My Perfect Lady - 149 Smarter Than Jimmy At Five

149 Smarter Than Jimmy At Five

Ben was purposefully ignoring the two adults, his little face determined as he hmphed. Jimmy had taken his leave from Mrs. Tusk with a neutral, expressionless face that screamed of having done no wrong at all. Miya had been unable to match Tusk's eyes like a rookie child. Jim, however, didn't care in the least about what the thought.

As far as he was concerned, he could kiss his wife wherever he wanted.

As long as she didn't mind, of course.

Mrs. Tusk gave her bright alumni a tight smile, frivolously shook his hand and was relieved once he left. The trio scurried away, and Jim postponed meeting other professors of his to some other day. He had a few tasks to finish off, and then there was also the matter of the fuming, mortified child.

Ben stomped out, his face scrunched, his cheeks puffed up and his eyes annoyed. He was not talking to mommy and Jimmy. Meanwhile the duo followed behind him with brisk steps, worried.

Had Ben watched them kiss?

Why was he not talking to them?!

It was Jim who took huge steps and was able to match the child's footsteps in barely two strides. Miya had to take five to keep pace.

"Ben?" Jimmy called out, "Is something the matter, chap?"

Ben was so furious at Jim's words, the child immediately stopped, turned sideways, gave Jim his hardest accusing glare, as if to say, "You tell me!"

Miya chimed in, "Baby? Is everything alright? Do you not like the school?"

Ben turned annoyedly towards his mommy too, rewarding her with the same accusing look, as if to yell out, "You too mommy?!"

Miya took a step back, surprised, meanwhile Jim frowned at the boy.

What was going on?

Why was the kid angry?

Whilst the two fell into thought, Ben took in a deep breath, turned around and began to stomp to the car again.

Albeit the situation was confusing and tense, Miya almost chuckled. With his tiny body wrapped in a smart grey-pink suit, Ben looked like an adorable ball of rice just floating away. Jim looked at her as if she had lost her mind.

"What?" Miya said defensively, "He's cute!"

Jim shook his head at the response, then chased after Ben with Miya taking the lead. Before they could figure out what was up with the child though, Ben had walked to the car and climbed into the pa.s.senger's seat. He then said to the chauffeur, "Uncle, please lock the door. I can't lock it on my own!"

Chenric, who had driven the car to school today, obliged. He was a security guard, and one of Jimmy's trusted men – but he had long before become a fan of the young master's bride – Ms. Miya. He had observed madam beat up a guy when Chenric had been posted to guard Ms. Rebecca at the library. And then, madam had personally thanked him for taking care of her son. Chenric had been awed in that instant. Madam was h.e.l.lishly strong, and she could improvise during a fight. No wonder the young master was so taken by madam.

Chenric too had volunteered to do most of the tasks that involved madam Hunter, since then. He was a shy man, but he really wanted to look for an opportunity to ask her to teach him a thing or two about street fighting. He had decided to do so in secret though – the boss would have his head if he knew what he needed madam's help for.

The young guard helped out the child, locked the door for him, and waited for Mr. Hunter and his wife to arrive. He wondered why the boy was sitting with him instead of his parents, but he didn't ask.

Meanwhile Jimmy and Miya realized only then that the situation was grave.

Ben had abandoned his seat with them to go sit with the chauffeur instead!

Miya was horrified.

Her baby!

And Jim was ready to puke blood.

This mommy's boy… had abandoned his mommy!

The matter must be severe!

Whilst all of this had been going on, back at Hunter manor, Simon Hunter had been lying in his bed, trying to sleep. He had been up the entire night before, and his body was tired. His mind however, refused to let him settle down, and the old man almost groaned in frustration.

He would have grumbled further, when his phone vibrated, and the room was filled with the sound of gunshots. Simon sprang up from the bed in an instant, his heart in his mouth. It took him a second to realized it was just the sound of a ringtone.

Old Hunter had set the special tone for Ben's number. Whenever he received a text or call from Benji, Simon's phone would play the tune. The old man had specially chosen a gunshot sound so that he could always be on alert.

Simon was quick to get off the bed once the realization dawned on him, and he picked up his phone. It was a text from Ben.

Judging from the time, Chairman Hunter was sure the trio weren't back yet. He quickly opened the text. And the words took him by surprise.

[Uncle…] Ben had written, [Did mommy and Jimmy marry?]


What was that about?

Didn't Ben know about Jim and Miya?

The Chairman fell into thought for a second, then hesitated before typing in a response. Once he was done, the old man quickly changed his clothes. Donning himself in white pyjamas and a blue t-s.h.i.+rt that had a sword holding minion painted manually on it, he chose the kite he and Ben had made together.

Selecting the best cord, a few paint brushes and a pair of wooden bow and arrows, Simon Hunter put it all in a big black bag and walked out of the room, humming a merry tune.

The bag was on his shoulder, and Simon Hunter was distracted.

He picked up a few more things as he strolled to his car, put on a cap, and drove away, all the while humming and whistling to himself.

Times, indeed had changed.

Ben it seemed, was smarter than his own son was at five.

Simon Hunter liked that.

Jimmy was stupid anyway.