My Perfect Lady - 143 I Know How Impulsive You Are

143 I Know How Impulsive You Are

Miya still couldn't stop blus.h.i.+ng.

Jimmy was too handsome in his suit.

But her son…

He was the icing on the whole cake!

Miya pulled Ben's cheeks and kissed him repeatedly while she adjusted his clothes, to the extent that after a while Ben himself was frowning.

"Mommy," he said after a lot of thought, "You must stop. My face is red."

"Yes it is," Miya replied naughtily to her son, then kissed him one last time. Ben laughed at her, while she made a face. Then hugging him and fawning over him some more, which also helped calm down her provoked heart, she finally let the baby go.

Miya sighed.

This duo was bad for the condition of her heart!

What if someday she died because of being exposed to too much beauty?

What if her heart just ruptured through her chest?

Who would be responsible then?!

She frowned down at the boy who was looking at his palms, and recalled Jim's own face.

Well… these two definitely wouldn't take responsibility!

Sighing, the girl folded her arms across her chest.

This was going to be a problem. Jimmy Hunter was very attractive, and it wouldn't do well if she attacked him someday unable to control her own hormones.

That shouldn't happen – not when every other circ.u.mstance was this tense.

"Miya, dear, I – Oh."

Miya flinched, then turned around at once, surprised to hear the Chairman's familiar voice.

"Oh, Chairman! h.e.l.lo."

Her own voice was awkward, as she quickly placed her hands behind her back. The odd way she had reacted when she had last seen the old Hunter flashed through her mind, and the girl blushed. She had been upset after blurting out about Ben to Rebecca and had run out into Jimmy's arms while the Chairman was still there.

Thankfully, the old man had taken his leave, and Miya had been able to cry freely.

The atmosphere between them, somehow, was strange.

Simon Hunter, too, didn't respond to her greeting at once. However, her actions from earlier was not why he was speechless right then. The old Hunter took in the appearance of the girl, realizing suddenly how pleasantly he had been surprised. Then, he broke into one of his rare smiles.

This girl looked wonderful.

He hadn't expected to see such a major difference in her so soon!

Had Miya always been this pretty? Or was it Ms. Storm, who somehow had developed magical skills?

Well, whatever it was, the Chairman was impressed, and it improved his mood.

"Going to school?" he asked the daughter-in-law, grinning wide.

Miya felt relieved after seeing the old Hunter smile. She nodded enthusiastically too.

"Yes, sir."


"Oh – I mean, father."

"You look very pretty, dear," he complimented. Miya smiled diffidently at that.

"And if I may ask, where's your husband?"

"H-He's coming. He had some work to finish, I think."

More like floored after seeing you, so he needs to breathe. The Chairman smiled to himself.

"The dress suits you," he now said, simply by way of conversation. Miya remembered that it was a present from the old man himself, and she thanked him for it. Senior Hunter waved an arm airily, beaming as he said, "As long as you like it, dear."

Simon Hunter then turned his attention to the little guy standing shyly behind his mommy, embarra.s.sed on seeing uncle Hunter. Simon Hunter smiled at the child, ruffling his hair informally as he said, "You look very handsome, Ben. Ready for school?"

Ben nodded, feeling less nervous when uncle Hunter smiled at him too.

"Don't be afraid of the big boys there, alright?"

Ben nodded again.

"Make us proud."

As Senior Hunter continued to chat with Ben in his own weird way, Miya couldn't help but suppress a small smile. It would have been insolent of her to grin at the Chairman's interaction with her son. But she couldn't help it. They were both so cute right then! She watched old Hunter as he very solemnly gave dubious instructions like 'Make us proud' and 'Be gallant' to her son. The old man was extremely serious, and her son was nodding at him with extreme ferocity as well.


What had this old man been teaching her boy when he had been with him for one night?

She would have to find out!

Miya almost giggled and watched the two with slight unconcern. Her mind went places on its own, and a foreign thought etched itself in her brain.

Ben… he really seemed to be influenced by Jimmy. But now that she thought about it, he seemed to be influenced by Mr. Park and Simon Hunter as well.

Was it because he had never had a male presence in his life before?

Was that why the child was picking up traits from every male around him?

Miya frowned, somewhat disturbed at the thought, but also relieved that the men he was admiring – especially Jimmy – were all worthy. The thought hadn't crossed her mind before, but she had mixed feelings about it then. Ben had been exposed to this new world just like her, and she was still adjusting to it. He was only five. He must be needing much more time.

Her eyes fell on the little boy. The child beamed at something the old man said, and the two shook hands.

She sighed.

Or maybe, she was the only one who needed the time.

Her boy was way ahead of her when it came to acceptance, it seemed.

Somehow, the thought warmed her to her toes.

At that moment, she watched the old man wistfully, smiling as he took out his phone and showed something to Ben.

She wondered why the Chairman insisted on her calling him 'father'. He knew her own history – Miya was sure he knew about Tao, even if he didn't know everything. Why then, did he want to draw a dagger through her heart, by making her address him as 'father'? He should know, the power that word held for her, the havoc it wreaked within herself.

Why was he so intent on hurting himself too? Surely, it must remind him of Zaila�� every time she called him 'father'. Why then, was he wounding them both? She knew it was her fault. She had given in too easily when he had been teaching her at the cloth store. She had very simply referred to him by the t.i.tle back then. But now, it had begun to take a toll on her.

Why must she call this man 'father' when her own was her greatest enemy?

Why must she a.s.sociate any positive emotion with that one d.a.m.ned word?

Once the thought crossed Miya's mind, her eyes turned cold. She lost all comforting emotions, and looked at the Chairman pa.s.sively. He was still talking to Ben rather happily.

She didn't understand these Hunters.

They both knew about Kang Sheng. About Ben being a descendant of that man. The question was… why were they so accepting?

How could they come to terms with the fact? Jimmy, she could still understand on some level. But the Chairman? Why?

Why would he allow her to keep staying on his grounds, and even be this humble when the person he called his arch enemy – Kang Sheng's grandson was here? Miya hadn't forgotten the slingshot. That man who had attacked her on her very first day at Hunter estate – he was a reflection of the Chairman's true nature.

Why was the man so amiable when he clearly knew about her roots – her past, and probably her future too? It was only a matter of time before Sheng got to her. It was only a matter of time before she was involved in yet another blood bath.

Then what was Simon Hunter's plan? Was he plotting revenge – keen on using Ben and his presence as leverage to attack Kang Sheng?

That thought sounded more plausible. It also made Miya's entire demeanour go cold.

She didn't mind being a tool to destroy Sheng. If Simon Hunter was ever honest with her, she'd go along with whatever his plan was herself. She only needed to come out of it alive. Survival was her best skill. She didn't care about the damage it would inflict.

But Ben?

Hunter manor would be burnt down before anyone could touch her son.

Wary, and with danger in her eyes, Miya looked at the Chairman like a cornered beast. What did this man really want?

Meanwhile, old Hunter had handed over a list to Ben.

"Learn it by heart, Ben," he instructed the boy, "By the end of the day. Can you do it?"

Ben looked at the list and frowned. It looked like a lot of phone numbers and location codes, along with zip numbers.

The boy nodded, confused. The Chairman smiled in satisfaction.

"And I want you to keep this phone."

With that, the old man took out a smartphone from his pocket and handed it over to the little guy. It was then that the child looked troubled. He looked at his mommy in hesitation, who scowled at the Chairman in response.

She had snapped out of her thoughts when she had seen the Chairman hand over a list to Ben.

Wait… why did it feel like she wasn't just sending her son to school?

That he was actually being prepared for war itself?

Her suspicion grew, and without knowing, Miya's face twisted foully.

"Why?" her voice was still respectful, but thin, almost ready to cut through the thickest of the Chairman's armours.

Simon Hunter frowned, then gave her a pointed look.

"He'll be needing it," he said, glaring back harshly at the girl, c.o.c.king an eyebrow so she would understand his meaning.

It was then that the girl suddenly remembered another one of the old man's offences.

The camera!

She had completely forgotten about it before because of the discussions at the meeting, but now she recalled it. She was supposed to be furious with the Chairman! He had bugged her the night of the masquerade party without permission!

Automatically, her face grew filthier.

She tried to calm her expression, but she knew her true feelings were reflected on her face. She looked down at Ben, then said gravely, "Could you go call for Jimmy, baby?"

Ben nodded, relieved to leave.

It looked like mommy was going to fight with uncle Hunter. She really didn't like it when he used phones!

Ben was worried for uncle Hunter too as he trotted away.

Uncle Hunter should have asked mommy about the phone first!

Should he convince mommy not to beat uncle up?

Once Ben had left, the Chairman's face went blank. He looked at Miya with ice in his eyes, then placed his hands behind his back. His own gaze was cutting, black when he said, "What is the meaning of this behaviour?"

Before Miya could waver under his harsh eyes, she said stiffly, "You bugged me."

The man's eyes didn't faze. He understood without explanation.

"I wasn't the first one."

Miya flinched at that.


"The day we met at the cloth store."

The car!

Miya realized, stunned, the day when she had gone with Rebecca to Karl's house. When she had told her the truth behind her relations.h.i.+p with the man – Jimmy must have bugged her! No wonder he had sent for a car, and along with it a coat… he must have known what had happened between her and Becky! How she had suspected her ident.i.ty –


How come the idea hadn't crossed her mind?

But… Jim had also texted her to ask where she was that day… Could it be a setup to throw her off, so she wouldn't be suspicious?

The Chairman's face went rigid.

"You really didn't think I would let you meet Carver without keeping tabs, did you?" His tone sounded like he expected better from Miya.

The girl's words were hard too, "My question is why you didn't let me know."

"Because you would react the way you are."

"Chairman – "


Miya's mouth stiffened.

"I'm not that unreasonable. I wouldn't –"

"You are."


"You are that unreasonable, dear."

"Chairman, I –"

"Father. Miya, I'm not Jimmy Hunter. I'm the one who fathered that brat. Unlike his foolish decision, I have looked into your history, and I know how impulsive you are."

Miya felt like a blow had landed on her chest.



Wasn't this man being downright insulting?

Was he picking a fight?!

And really… she had been right all along.

Her history… he seemed to be knowing most of it after all.