she couldn't escape, and was afraid that he might throw her down, she instinctively wrapped her hands around his neck.
Jim smirked.
"Don't be afraid," he told her with a grin, "My intentions are pure. I'm just doing this because your knees are hurt. I don't want you limping around like a monkey and wasting my time."
Miya's jaw dropped.
This man…!
She was going to hit him then and there!
Jim obviously saw the look in her eyes, and sighed in mock exhaustion.
"The fear you make me go through wife, the fear. I should just lock you up at home," his voice was pleasant when he said the words.
Miya's face, however, glinted in challenge, her eyes sparkling, as if to say, "Just you try!"
The young master laughed.