My Perfect Lady - 16 Talk Of The Dirt On This Little Mouse

16 Talk Of The Dirt On This Little Mouse

Granted her mood had improved because of the young man's kind behaviour and amusing activities, but the happy expression on his face when she mentioned the reporters, p.i.s.sed her off.

When the f*** did the internet become so unreliable?

Reserved, her a.s.s! The man was obviously an attention seeker!

He was practically gloating when she told him that people had found him out.

That was none of her business, though. As long as they didn't find him out with her, it wasn't her problem. But, she had to get rid of him before of people came tromping into her house.

But what could she do? She had apologized, treated him to a ridiculously expensive ice cream, and what had she received in return? "Water please!"

Argh. The man was obviously too sharp.

He just wouldn't go!

Earlier, when she had come back to the house after the purchasing, her mood had been so filthy she had wanted to kick the man's face. How could he be stupid enough to park a Ferrari in a locality like hers? Talk about showing off!

But then, he had been so considerate about Ben, her anger had faded away. Now, it was coming back.

She was running out of ideas, and patience.

She wanted the man out.

Just then, though, she noticed Jimmy's expression darken too. His face grew worse by the minute and after some time, she began to get worried.

"Mr. Hunter," Miya said, before she could stop herself, "what's the matter?"

Jimmy looked at her sharply, which almost made her jump. Then his face grew filthier as he spat, "It's the contractor who wants me married. He has started to move."

What? What move?

And what was up with these people? Miya frowned.

Why did someone want this young master to get married? It kind of fascinated her, what the stake of such a deal might be, for the man to come to the doorstep of someone like her with such an outrageous proposal. These rich people… their priorities seemed really screwed up.

But as long it didn't come in her way, she didn't have to care.

Meanwhile Jimmy was busy calculating. An emergency signal had just fused off in his head, meaning that he was right now scheming deviously. If Senior Hunter was going to use underhanded means to delay him, there was some serious sh*t involved here. When Park had tried to convince him that the old man had pulled off the marriage trick only to secure an heir for the business, he had wanted to believe. But now he didn't.

The reporters were looking for him? They were afraid of the very air he breathed. If they had the guts to follow him around, it was obviously because someone was backing them up. And the only one who had the b.a.l.l.s to back something like that was his father.

The question was, why?

Why did he want him to fail?

The reason that he hated him was too vague. This was business, Jimmy was still the only direct heir. Emotions weren't involved when it came to the future of the company. Old Hunter was stupid, but he wasn't reckless enough to risk the business for hate. Then, why?

Jim could only come up with one possibility.

He had found another heir.

And who the f*** in the family could it be, that the old man would trust more than his own son? Realization immediately crossed his face.

It had to be that b*tch Amara.

And if that was the case, then the rumour must be true as well.

Old Mr. Hunter was f***ing his niece.

Amara, that scheming wench.

Jimmy swore under his breath.

He should have figured this out before.

He breathed angrily, hoping from the bottom of his heart that it was true. When he exposed the two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, it would be a show to watch. He swore he would do it on international media too. The shares of the company would take an enormous dip, of course, but he had already made a backup plan for that, ages ago when the rumour had first surfaced.

Now, he just had to convince Miya anyhow. Because the company was his, come what may. He had put in ten years of his life there, and Jim never made a bad investment. He couldn't lose.

He looked at the woman as she stood near him, deep in thought.

And then, he remembered Park's text. Park had told him to get out of this place immediately. Why?

Jimmy took out his phone.

He almost rolled his eyes when he saw 26 unread messages, all from Park. He quickly scrolled through them all, and at last, read through the various attachments that were investigative reports on Miya.

The results swept him away.

He blinked, and looked carefully at the small woman standing before him. He then looked at the reports.

This was impossible!

And yet, he knew his team was the best. It had to be true. Various thoughts crossed his mind as he stared at the girl, who was still lost deep in thought.

Man, talk about the dirt on this little mouse. He could convince her, but he knew she would still retaliate. There was only one way he could do this now.

"Contact them all." He texted Park.

And then, he coughed, drawing Miya's attention towards him.

She looked at him unhappily.

"I need to leave," he told her.

Miya's face changed. She almost did a happy dance.

Really, the nerves this woman had…

Jimmy breathed.