My Perfect Lady - 32 I Heard You Were Hungry

32 I Heard You Were Hungry

"Mr. Hunter, it's morning."

He liked the sound of it, and he almost wanted to open his eyes, when another familiar voice made him scowl. It was cold, stern and sounded displeased.

"I've had enough of you, young man," it said, "Get your b.u.t.t off the bed right now."

The voice was rude to him too. Jimmy didn't like that. So he turned around, pulled the sheet over his head and decided to continue sleeping.

Mr. Park was furious.

He clenched his fist, and looked so angry, that for a moment Miya didn't move. She stood in a corner, holding the curtain that she had just drawn, and stared at the older man fixedly.

Park noticed her stare.

He didn't know what it was about the girl. Even though he himself was investigating her history and knew she was far from clean, he couldn't help but be considerate of her. Maybe it was just the fact that she looked so vulnerable, that he couldn't really picture her as being the same person that he was digging into. The girl he was looking into seemed fierce and dangerous, which no doubt she must be, but she was also this terrified, lost girl that stood in a corner before him, seeming uncertain.

He sighed.

He couldn't ignore it, but there was also the added advantage of her size. Short. To the point that you wouldn't actually want to be mean to be her without hating yourself dearly.

And so, Mr. Park gave in to his elderly instinct and stopped frowning, in order for the girl to not be afraid. That didn't make him any less mad at Jimmy though.

He waited for the man to wake up.

Miya was relieved once she noticed that Mr. Park didn't look as angry. For the old man had taken her by surprise. He had been so kind and gentle with her the entire day yesterday, not to mention, considerate too, it took her off guard that he could make such a scary face.

She didn't know the details, but all Mr. Hunter seemed to have done was return home drunk.

Well, very drunk.

And from what she could conclude, that had p.i.s.sed off Mr. Park.

Which meant, the old man didn't like drunken messes.

She would have to remember that.

Miya let go of the curtain, wondering if she should shut them again, since Jim was obviously disturbed by the too bright sun rays. But between Mr. Park, who was obviously unhappy that he wasn't waking up, and protecting Mr. Hunter's sleep, she chose the former. Swallowing, she looked at Mr. Park and gestured towards Jimmy, asking if she should try and wake him up.

Park nodded silently.

Miya walked to the huge king size bed, and watched as the young master turned around restlessly. She then said softly, "Mr. Hunter. Your father refuses to give you the Hunter Corporation."

Jimmy at once sprang up from the bed, looking like a ghost.

"What?!" he said hoa.r.s.ely, trying to focus. Just then, a throbbing pain stung through his head, making him howl in pain. He held his head in his hands, feeling like it would split apart.

Mr. Park blinked.

This girl… she was good.

Miya quickly walked towards Mr. Park and nodded at him, indicating that her job was done, and that he could take over now. Park watched her amusedly, almost chuckled at her little trick, and then nodded in approval. Miya walked out of the room, and shut the door behind her.

Jimmy was left at the mercy of Mr. Park.

He still couldn't focus, and was wailing from the ache in his head, when Park took up a gla.s.s from a nearby table, crushed a pill and put it into the water. He then handed over the gla.s.s to Jimmy.

He said but one quiet, angry word.


Jimmy took the gla.s.s without looking up at the old man, and sipped on it silently. The taste was bitter, but he dare not complain. Slowly, the room came into his focus, and he realized that he was in his apartment. He could obviously tell Mr. Park's voice, but he didn't exactly know why Park sounded angry.

He must have done something, of course.

The pain in his head subsided somewhat, but he still didn't look up at Park. He tried to remember how he had got back to his place, but memories from last night seemed like a strange blur. Trying to recall made him kind of dizzy, so for the moment, he gave up.

Mr. Park coughed.

Jimmy quickly finished up the entire gla.s.s, and handed it back to the old man. He still didn't look at him. But then, he recalled a nice voice tell him something about his father not giving him the Hunter Corporation. He immediately frowned.

"What did old Hunter say? Has he backed out?" he asked, to which Mr. Park replied in a steel voice, "That was said to wake you up."

Jimmy cautiously looked around the room, and found no sign of the owner of the "nice voice".

Miya, you traitor! His heart cried.

She had tricked him into waking up, and left him to face this very angry butler all on his own. She shall not be forgiven!

"How are you now?" Mr. Park inquired, still in a cold voice, and Jimmy nodded to convey that he was okay.

The old man was slowly losing his temper, as he watched the young master not look at him while answering. Still, he wasn't a moron like the youngsters these days, so he handed over a towel and a change of clothes to Jim and motioned him to the bathroom.

Jimmy quietly followed orders.

He was seldom this obedient, but he was that way whenever Mr. Park was angry, and he was a drunken mess unable to recall what he had done. In such a scenario, he found it best to just listen to the older man.

The cold shower would do him good, anyway.

Once he was done, Jim walked out wearing black pyjamas and wasn't at all surprised to see Park sitting in a chair, with his hands folded across his chest. Jimmy's headache had almost gone now, and he could focus much better. Less hungover from before, he dared to look at Park, and moved towards him with clenched fists.

What the h.e.l.l had he done, for Park to look that stern?

Mr. Park watched the young man with an obviously angry face, and then said quietly, "Well Jimmy Hunter, I heard you were hungry last night."

Jim frowned, and then c.o.c.ked an eyebrow.


And then, in a minute, a few incidents flashed in his mind, and he almost choked on his own breath.

Oh, no.

No, no, no!

He had called Miya last night. And he had –

Oh f***.