She had taken the great decision, thank you very much, but now she was practically sh*tting her pants.
She had just agreed to get married!
To Jimmy Hunter!
What the h.e.l.l was wrong with her?!
She walked around briskly, but her feet hurt so much, she sat down on the spare bed. Just when she had come out of Mr. Hunter's room earlier, a doctor had found her and got her wounds dressed. Thankfully, the nurse was female and wasn't interested in discovering her connection with the Hunter family. So, Miya had been treated like a human.
Ben, meanwhile, was now dozing off beside her, tired from the day's events.
Miya, on the other hand, could have pulled out her hair.
She had been feeling guilty of course, when she had agreed to Mr. Hunter's offer, and obviously because she owed the man both hers, and her son's life. But she had just decided to get married.
Argh! She was so b.l.o.o.d.y stupid!
Miya held her head.
But then, suddenly, a thought flashed through her brain.
Wait. Maybe she was overreacting. This wasn't really a marriage, now was it? It was a contract. A piece of paper. A deal.
A pile of s.h.i.+t.
On whose top she now sat, and like a queen too.
Oh G.o.d!
Also, what about the Hunter family? She wondered. She knew Jimmy Hunter, but what about others? Did they know that she was to enter their household?
Oh, no, wait.
Would she have to live with him too?!
Once the thought registered in her head, Miya had half a mind to go back to Jim and tell him she was sorry. But that too, wasn't an option anymore.
She was ready to choke on her own breath, or pa.s.s out from breathing too much, she wasn't sure which, but then another thought flashed through her mind.
Maybe she won't have to cohabit with him. They'd both be married on paper alone, and would get to lead separate, individual lives like before.
In her heart though, she knew that wouldn't be.
"I'm offering you a whole different world, that you get to enjoy and share with me for a year." Those were the man's exact words.
He had said 'share'!
Miya was ready to cry.
Just then, a small knock resounded through her room. Somebody opened the door before she could speak, and she lifted her head up in distress.
Who wanted to revel in her sorrow now?
It was the old man from before.
When Mr. Park saw the forlorn expression on the girl's face, he was immediately concerned. He walked up to her hurriedly, and asked, "What's the matter, madam? Are you alright?"
Tears would have burst through her eyes right then. This uncle was calling her madam now!
"I don't want to be called madam," she wailed in agony, "I'm Miya, not madam!"
Mr. Park couldn't believe his ears. And as he watched the girl hold her head, he couldn't help but raise his brows. Somehow, Jimmy always ended up with noisy brats like himself.
"Okay," Mr. Park began soothingly, "Please don't get upset. I won't call you madam. I'll call you by your name."
Miya at once, sat up straight.
"Really?" she asked, with such happiness, Mr. Park couldn't control his smile. He beamed and nodded a yes. He had earlier planned on congratulating her on securing the nuptial, and on letting her know that he was aware of the contract. Now, he knew better. The congratulations would just have made the girl burst into tears.
And even though Park knew about her own shady history, in that moment, she looked so small and vulnerable, he couldn't help but swear. Jimmy Hunter, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, what did you say to her to make her so scared of marrying you?
Miya stood up now, pacing around again, ignoring the gentleman once the deal was set that he would address her by name. Mr. Park coughed.
"Um, Miya. There was something I had to say."
Miya stopped, and looked at him questioningly.
"I know about the contract."
Her expression dropped so rapidly, Mr. Park was afraid she'd faint. He immediately held her hand, and hurriedly said in defence, "But, please don't be so afraid. I'd love to get to know you more, was what I was saying. I'm Byeong Park, Mr. Jimmy Hunter's butler."
He helped Miya stand steady as she looked at him. The man was old, in his late fifties maybe, but he looked smart. He was tall, was wearing a brown suit, and stood with a straight back. Miya immediately liked the demeanour of him, and awarded him with a half smile.
Mr. Park was relieved.
He then acted as her guide to Jimmy's room again, for the young master had called for her. Miya cursed Jimmy a thousand times in her head, despite herself. What did he want with her now?!
Once she entered the room that she had left only a half-hour before, her mood darkened. But when Jimmy smiled and waved at her, she straightened her face and walked towards him.
"Miya! I –"
"I won't lie to you, Mr. Hunter," she said directly, "I may have agreed to marry you, but I'm scared sh*tless. To the point that I don't even like you right now. Can I go?"
Miya uttered the words with such sincerity, Jim howled with laughter.
"Oh My G.o.d, wait! Sit down!" He croaked.
She finally couldn't contain her expression anymore.
Her glare was foul.
Jimmy was still amused.
"Okay, you can go. But first I'll need you to sign this paper."
Miya looked at him suspiciously.
"What is it?"
"Our marriage registration, of course."
The ground slipped from her feet. She immediately lost her soul.
"What?" she howled, to which Jimmy only gave a confused look.
"You just agreed to the deal Miya," he said to her, half afraid that she was planning to back out. Miya was somehow furious.
"Yes, I did! But why do you have to do it now?"
"Because it's eleven already. It has to be done before midnight for the contract to be valid."
Miya was aghast.
What the b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l.