My Perfect Lady - 151 A Disaster, And Faith

151 A Disaster, And Faith

It was only when Jimmy had instructed Chenric to drive to the Hunter manor, that Ben took up the phone and showed it to the chauffeur.

"Please take me to this place, uncle," he said.

Chenric's heart melted and turned to mush. With conflicted emotions, he looked at the screen that had the text message from the Chairman. It said – [Tell Jimmy to bring you to Herb 'n' Urns.]

Chenric looked at Jimmy through the mirror. The young master frowned, but as soon as he was about to speak, Ben hid the phone between his small hands and looked straight ahead, his posture a clear indication that Jimmy Hunter was not allowed to speak to him.

Jim's brows twitched.

This brat…

Crossing his own arms over his chest, and with a stern face, Jim nodded slightly, thereby instructing Chenric to drive to the restaurant instead.

Ben sighed in relief.

He then frowned at uncle Hunter's message too. He had asked uncle if Jimmy and his mommy had married, and uncle had called him for a meetup.

Was the matter very serious?

The little boy was instinctively worried for his mommy, and he took a short, quick glance at her through the mirror. Miya was looking pale and worried, and she was staring in the direction of his seat.

Ben instantly panicked.

Mommy was very troubled!

The boy clenched his fists, and then looked at Jimmy Hunter, who was also staring in the direction of Ben's seat. His look was angry though. Ben immediately squirmed in his seat and squeezed his shoulders so that Jim won't be able to see him fully.

Then very quietly, he deliberated on whether or not to console mommy.

Earlier, Ben's first instinct had been to text Mr. Park and ask about mommy and Jimmy's marriage. But he had been offline right then. Uncle Hunter though, was on and Ben had texted him instead. He had received a reply within minutes too – although he wasn't sure what uncle Hunter meant. Or why he had called him to Herb 'n' Urns.

Meanwhile, Miya put a hand on Jim's thigh and tightened her grasp, when Ben refused to look back even though she saw him stealing glances at her and Jim both.

Jimmy looked at the wife's trembling hand and sighed in defeat. He took out his cell phone and texted her –

[We're going to Herb 'n' Urns. Ben talked to father for some reason.]

When Miya read the words, she immediately panicked.

[Why do you say that?] she wrote back.

[Only father prefers to eat at that stinky restaurant.]

Oh… Miya typed again.

[What do you think Ben said to him?]

[I don't know for sure. But I can make a guess.]


[He saw us kiss. And we registered him as Benji Hunter. He's figured out we're married.]

Miya's jaw immediately dropped.

That was it!

She stared at Jim in shock as she realized one small truth – they had never told Ben! She for one, had never told him because she hadn't thought it was important enough. That was when she had signed the marriage registration. She didn't think a simple visit to the Hunter manor for the first time would be dramatic enough, or that they would meet Rebecca out of all the people in the world later. Their initial agreement had been to stay out of each other's way even after marriage – that they would rarely see each other and would go on with their lives separately.

She hadn't thought that things would escalate so quickly and… well, in the way they had.

And in the midst of it all, they had forgotten to inform Ben!

That J-Jimmy Hunter was his…

Miya was afraid to think of the word 'stepfather'.

Meanwhile Jim gave the missus a half smile once he saw the extreme realization written all over her face. He texted again.

[More like I married his mommy. I think I'm the one in danger here. He's a mommy's boy, so you're safe.]

Miya frowned at the response, then chuckled.

[He gave me a very betrayed look Jimmy. We're in the same boat.] she wrote back.

Jim sighed, then glanced at the boy again, who was looking out the window now.

To be honest, Jim was sort of relieved. Ben had contacted his father for explanation. And Jimmy would love to have Simon Hunter explain the situation to the child. The reason him and Miya had to marry was because of the old man anyway.

If anyone had the liability to explain to the inquisitive little munchkin, it should be father anyhow.

Jim looked outside the window too, while Miya placed her chin in the palm of both her hands and stared fixedly at Ben.

They waited for the restaurant to arrive.

Meanwhile Simon Hunter drove through the streets like a reckless lad, driving fast and rash. He had his phone placed in front of him, and on it was displayed the picture of Jim, Miya and Ben all dressed up similarly. It was the photo that Rebecca had taken and sent to him on his orders. It made a good family photograph.

Simon grinned at the three in the photo, then hummed merrily to himself.

If Miya stayed, if Eshni didn't return, if Kang Sheng stopped his idiotic ploys and if Jimmy Hunter figured out the truth for himself – someday, maybe, Simon would be able to put that picture up on the wall officially as the family of the man next in line to inherit the Hunter Corporation.

The idea relieved him, reminded him of peace he hadn't felt in ages. Adjusting his cap and accelerating further, Simon gave in to his reckless instinct and drove like the wind.

He knew Sheng would interfere. He knew Eshni would come back. And he was still afraid that Jimmy would end up like him – in a relations.h.i.+p with a woman who never stayed. But today, he had also seen hope.

There was a bond it seemed, between his son and the daughter in law, that wasn't mere l.u.s.t or pa.s.sion. It wasn't even love… It was trust. Right then, when Miya had run to Jim in her weakest state, Simon Hunter had seen it.

Thank to it, he was also willing to give the girl a chance.

He had gorged it out of Rebecca later too, as to why Miya had seemed so floundered. As it turned out, she had accidentally let it slip to Becky that Ben wasn't her biological son. That she herself had given birth to a stillborn child and lived through the trauma of it.

Chairman knew that. And from what he knew of her history, he also knew that that was a time when Miya had been a walking demon. One of her weakest stages that the old man had come across.

He still remembered the little girl from years ago, who had looked up at him and smiled – told her his name.

"It's Miya," she had said.

It was like centuries had pa.s.sed. Simon stared at her smiling face in the photograph before him – at the black in her eyes that wasn't hers. He should have protected her too.

Shrugging, he reverted back to his positive self forcefully and sighed.

The good news was, even during that state, when she had told Rebecca the truth – she had gone to Jimmy. And Senior Hunter had known then that this could end up in something different.

It didn't have to be a disaster like he and Eshni were.

These two children had something he himself had never had with his woman.


And Simon Hunter was willing to bet on it.