My Perfect Lady - 55 Want A Drag?

55 Want A Drag?

Meanwhile, Miya picked up Ben in her arms and the two climbed up the stairs. There was an unnatural gleam in both their eyes, and once they were inside the building, the girl gasped. Ben's eyes went wide with amazement to.

There were books all around them. Some spread on the floor, and there were shelves up to the very edge of the ceiling. They were all filled with books and magazines, cla.s.sified neatly into proper categories.

Miya almost teared up at the sight.

So, did Ben.

Back in their city, the public library was eighteen kilometres from where they lived. It had been almost impossible to reach the place, with Miya's several jobs and her constant struggle to make ends meet. She had tried to find a place to live near the library too, but they were all too expensive for someone like her. Every time she could get the chance though, she would pack her bags, pick up Ben, and go read her eyes out.

That was one of the things common between the mother and son.

They were both avid readers, maniacs of their own kind. They could read for hours at end, without noticing the existence of anyone else around them, including each other. Miya, of course, kept an eye on the boy, but when the little one got immersed into books, he wouldn't even budge to eat.

His intensity had taken even her by surprise. In the beginning, only though. She had slowly got used to it.

Besides the maniac reading though, there was a huge difference in their choices. While Ben picked up books like, "Understanding History" and complicated Mathematics files, she had a simpler choice. She was into fiction.

Any kind, and by any author. She'd read anything, and then dream about it day and night. It was really after Ben's interest in various complicated subjects that she was forced to go through some academic books as well. That had increased her knowledge on various things profoundly, because her child wouldn't let her breathe till she explained to him something that he had difficulty understanding. That had proved useful.

Knowledge was power.

Miya had learnt it by heart. She therefore wors.h.i.+pped libraries.

While Miya was lost in thoughts, someone cleared their throat behind them. The duo, however, were too dreamy to pay attention.

The woman behind coughed again.

When the duo didn't come out of their reverie again, she, this time, said loudly, "Miss, how may I help you?"

It was the sound that made Miya snap out of her dream. She immediately turned around.

And was taken by surprise.

Behind, stood a rather tall and beautiful woman, who wore thick and had her hair up in a bun. She was dressed in a proper skirt and blouse. Contrary to that, Miya's tiny frame was apparelled in a mustard colour t-s.h.i.+rt and black ripped jeans. She looked childish and wild. In short, she looked like a hoodlum.

The lady wasn't pleased by the sight of the her, but then her gaze fell on the boy, who was still looking at the huge library in wonder, and her demeanour softened. She sized up the delinquent girl with the unruly hair, and repeated herself.

"How can I help you?"

Miya pressed her lips.

"Um… I want to read."

"Do you have a card?" The woman's eyes were stern.

Miya shook her head.

Silence pervaded between the two, and Miya began to panic that she would be thrown out of this amazing place because of a card. Couldn't this lady just make one for her? Before she could open her mouth to negotiate though, the woman sighed.

"You don't have to look so thunderstruck," she said a little softly, "You can browse through the books kept in the left wing. Don't tear any of the pages though, and don't touch the restricted section."

Miya's mouth almost fell open in astonishment. She then nodded rigorously, muttered a "Thank You!" and flew off towards the left wing of the library.

It was exactly then, that Ben let go of his mum's hold and rushed towards the "World History" section. She chuckled at the sight, then looked through the "Fiction" block herself. When each had found what to read, they sat at a table across each other, and ignored the busy world.

Hours flew by.

Miya didn't notice the look that the librarian had been giving her for quite some time. Despite being a hub of books, the building was old and not many people visited there. The woman didn't really have a lot to do. So she often observed the readers nearby.

She had fixed her gaze on the child at first, and had been pleasantly surprised that such a small kid was reading a rather hefty book. Even she didn't know a lot about books, and was simply here to do a job. She had quickly lost interest in the boy though. He was too immersed in his read, and there was nothing amusing to watch.

The girl, however, had managed to hold the woman's attention. She was reading at the speed of light it seemed, furiously turning through pages. For a second, the librarian thought that the girl was simply flipping through. Then, she noticed her eyes. They seemed to be taking in every word. Not to mention, the girl gasped at every third page, and in the seven hours that flew by, she had finished off three bulky novels.

Miya kept on glancing at Ben after every hour or so, and even forced him to gulp down some bread that she had packed earlier in the morning. When she was satisfied that the boy wouldn't starve himself, she went to look for her fourth book.

Her legs were weak though.

She had just read three crime mysteries, and the thrill of it was still embodied in her. So, when a hand fell on her shoulder, she almost screamed out in terror.

The librarian jumped back in alarm too.

"What happened?" she gasped, looking at Miya worriedly, while Miya closed her mouth with both her hands.

When she realized who it was, she was immediately sorry.

"I'm sorry," she began, coming closer to the lady, "I was just startled, I –"

"What did you read?" the woman cut her short.

"Eh… A crime novel."

And to her surprise, the librarian laughed out loud. It was a deep laughter, almost possessing the echo of a sound that was not often used.

Miya frowned.

When the woman was finally done, she looked at Miya brightly and beamed.

Miya thought she would faint from the brightness of it.

She was so beautiful!

Just then, the woman came closer. Then holding up a hand, she patted Miya's head like that of a child.

"You don't recognize me too, huh, Miya?" she asked softly.

The words weren't what Miya had expected. How did this woman know her name? Did she know this person from somewhere?

But she would have remembered such an attractive face…

When the librarian saw the girl struggle for remembrance, she walked back to her own counter. Then she pulled out a drawer from the desk, picked something out of it, and trotted back towards the girl.

Miya looked at her in suspicion, whereas the woman pulled her to the side, behind one of the book racks so that they were both out of Ben's sight.

Then she leaned against the shelf and looked at her from head to toe. Her gaze was sizzling.

Miya felt a lump rise in her throat, as she was faced with that gaze. Her hands began to s.h.i.+ver, and she couldn't match the woman's eyes. A familiar feeling rose in her.

She knew her. But from where, she couldn't remember.

The next moment, the woman stretched out her hand and unwound her clenched fingers.

Miya looked at the box in her hand. It was a pack of cigarettes.

"Hey, missy, want a drag?" the woman asked rather huskily.

It was exactly at that moment, that realization jolted through Miya. She looked at the woman in alarm, instantly recognizing that throaty, urgent voice.

Her mouth flew open wide.

"R-Rebecca?!" she exclaimed, shocked.

The woman winked at her with a smile.

Miya's throat went dry.

It was indeed her!