My Perfect Lady - 141 The Master

141 The Master

To them, it was.

A frail man, his face thin – almost resembling that of a serpent, stood just outside the spooky room, his body trembling at what he heard. He had brought news – and news that could get him into trouble. No, trouble was the least of his worries – he had brought news that could get him killed.

The man s.h.i.+vered visibly, his legs almost giving way at the thought of seeing the master inside.

The grunting grew louder.

Slowly the man parted the curtains that s.h.i.+elded the entrance to the room. This room was one where sin of all sorts happened – it did not have doors, and anyone could enter at any time. Only disturbing the master was not allowed.

Once inside, the sight of the interior made the thin-faced servant lose any strength that he had left. There was no electricity in the room, it was murky and dark, only lighted by candles all around.

The servant swallowed.

It was his first time entering the room that spoke of l.u.s.t and death... in a fas.h.i.+on he was afraid to recognize.

There were huge mirrors lined on all four walls of the room. The mirrors were oval in shape, their frame metallic and speaking of ancient, regal times. In the middle of the room lay a huge tub – bronze in shade and filled with water. The floor itself was wooden and painted with prehistoric pictures, most of them depicting nude women and men.

The master of the manor lay in the tub.

From where the servant stood trembling, he could see the master's naked chest, his long, dirty locks of hair that fell unrulily on his shoulders. The master's eyes were closed as he lay in the tub with his back arched, one hand supporting his own head, the other pus.h.i.+ng at the head of another man, who seemed to be under the water and gagging on the master's crotch.

The master was grunting, his hand holding onto the man with more force with each of his gasps. The servant who had just entered wanted to throw up at the sight. But somehow, the scene before him enticed him too.

The strange scent filled into his nostrils, making his stomach churn, and yet he watched fixedly at the bizarre scene as it unfolded.

The master pushed harder at the head of the man pleasing him, his grab nasty. He also played with his own hair idly, rolling his locks with his other hand. The master didn't stop arching at one edge of the tub. There was a woman standing outside the tub too. She was half hidden because of the carton, but the servant could see her naked back as she kissed pa.s.sionately down the master's neck.

The master's breath was heavy, and he didn't open his eyes. His grunts became harsher, and almost suddenly, he removed his hand from beneath his head. He pulled back the girl's hair roughly and bit down at her collar bone. The girl cried out in pain. The master didn't let her go till tears were dripping down her eyes and she almost choked.

An evil smirk spread lightly on the master's face.

He stopped biting her, and arched back in pleasure again.

He pulled the girl forward too, so that her face hit his chest. The girl trembled, then continued to kiss him, as the master roughly caressed her hair. Slowly, the smirk on his face grew more sinister.

His voice was dark when he spoke.

"Like what you see?"

When the master received no response, his smirk broadened further, and slowly, he laughed. The sound was black, menacing in a way it sent chills down the servant's spine.

"Speak, while I let you live."

With that, the master slowly opened his eyes.

He was still arching over the tub, the sounds of the gag still echoed through the room as he held onto another man's head, and the girl was still kissing his chest. But the master slowly turned sideways, and his gaze fell on the servant.

The man paled.

His entire body trembled, as the master's cold, icy blue eyes fell on him. He looked at him with mockery, and unconcern – and with l.u.s.t, that was bereft of humanity. Those eyes were frighteningly inhumane.

The servant realized the master had been speaking to him.

Quickly, he fell down to his knees and bowed before the master.

The master laughed again.

"Get up," his voice was cold.

The servant complied, then blurted out hastily, "M-Master, I-I've located the girl."

The master didn't reply.

"M-Master, she's currently living with the Hunters. I-I don't understand how, but –"


The master's eyes glazed at the word, and he pulled harder at the man beneath him. With his other hand, he brought the girl's face close to his own and bit at her earlobe. The girl cried again.

The servant gulped.

"Y-Yes, master."

"What about the b.a.s.t.a.r.d?"

The servant's throat jammed at that. Carefully, he said, "H-He's with her, master."

"I forget his name."

"It's Ben, master."

The master didn't reply again.

Then slowly, he let the woman go. He released the man he was holding down as well. The other man gasped when the master finally relieved him, his mouth full of blood as he fell limply out of the tub. He was soaked, gagged and his eyes were dazed – almost as if his eyeb.a.l.l.s had rolled to the back of his head.

The master stepped out of the tub.

The servant's mouth fell open, as the master walked out towards him naked. His dirty, black locks of hair fell down to his shoulders, curled at the edges, his sea blue, dark eyes boring an evil look. He smiled wickedly at the servant, revealing a pair of white teeth, that somehow were rotten towards their edge. A long, deep scar that was the shape of a half moon ran closely down his left eye, all the way from beneath his eyelash to his mouth.

The master had a perfectly toned body, exquisite golden brown skin. His aura was demonic, and yet, haunting in a spine-chilling, seductive, way.

The master stood before the servant.


His voice was unamused.

The servant's heart froze, and without a word, he dropped down to his knees.

Kang Sheng then held the back of the servant's head, and forcefully shoved the man's mouth on his member.

The room was filled with haunted grunts again.