My Perfect Lady - 41 Clean Bowled

41 Clean Bowled

Mr. Simon Hunter couldn't quite bring himself to close his mouth.

What was this little brat saying?!

Meanwhile, Jimmy's soul had leaped out of his body.

This woman! What the f*** was she doing, hanging from a tree upside down?!

How in the world did she even get there?!

His feet went cold, and sweat broke out on Jim's brow as he looked up at the tree, and saw her pale face sticking out from between the branches. His own father dangled in mid-air, visibly s.h.i.+vering now.

Miya looked at both men, and was nothing but annoyed.

Why were these rich people so f***ing useless?!

Her hand was slowly giving way, and seeing that this old man was s.h.i.+vering now, it made it all the more harder for her to keep a firm hold on him. Frowning furiously, she yelled at the old man:

"Will you stop shaking? My grasp is loosening!"

Simon Hunter's own face went pale and he willed himself to stop quivering. However, he was too frightened, and the ground was too far below. He didn't want to die!

Miya looked at Jimmy Hunter, who was standing right beneath them. He was looking up at her so gormlessly, that her anger grew tenfold.

It was when Miya shot him a particularly filthy look, that Jimmy came back to his senses and leapt into action. He looked at the duo in concern, and shouted, "Miya, are you okay?"

Miya's expression grew even more annoyed. Despite being out of breath, she shot back, "Do I look okay?!"

Jimmy was at a loss of what to do. He realized it was a stupid question that he had just asked. He then took put his phone and hurriedly made a call.

Miya was slightly relieved to see that Jim had sprung into action. She didn't quite trust him, but was sure that he'd come up with something helpful. The man had saved her with a pressure cooker, after all. She then turned her focus onto the old Hunter.

"Chairman," she breathed heavily, "There's a hefty branch near your left foot. It should be able to take your weight. Could you try and reach for it?"

Mr. Simon Hunter looked at the girl's face and it seemed to be losing colour. He was obviously too heavy for the girl. Also, because he himself was sweating now, her hand was slightly slipping from his wrist.

Panicking, he hurriedly nodded a yes.

"Be careful," she warned, and then directed her gaze to the bottom of the tree.

"Mr. Hunter!" she called out, immediately thinking of something.

Simon Hunter looked up at once, instantly responding with a "Yes!" just as a worried voice from below said the same, in harmony with the old man.

Miya rolled her eyes.

"Not you," she mouthed, giving old Hunter a small look and then stared at Jim.

Jimmy was on alert.

"Get me a ladder!" she said hoa.r.s.ely now, "Just in case."

"I asked for one already. It must be on it's way! Miya… should I climb up?"

"Do you know how to?"


"Then no."

The discussion was over just like that.

Despite being in the situation he was in, Simon Hunter's ears were immediately on alert. He was surprised to the point that he stopped s.h.i.+vering.

This frail little girl… she had just given an order to Jimmy Hunter!

His son, the CEO of Hunter Corporation, and the heir to all that was his… This girl had just bossed that man! This, when the boy never even listened to his own father!

Simon Hunter looked up at the girl grudgingly, only to be met by her fierce, determined eyes. She was sweating now, and even though she had the most ordinary face, something struck the old man.

He liked the look in her eyes.

They held the heart of a warrior.

Miya, however, didn't give one flying f*** about her eyes. It was her hands that she was worried about. They were beginning to get numb. And if the old guy wasn't fast enough, she was sure he would slip from her hands.

d.a.m.n it, why couldn't these people react faster?!

When she saw the man just look up at her with a weird expression, she wanted to kill something. She stayed silent for a minute, out of respect for the Chairman of THE Hunter Corporation, but then she was done.

"Sir," she almost spat, "If you are done staring, can you try and reach for the branch, please? My hand really is slipping."

The old man was pulled out of his trance, and he immediately began to move his legs.

The branch near his foot was still farther away, and he had to pull at Miya's hands quite a few times in order to reach for it. The girl almost bit her tongue in pain, whereas the old man looked up at her in distress. She urged him to keep trying.

Once he did reach his foot though, Miya loosened her legs a bit in order to slip down a little. Her hands slid down Senior Hunter's arm, and the touch scared the old man. But just as he put his leg on the stout branch beneath, Miya jerked his arm with full force, as if to slap it away.

For a second, Simon Hunter was stunned. He didn't even understand what had happened, until he realized that he was now grabbing onto the trunk of the tree. He blinked, and then looked at the upside-down girl, whose mouth had curled up into a faint smile.

With just one wave, she had managed to push him, a colossus of a man, towards the tree trunk.

This woman was simply brilliant!

Heaving a sigh of relief as he put his feet on the branch and wrapped both his hands shakily around the trunk, Simon Hunter was dazed. He did not understand just what had pa.s.sed. He was just relieved that he wasn't hanging down anymore.

Meanwhile Miya swirled around and sat on the branch from which she herself had been dangling. She was about to go to the old man's branch, when Jimmy, who had escaped the scene for a few minutes, came running again. He came with four men behind him, carrying at least a thirty feet long ladder.

To his relief, he saw that his old man wasn't dangling anymore, and was actually stuck to the bark of the tree like an oversized squirrel. Miya too, wasn't upside down, but was seated on a branch. He quickly ordered the ladder to be put beneath the old man's backside, as the four stout men and Jimmy himself, held tightly at the base.

Miya looked at the old man, who was still panting, and her hear melted somewhat. And when she saw the still-scared man give a forlorn look to his creepy-looking kite, she rolled her eyes and sighed.

These Hunter men were truly weird.

One would dance at the sight of a black-currant, and the other would cry for a kite.


"I'll get the kite for you," she announced, and then looked pointedly at the old man, "Just get down carefully. Keep your hold on the ladder firm. And turn around, so you're facing the men below while you get down. That way, even if you somehow manage to slip down the ladder, your…eh, vital parts won't be hurt."

Miya looked away as she said the word 'vital'. She then leaped to an upper branch to retrieve the kite.

Simon Hunter turned a deep red at the girl's words. She obviously meant his private parts. However, he turned around obediently, and began to climb down slowly. He was still a bit disoriented, but he couldn't help but be fascinated as he saw the little girl leap and bound her way to his kite.

When the old man had finally got down, and Jimmy had sent the other men away, he turned around to face his father with the filthiest expression that he could manage. This time though, Simon Hunter had nothing to retort with.

His son had been correct in warning him.

The girl who had saved his life was the one he had been bad-mouthing minutes before.

And just before Jim could blast off, Miya jumped down the tree expertly, and walked over to the two men. She then stretched her hand and offered the kite to the Chairman.

"Yours," she smiled, "Are you okay?"

The old man looked at her weirdly, unable to wrap his head around the event. The girl before him was haggard, having a wild, rustic expression on her face. Her clothes were shabby, nothing close to the clothes of a lady, and yet, she just stood there with a bright smile on her face. Her hands were red, and she was sweating profusely, but still, the first thing that she had said was, "Are you okay".

She was weird.

Simon Hunter nodded weakly, and took away the kite. He then inspected it closely, and a happy expression spread on his face as he saw that the kite was safe.

Miya couldn't help but beam. Her mischievous side suddenly kicked in.

"By the way, Chairman," she said innocently, "I heard before that you were going to set fire to everything that I touch. Um… I did touch your kite."

Simon Hunter flinched, and then he looked at the girl in surprise. He had not expected her to have heard that! Then, almost immediately, he blushed.

Not only had he still not thanked the girl, she had also heard him say all the mean things. What would she think of him now? He must look like such a jerk!

Miya, however had no such thoughts. When she saw the distress on Mr. Simon Hunter's face and the way he turned red, she roared with laughter. Then, without warning, she blurted out:

"You Hunter boys are so cute!"

And just like that, Simon Hunter was clean bowled.