My Perfect Lady - 47 You, Dear! I Want You!

47 You, Dear! I Want You!

When he heard Simon Hunter say that nauseating nonsense about loyalty, and that too out of the blue, Jimmy was sure he would choke on his food and die. What the f*** was the old man thinking?

Him, and loyal?

Pfft! Then he, Jimmy, was superman!

Which he was, on some level.

Of course, he was amazing.

And then, Simon Hunter again gave Jimmy a heart attack. He suddenly addressed the group of men at the table as "Friends". And it seemed like a question. He was calling them out.

What the f*** was really wrong with the old man today?

Had the almost death situation made him lose his mind?

He never addressed his colleagues as friends! "Gentlemen". It was always "Gentlemen"! Why would he suddenly start calling this group of losers his 'friends'? He was even toasting to friends.h.i.+p!

Jimmy would have spit out blood.

But then, he noticed something. It was only for a second, but he watched his father look sideward a lot of times, when he was making these doubtful remarks. Jimmy was instantly on alert. Was someone standing there?

Could it be that b*tch Amara? He hadn't met her since he came back!

But then, why would the stupid man start calling her his friend now? Weren't the two having an affair already? Or was this some moronic way of flirting that this idiotic person had discovered?


When Simon Hunter looked sideways again, and this time, even beamed into a smile, Jimmy quickly took his leave while the old man was still looking that way. The young master didn't really need to pay his respects to this bunch of fools anyway.

He walked out through the door at the opposite end of the hall. And when he was out, sure enough, he saw a shadow. Someone was definitely standing by the stairs. With soft steps, Jim approached the other end of the staircase, only to be shocked.

It was Miya!

Her small frame was pressed into the handrail, and she looked positively on the verge of tears. She had a piece of paper clutched in both hands, that she held close to her chest. She then quickly turned around and walked away.

What the f***.

What had father done this time?

Why was Miya crying?!

Outraged, and torn between rus.h.i.+ng after her and screaming at his father, Jimmy stood near the staircase for quite a while. When he realized that the guests still weren't leaving, he decided to follow after Miya. As he started to walk up the stairs though, something hit him.

Miya might have been crying, but as far as he could see, she wasn't exactly looking sad. What he saw might even have been happy tears.

Somehow, that p.i.s.sed him off even more.

What was Simon Hunter really playing at?

Or was he hitting on his wife too?!

Oh b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l. What if he was?!

As the thought gushed through his head, Jimmy quickened his steps, almost flying to Miya's room.

Meanwhile, Miya was positively depressed. As she entered back into the room, her eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears. Her throat felt choked, and she thought she would cry any minute now. Which was so f***ing stupid, she wanted to kick herself right then.

First the song, then the possum, and now this friend nonsense.

Yes, it was all very heart touching. But had she thrown her brain in the garbage bin, for her to have nodded like an idiot at Simon Hunter's proposal of friends.h.i.+p? Of course he was trying to set her into a trap!

Or maybe not.

He looked so sincere.

Argh! Miya was ready to pull out her hair. And out of everything, she couldn't escape thinking that she was unnecessarily dealing with all this c.r.a.p. If only she had skipped work the day she had met Jimmy Hunter. If only!

Walking around in circles, she looked at the basket with Mochi, and then recalled the creepy painted man. Well, she had beat the c.r.a.p out of the painted man, who was sent by the Chairman. And then the older man had looked into her history, which Heaven knew was twisted, and then decided he wanted to be friends.

The entire sequence of events was so screwed up, Miya wanted to cry.

Had the Chairman called for a truce, it would still have been outrageous, but she could have come to terms with it. Yet, a proposal of friends.h.i.+p? That was downright shady!

And she couldn't believe how hormonal she was being! That last time she had felt this teary and wimpy was when she was five months pregnant. And that was five years ago!

What was wrong with her now?

It had to be the lack of sleep, d.a.m.n it!

Just as she was sulking at her weak behaviour, a rather loud sound of footsteps took her by surprise. And before she could even turn around, the door flew open and Jimmy Hunter came trolling in.

"What the f*** did Senior Hunter do now?" he roared as he walked towards her, anger written all over his face.

Miya swore.

She had just put Ben to sleep!

Infuriated, Miya herself took long steps towards him, and met him halfway through. This took Jim by surprise, for he stopped in his track and looked into her eyes.

Holy f***.

She looked outraged!

And before Jim could open his mouth, she grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the door. Then almost pus.h.i.+ng him into the wall with all her strength, she pinned him by forcefully clutching both his arms.

"You…!" she said fiercely, "I just put Ben to sleep! The f*** are you howling for?!"

Jimmy was stunned.

He didn't hear her, of course, for his body had stiffened. He looked down at those splendid eyes, and realized that she looked much cleaner now. Her face was a bright pink, and even though she was angry, she resembled a cute little mouse.

Jim's bottom obviously sprang into action.

Miya's scowl deepened as she watched the young master stare at her blankly.

"What do you want?" she hissed furiously.

Jimmy's crotch almost sang.

"You, dear, you! I want you!"

Jimmy almost pa.s.sed out from the tension.