My Perfect Lady - 53 The Unpleasant Surprise

53 The Unpleasant Surprise

Miya Jimmy Hunter.

This time, she hadn't even needed help getting aboard. The woman was so p.i.s.sed, and so decidedly ignoring the young master, she had stomped into the plane as if ready to go to war.

Jim and the son had followed closely behind.

Miya had then taken a window seat rather forcefully, put on her seatbelt, and then stared fixedly outside. It was an indication that Jim didn't need to have the curtains drawn. Also, she was again hugging her knees.

All this while, she did not spare one glance at the young master.

It was amusing, actually, as Jim took the seat directly in front of her and watched her carefully. She was aware of his presence, but was determined to ignore that he existed.

Ben, who had climbed onto Jim's lap, for his friend old Mr. Park wasn't there and mother was in her thinking mode, now looked at the two adults carefully. He could sense that something had happened between them.

The plane took off.

At once, all courage left Miya as she saw the ground getting further away. But her annoyance was in place and she willed herself to keep looking outside. She was ready to cry though.

They were flying!

Why did this man always make her fly?!

Meanwhile Jimmy rolled his eyes.

Okay, he had acted very, very brazenly last night. It was bound to freak out the girl. He was lucky she hadn't had the time to come looking for him and pick a fight. But he could think of no other way then! He was feeling very possessive, and honestly, he had lost control when he had seen her sprawled on the floor so carelessly.

Also, the logical part of him had played brainy and convinced him that if he didn't act like the king of the night, she wouldn't agree to come with him anyway. He hadn't unleashed his flirting skills fully, but what he had done had been enough.

The wife had been completely overpowered!

But the ill effect of it was that she wasn't talking to him anymore.

She wasn't even looking at him!

Jim could actually see her s.h.i.+vering as she held onto her knees. But her gaze was static, she looked resolutely outside. Ben pulled onto his sleeve worriedly.

Jim looked at the little boy as he wiggled on his lap. He then held him from the armpits, lifted him up and turned him around so that he was facing Jim now.

"What?" the young master asked.

Ben s.h.i.+fted until he was comfortable. He then looked up to see Jimmy's face, for his own head barely reached the big man's stomach. That, when he was seated on his lap.

"Is mum mad at you?" he asked with concern.

Jim eyed the child peculiarly, then decided to rope him in. He could help him make up with the woman, maybe.

"Yes," Jim told him seriously.


"Because I said we'd be going to Country S. And she didn't want to."


Ben then fell into deep thought.

Jim almost laughed as he looked at the kid's scrunched eyebrows as he sat on him, thinking. The boy was cute alright. He'd almost look like a rice ball, had he been a bit chubbier. Ben was too lean for his age, Jim noticed.

Jimmy watched Ben for a long time, thoroughly entertained as the boy first frowned. Almost a valley formed between his two brows. Then, he suddenly cheered up, and his eyes sparkled as he clapped both his hands. Then, a dark expression spread on the kid's face almost instantly. He shrugged, as if dismissing the master plan that he had just formulated. Then, he began to count on his little fingers, looking very, very serious.

Jim could only sit and suppress his laugh.

He, in the meantime, called for the hostess and asked for some black currant ice cream. Just as he saw the hostess's beaming face though, an idea struck him.

Jim quickly wrapped an arm around the boy's body so that he wouldn't fall off. Then he said in an excited, low voice:

"Could I get your mother apples? That way, she'd finish thinking faster!"

Ben shook his head.

"No. She's angry with you. She still won't talk to you."

"Oh… Yes! Then should the two of us take pictures, like the other day?"

Ben frowned at the memory, and Jim didn't feel very comfortable about it too. But then, the boy said saintly, "We aren't wearing the same clothes. And mum already has our pictures."

Jim nodded.

Yeah. Ben was right. What could they then do?

They thought about quite some time, until the hostess arrived with the ice cream. Jim's eyes gleamed at its sight. What he didn't expect was, that the little guy on his lap looked overly excited too.

"How did you know this is my favourite?" Ben asked Jim, taking a bowl as he looked almost admiringly at Jimmy.

Jim coughed. He had asked for black currant because it was his favourite. He didn't know it was the boy's favourite too! He was somehow pleased to know that Ben's taste matched his own.

"I know everything," he told Ben c.o.c.kily though, and then gave him a broad grin. Ben returned the smile.

It was exactly then, that Miya took a sneaky glance at the duo. She looked at her boy, who had his back turned to her and was sitting on Jimmy Hunter's lap. He was facing the man, and the two were laughing and enjoying ice cream.

Somehow, she felt like the biggest third wheel on earth.

This was so unfair!

Jimmy was a horrible, horrible person, she decided right there.

Jim noticed her look at them both and sulk.

An idea instantly formed in his head, and taking one bite of his ice cream, he said loudly, "Say Ben. I think we really should take a picture. Just me and you, with our ice creams! It's not the same dress, but it's our favourite dessert!"

Jim hadn't expected the child to catch onto the plan, but was pleasantly surprised when he did. Ben nodded furiously. The young master quickly supported him with his free hand and turned the kid to face his back again. Then taking out his phone, Jim was ready to take a selfie.

Miya's eyes twitched.

The scene before her was cute.

Very cute, actually.

Her boy was so adorable!

She stared at the two fixedly, struck by how well they complimented each other. Ben was dressed in a grey s.h.i.+rt and black trousers, while Jim wore a dark blue s.h.i.+rt and almost the same black pants. In that moment, Ben looked more like Jimmy Hunter's son, than he did her own.

That didn't go down well with Miya at all.

Now that she thought about it, for the past two days, Ben had been dressing himself on his own. And only now did it strike her, that he was trying to imitate the young master.

To her unpleasant surprise, he had succeeded too!

She looked grudgingly at them both, as they tried to pose. Ben's beautiful blue eyes were a striking contrast to Jimmy's brown ones… Wait, were they brown, or slightly grey? It was an odd combination, but it looked outstanding. The two boys were really cute, each with their own bowl of ice cream, smiling into the camera.

She stared at them, grudge slowly turning to motherly fascination. Aw, she wished she were half that pretty! It'd be great if they were both her sons!

It was when the thought flashed through her head, that Miya realized the young master hadn't managed to take a single picture in quite a while.

"My hand hurts," Jim finally complained, as Ben looked at him with a disappointed face. No matter how the older man tried to set the camera in his phone, he couldn't get it to be set at an angle that wouldn't make the two of them look like idiots.

It was then that Miya decided to take matters into her own hands.

"Here," she said, frowning deeply as she glared at Jimmy, her hand outstretched. Jim silently handed over his phone to her. Miya busily began to set the features.

It escaped her notice, but the two boys looked at her with a devilish smile. Then they winked at each other and quickly high-fived.

The deal was done!

This was victory!