My Perfect Lady - 154 The Boss's Girlfriend

154 The Boss's Girlfriend

"I got nothing," Dave said to the others in a hushed voice, "She totally blew me off! If anything, ask Tess. She talked to her!"

The crowd fixed their eyes on the young girl, who was immediately intimidated.

"I – I got n-nothing too. H-Her name is Miya, and she asked me where the Chairman's o-office was."

The crowd was ready to exploit them further, when Miya walked near to the crowd. She had overheard the conversation, of course, and couldn't help the grin on her face. What nosy employees Jim had.

They were in complete contrast to their boss!

Coughing, she drew attention to herself.

"h.e.l.lo!" she then chirped.

The crowd of seven men and five ladies went silent, but they did respond to her greeting after a while, albeit nervously. Miya jumped straight to the point. She didn't want to waste a lot of time.

"I see you're interested in knowing about me," she smiled at them all, "I could tell you myself, but I have one condition."

The crowd was interested. It was Dave who spoke up.

"And that is?"

"You answer everything I ask about your boss."

It wasn't even a deal that they had to think about. The group of twelve shook hands with Miya, ecstatic at her offer, for they each knew there was nothing that they knew about the boss or could tell this lady.

There was a separate room on the floor below, where they all had lunch together. Miya was officially invited to join the group. And once she did, the subordinates knew no restraint. The interrogation began.

"What's your relations.h.i.+p with our boss, ma'am?"

Their first query was predictable.

Miya smiled sweetly.

"I said I'd tell you about myself, not about anything involving me and C.E.O. Hunter. You'll have to work a little harder to make me talk about that, people."

Of course, she had no intention of talking about it.

The group sulked, but then prodded gently.

"Alright ma'am. You go first! What do you want to know about our boss?"

Miya grinned, "Call me Miya. And is he always such a workaholic?"

"He is!"

"And what kind of a superior is he?"

The group grew silent at that, not knowing how to answer. They treaded carefully, since the relations.h.i.+p of this lady with their boss was still not clear.

"H-He's good, he's very nice –"

Miya turned to the girl from before. "Tessa, you tell me."

Tess grew nervous again, and blurted out without restraint, "I've never talked directly to the boss ma'am. But he's very scary. Whenever he's at the headquarters, we all want to cry. He's like Medusa – his stare can turn you to stone! One time, he glared at me and – Ow!"

It was then that someone stepped on Tess's foot and the girl howled in pain. It was another man, short and lean, who had introduced himself as Jake. Miya rolled her eyes at him.

"There's no need to step on her," she told him annoyedly, "When I first met Jimmy, his glare made me want to jump out of a window. He IS scary."

Albeit Miya had meant to ease the tension in the room, the suspense in the atmosphere now heightened.

The lady had just called the boss Jimmy! And casually too!

Excited and rejuvenated from this fresh revelation, the group encouraged Miya to ask further questions, hoping she'd be satisfied with them and talk in return.

The girl was happy to oblige.

Her questions revolved around Jim's life at the office, and she wasn't surprised to find out that he was feared, but well respected. Some respected him intensely enough to creep her out. One particular employee even declared he could kill on the boss's orders because the boss was always right. Others nodded in harmony, backing him up.

"Really?" Miya wasn't so sure.

"Yes!" Robin a.s.sured her, "Mr. Hunter has never made a wrong choice. If he orders that, of course the person deserves to be killed!"

Miya gulped. Somehow, she didn't want to ask any further.

Between the tedious questions, however the atmosphere turned friendly. Miya told them a few details of Jim from when they had first met – especially the ones where the man had talked down to her. The group was amused, and they got along well.

"Your boss," Miya told them amusedly, picking up a sweet from Rosa's lunchbox, "I wanted to ask him something. I went on like 'If I may ask you, sir –" and guess what he said?"

"No, you may not!" The crowd said collectively.

"Yes!" Miya shrieked, "How did you know?!"

They all burst out laughing.

The lunch break lasted an hour, and naturally, the terseness in the atmosphere had gone away. The group informed her of a little game of truth and dare that they played for the last fifteen minutes of their lunchbreak, just to know what was new in each other's lives or simply have fun. They officially invited her to join. Miya heartily agreed.

The game was simple and the questions were the usual ones. It was only when the bottle neck pointed at Rosa and the bottom at Dave that Miya became interested. Because Dave rubbed his hands together, and smirked at the girl when she opted for 'truth'.

"Finally, Rose!" he smirked, "Finally! There's a rumour going around that you've kissed the boss last week. Is it true?"

Rosa blushed, while Miya looked at the two with interest. Of course, she was also troubled by the low thump in her heart, that made her feel very, very uncomfortable.

The group cheered.

"Yes, tell us!"

Miya stared at the Rosa girl with hawk eyes, at her unruly black curls and wild eyes. She was attractive. Could it be –

And Rosa nodded slightly.

The group remained stunned, and then they cheered, until they recalled that Miya was with them. Their faces paled.

Miya, however, forced a smile.

"Why the face, folks?" she smirked, and the group was relieved.

Maybe Miya wasn't related to the boss in that way, they concluded.

Maybe, she was a relative! And she did seem a bit young and small for him, and the boss was kind of too cold to have a girlfriend…

Miya did however send in a quick text to Jimmy.

When Jim's phone buzzed, he was too focussed, but he looked up from the file and at his mobile. He was expecting a response from Park.

The text, however, took him by surprise.

It was from the missus. And it read – [So you kissed Rosa last week, huh dear?]

Jim frowned, noticing for the first time that Miya wasn't in his office anymore. Then looking at the words on his screen, he sighed.

A small, satisfied smirk spread slowly on his lips.

Meanwhile the game in the lunch room had intensified, particularly because Miya had notched up the rules. Anyone who opted for 'truth' now had to tell one thing they hated the most about the person sitting to their left before the actual question was asked. That forced most of them to take 'dare' as a challenge – they were colleagues after all and couldn't b*tch about their co workers to their faces.

Taking 'dare' wasn't much better either.

Especially since Miya ended up with the bottom of the bottle pointing at her while the neck pointed at Rosa. And Rosa, this time, opted for 'dare'. Miya got to spell out her challenge to the girl.

She was ready.

"Make a call to your boss," Miya said with an impish glint in her eyes, "And tell him he's a horrible kisser."

The room grew silent once more. The girl chuckled at Rosa's horrified expression.

"Don't worry," she a.s.sured, "I'll tell him it was a joke later. He won't be mad at you."

The group eyed the small, rather cute girl that had accompanied the boss. This Miya was after Rosa, undoubtedly, and her declaration to make the boss forgive Rosa was indication enough for them all. If she could 'tell' the boss what to do –

This woman really had to be his girlfriend!

Why else would she be after Rosa too?!

She was definitely jealous!

The group looked at Rosa in worry. Rosa swallowed. She could lose her job if she went ahead with that dare. Miya held the girl's hand, for she was sitting directly across her, and chirped, "Come on!"

Rosa looked back defiantly, though afraid of Miya's sharp eyes.

"But he-he's good…" she trailed off.

No one spoke, while Miya watched carefully as Rosa sweated. She counted the woman's pulse. As expected, her pulse had quickened for a second, but then calmed down considerably.

She was lying.

Miya let go of the woman's hand and smirked, leaning back in her chair, satisfied. Rosa was lying about herself and Jim. So not wanting to drag the matter any further, Miya huffed, "Alright, fine! You don't have to. Someone else give her a dare!"

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Miya's little stunt however, did raise caution amongst everyone around. Some wished the bottleneck would point at her for once, while Rosa prayed she would get the chance to make this mud-headed b*tch jump up her own a*s. She had totally put her repute in jeopardy!

During the last few minutes, the bottleneck did point at Miya.

A wicked cheer ran through the group. They all had been texting on their group chat for a while now, and had simultaneously decided on what to ask Miya to do in case she chose either 'truth' or 'dare'. Miya of course, chose 'dare'.

And she was asked to 'slap by mistake' the first man who entered the room.

While the girl frowned at that, she understood that this was revenge that they had all collectively come up with to get back at her for toying with Rosa. Smirking, she accepted their challenge.

It only took Miya a few seconds to come up with a fool proof plan to ensure Jim's reputation stayed put while she played this thoughtless game. And of course, she wasn't going to 'slap by mistake'. She only hoped that no one too tall would enter the room, if her plan had to succeed smoothly.

Taking in a deep breath, Miya picked up a piece of pie, and closed her eyes.

She heard the sound of footsteps.

Well, here went.

Miya was ready to accidentally walk into the person, and have the pie scrub in his or her face. She had then planned to lightly slap off the crumbs from their face and apologize profusely.

Bam! It would then be a foolish recovery from a foolish challenge!

So, when the footsteps drew in closer, Miya was ready to open her eyes and dash forward, when suddenly, the air around her grew warm. She didn't have to wait for the man to close in to recognize who he was.

Her lips spread into a dazzling smile

Jimmy Hunter came at the door, surprised to see the wife standing there already. Amused, he looked down at her with a gentle smile.

The group inside froze.

The boss…

The boss had come!

And they were all shocked into silence too – especially when they noticed the gentle, doting expression that spread on the boss's face.

Oh heaven – this Miya wasn't going to slap the boss now, was she?!

And what if she blamed it on them later on?!

Their boss would skin them and burn them to h.e.l.l. The group prayed for their lives.

Meanwhile Miya was still standing there with her eyes closed. Her words were a soft whisper to Jim when she said, "You came."

Jim raised his brows.

"Your eyes are closed," he stated, "How did you know?"

Miya finally looked at him mischievously and whispered under her breath, "Because you've got a stalkerish wife!"

Jim grinned at the cheeky girl, then glanced into the room.

"Which one's Rosa, by the way?" he asked casually, "Did you let her live?"

Miya almost buckled at the words.

"You don't know her?" she asked.

"I don't, if you're still jealous."

"I'm not jealous."

"Then I do."

"You like her?"

"I'll have to make you point her out to answer that. I really don't know what she looks like."

Miya pressed her lips together hard, controlling the surging chuckle. She then looked at the group behind, and quickly waved a hand, "Sorry people! We'll continue some other day. I need to go now!"

The group didn't even move, as they stared fixedly at the boss and the brilliant smile on his face.

Their demon!

That was their demonic boss!

He never, ever smiled!

While Miya spun on her heel, she did however remember the little 'dare' she hadn't fulfilled. She immediately kept back the pie, clapped her hands and then stood on her tiptoes.

"We were playing a little game," she told Jim, loud enough for all to hear, "Sorry about this. But I do love your nose."

With that, she very lightly brushed her small hand against the tip of his nose. Jim turned red at her proximity, but noticed in time that she was about to stumble. Quickly, he held her hand and stopped her from falling.

The group behind stopped breathing.

This. Was. The. Girlfriend.

The girlfriend.

And she was a devious little imp!

Suddenly, their emotions about Miya took a U-turn. They texted rapidly to each other, and soon labelled her a breathtakingly intelligent beauty. It had been confirmed after all – she was the boss's girlfriend!

They trusted the boss's choice.

They also glared at Rosa silently now, each demanding explanation with their stare.

Miya, however, had long before walked away with Jimmy to notice or care about this strange turn of events.

"Next time," Jim told her giddily now, as they went along, "You can just kiss me publicly, you know. That way, you'll mark your territory. I've told you I'm at your disposal, dear."

"I'm not jealous."



"Then what if there had been a Rosa?"

"While I'm still here?"


"Are you daring me, Jimmy?"

"Let's say I am."

"You'd get kissed so hard, boy, your employees won't think of you as the devil anymore."

That stumped Jim. He looked at the very serious face of the wife, and almost blushed a second time.

"You'd kiss me in public Miya?" he prodded, a grin plastered on his face now.


"On office grounds?"

"h.e.l.l yeah."

"And say to everyone you like me the most in the world?"

"F*** off."

Jim held in a laugh, then sighed defeatedly.

The smile never left his face, though. Slowly, but steadily, he noticed there was progress between him and the wife.

It's pace though still made him want to cry.

At this rate, he realized he was going to remain single, and in one sided love forever.

Just like his old man!

Like father, like son: it was said.

Could it be that Ben would be cursed with the same fate too then?!

That got Jim worried.

d.a.m.n it, if that was so, he really had to start working on things! He was a stone hearted man, but Ben was an adorable little boy!

He could not remain single forever!
