Today, of all days!
She watched with a hawk eye, the five men who were standing before her. It had been almost six years since she had fought with so many people at once. Last time, it had been Kas –
She frowned, stilling her heart. She feared for her son, and prayed that the Hunter boy would obediently stay inside. She then tried to recognize the men before. They must be her victims, of course. One of these guys always came looking for a fight. She just didn't expect them to find her, was all. Maybe one of them was around when she was watching the mess that Jimmy Hunter's Ferrari had created. It was a gathering of a lot of pa.s.sers-by. There, they must have spotted her.
Her attention was drawn back when a stout, short man approached her.
"Finally," he said smugly, "Finally I find you, you –"
Miya didn't have the patience for trash talk.
She had prepared her first attack.
With an amazingly agile leap, she climbed up the wall of one of the neighbouring houses. There was a flower pot placed at the edge of this wall. Without hesitance, she picked it up and aimed it at the man's chest.
She hit her mark.
The man bowled over, clutching at his chest.
Miya smirked, an arrogant glint in her eyes.
Come, you f***ing losers. Let mommy teach you who's boss.
Meanwhile Jim looked around in the dark, trying to find his way through. He didn't know where he was, and it was pitch black inside. He needed to get out. That woman couldn't be out there alone.
"Use your phone."
Jim was startled at the quiet voice, and then realized it was the boy, still grabbing hard at his neck and chest. His advice got through Jim quickly, and he pulled out his phone and switched on the torch in it.
Immediately, light penetrated through the room and Jim sighed in relief. He took a quick look around the single-room house, glad to see that n.o.body was home. He then held Ben and helped him climb off his back.
Ben's eyes were screaming with fear, and Jim had the sudden urge to calm him down. He grabbed his hands, "Look kid, it's going to be alright. Your mum is really strong."
The child didn't react, but asked shakily, "Will police help?"
"We just ran away from them, boy."
He nodded, understanding.
Silence pa.s.sed between the two as Jim told him decisively, "I'm going outside, so you hold tight in here. And if anything happens, scream your gut out. My name is Jimmy."
The kid nodded. "Ben," he said.
Jim quickly scrutinized the house for anything that could be used as a weapon. The best he could find was a pressure cooker made of steel.
For the moment, it would have to do.
Jim motioned Ben to lock the door from inside, and left his phone there so that the kid won't be scared of the dark. Then with three pushes against the door, he broke through.
The scene outside the house was astounding.
Miya held three bricks in her hand, and was threatening three men before herself. One stout old man lay unconscious on the road beside her.
This woman was a criminal, alright.
Just as he was watching her back, Jim saw a man approach her from behind, crouching stealthily. He held a knife in his hand.
Oh no, you don't.
Jimmy was so furious, he ran like crazy towards the guy and smashed the cooker against his belly. The rogue limped and coughed up blood. Then with another shove at his shoulder, Jim had the man buckled on his knees. Jim s.n.a.t.c.hed the knife from him.
His heart was beating insanely. He had never done anything so violent in his entire life. And then, his eyes fell on Miya who he saw was watching him with an exasperated look on her face. He could almost hear her howl, "I told you to stay!"
Jim rolled his eyes. He then threw the knife back at her, which she caught swiftly.
Miya was annoyed, but impressed. The man was using a cooker to fight! Not to mention, he had saved her life twice today.
Looking at the knife, she twisted it in her hand and dropped a brick near her foot. Then she smiled rather coldly, "You can either fight me and lose again, or leave this trash for another day. Because I swear, if you go on anymore, I will kill you tonight."
The men fled within minutes.
Miya was surprised at this, because she hadn't really expected them to leave. But it made sense, because even without her usual weapons, she had made the b*tches eat dirt. And it wasn't their first time losing to her.
Breathing, she turned back at Jim and gave him a wide smile.
The young master was surprised.
Miya looked horrendous right then, with her mad hair flowing recklessly and her face having splotches of blood on it. But she seemed satisfied. Jim smiled back weakly, and began to walk towards her, when a loud cry pierced through the wind.
"JIMMY!" It called out.
Jim turned around to look at the house in horror, whereas Miya was petrified. The voice was Ben's. They both leaped towards the house simultaneously, kicking the door open in one blow. A faint light appeared somewhere in the room. And in a corner, they saw a huge man holding Ben by the neck.
Jim recognized the back. It was the second guy they had fought that night. He didn't know his name.
Miya did.
"Manny," she hissed, her face that of a killer, "You sh*tty son of a b*tch!"
She was about to jump forward, when Jim clutched her arm and forcefully pulled her back. It was then that the man laughed. He had a gun in his hand.
Ben looked like he was choking.
Jimmy didn't let go of her hand, even as she shuddered with rage. He blinked instead, motioning to the cooker he had in his hand. He then pa.s.sed it over to her.
What happened next, was only a flash.
Miya threw the cooker at the man's neck, and it hit its mark. The man howled in pain and let go of the child. Jimmy leapt forward to catch him, whereas Miya jumped and kicked his crotch.
Another screech echoed through the house. Somehow, the faint light from the mobile went dead.
And then the sound of a gunshot resounded in the air.
Miya stood still, her body numb. A faint voice swore. She could recognize the silhouette of the person who had been shot.
It was Jimmy Hunter.