My Perfect Lady - 133 She Was Flirting With Him, Wasn't She?

133 She Was Flirting With Him, Wasn't She?

Albeit Jim was still fl.u.s.tered about the amazing intimate moment that they had shared, but the missus's silence bothered him more. He a.s.sessed her carefully, admiring for a while how different she looked in her sky blue pantsuit. But then, he noticed how she was still s.h.i.+vering, and was still lost in her own world.

What had happened at the Chairman's meeting?

Jim's own head was hurting now, especially since his discovery of Kang Sung being Ben's father. He hadn't cared about the fact before. But now, when he looked at Miya sitting feebly before him, it hit him hard.

The Kang family's son. And Miya.

They had both shared a bond he himself would never be able to breach.


An intense feeling rose within him, one that he was unfamiliar with. For a second, Jimmy wished the Kang b.a.s.t.a.r.d was before him, and he could break his face. He hated the fact that Miya could have loved someone else long before she even knew him. He hated that somewhere, Kang Sung would always be a part of her life, because she had Ben. He hated that he himself would never be the only one she ever loved.

Kang Sung being dead also put a question mark on Jim's theory now, that Miya had been running away from the man. Because he was simply dead! And granted it was Miya, and they both had a child together, her feelings must have been intense for the person.

Jim almost swore. He felt his heart twist and turn, and a bitter feeling rose within him. It left him confused – he had never felt this way before. Why was he so concerned about a dead man?

Kang Sung was history. Miya was here, and she was married to him now.

He knew she didn't love him yet, but there was a connection between them. He could feel it in his veins every time he looked at the girl.

Then… what exactly was this intense pain, the bitter, violent urge that wanted him to keep her all to himself?

It was then that Jimmy's stupid, logical self came to his aid again. This time, it talked sense.

"It's called jealousy, you moron," it told him with a sneer.

For a second, Jimmy was shocked.

Jealous? Him?

Of some random thug from a mafia family?

His eyes fell on Miya again. Somehow, that small photograph of the thin faced man, with his snake like features flashed in his brain. Jim's insides burned.

Of course. He was jealous.

Jealous enough to break Kang Sung's face all over again if he were alive.

The young master held his head in his hands.

This was too complicated.

Of all the people in the world, it was the Kang's grandson who was now, technically his son. Son.


He was losing his mind.

Jimmy began to pace around in the room. He was still a little hung over from last night, even though his physical appearance showed no hint of it. But now, he had a lot to put into consideration too. Did Miya still have feelings for this Kasu*le? Jimmy would burn his grave if she did. Did she know it was this b.a.s.t.a.r.d who had been a major part of the drug cartel Rivqah for a long time? Also, if Ben was the Kang's grandson, then Kang Sheng must be after Miya.

The question was – since when? And what exactly did he want? Jimmy knew the Kangs were an aristocratic family with n.o.ble roots, even though they had gone corrupt. As far as he knew, illegitimate children had no place in families like that. Which should have put Miya and Ben out of danger.

But the fact remained that Ben was also Kang Sung's only heir, and the man's only legacy.

d.a.m.n it. Jimmy needed information to tackle this situation.

And he wasn't very sure that Miya would be willing to share this aspect of her life.

She hadn't even mentioned Ben's father belonging to the f***ing mafia!

Meanwhile Miya, who had finished her gla.s.s of water, now watched Jimmy with confusion. She had calmed down considerably, but became increasingly worried when she looked at Jim. He was walking around the room with rather huge steps, and his expression dropped with each pa.s.sing second. He seemed to be in deep thought.


Miya couldn't help herself. She finally called out to him.

It was her voice that snapped Jim out of his troubling thoughts. He looked at her wearily, and then seated himself before her with a thud.

"We need to talk," he declared.

Miya made a helpless face when she saw the determination in his eyes. Before she could say anything though, she was taken aback by Jim's sudden action – the man placed his mouth firmly on hers, kissed her softly but with strange urgency – and within seconds let her go. Then with the similar serious expression plastered on his face, he told her to go wash her face that was stained with tears.

Miya's heart went into a frenzy, but her expression was of utmost confusion.


Was Jimmy alright?

She did however go to the bathroom, wash up and return to the room. Jimmy was still sitting in the same spot when she came back, his eyes fixed on the couch before him, lost in what seemed like disturbing thoughts. Miya thought 'disturbing' because his expression turned furious with each fleeting minute.

Somehow, it scared her.

She however, ignored the feeling and re-seated herself before the husband.

Jimmy straightened his face as soon as he saw that the missus had returned. Her face was red even now, and he had the strange urge to pull her cheeks. But he controlled the ridiculous impulse, and said softly, "Are you feeling better now?"

Miya nodded.

"Good. Now, will you tell me what happened?"

Miya had expected the question. She had also prepared the answer, but then she made the mistake of looking into the young master's eyes. She was instantly lost.

Jim raised his brows.


"Ah – yeah?"

"I'm asking you what happened earlier."

"Oh, that," the girl sighed. Then bracing herself, she said, "I- The Chairman told us about the person behind the drug cartel. J – Jimmy, I have something to tell you. T-The p-person – "

Jimmy breathed.

Then slowly, he held both her hands in his.

"Miya," his voice was low, somewhat sweet when he took her name, but also dark when he stated, "I know Ben is Kang Sheng's grandson."

Miya stood up in horror.


Jimmy sighed again. Her hands were still firmly between his own. He stood up too, towering over her when he did.

"I just found out."

Miya's heart began to beat wildly again. Somehow, she was afraid. Her lips quivered when she said, "J-Jimmy, I didn't know K-Kang Sheng was behind R-Rivqah. Or I-I would have told you about Kasu."

Jimmy rolled his eyes.

"Don't be an idiot," he chided her lightly, "I trust you, of course. I'ts just unexpected, is all."

Miya's eyes welled up again at his words, but she controlled the outburst of her emotions. She breathed, then nodded rigorously.

"Very unexpected," she agreed.

"And it's so messed up," Jim mumbled.

"Very messed up," she responded too.



"Are you still in love with Kasu?"

That question took Miya by surprise. She flinched at the words, but looked at Jimmy. His eyes were intense, bewitching – echoing with the same expression that he had the night of the masquerade party when they had first kissed. Somehow, it didn't make her afraid. Instead, those beautiful, haunting eyes made her heart melt.

"I never was," she told him truthfully, matching his eyes, her heart beating in a low drum.

Relief spread through every inch of Jimmy's body. He couldn't believe the words he heard, but the sincerity in Miya's expression was all he needed to see to believe the truth of her statement.

"Then… Ben?"

Her eyes went slightly cold, but then she placed her hands behind her back and clenched her fists. Miya shrugged.

"It just happened."

Jim nodded at the words, and gently pulled her into a hug.

Miya melted into his arms. After Ben, this man was the best thing that had happened to her.

"I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that," Jim whispered close to her ears.

Miya didn't realize when she asked, "Why?"

Silence prevailed, before Jimmy took in a deep breath.

"Because I lo – "

"Wait! Don't complete that sentence."


"I said don't finish that statement!"


"B-Because… I don't know!"

Jimmy tightened his hold around her, then sighed deeply, his breath making the hair on her skin stand.

"You're the biggest moron on this earth, Miya. You know that, right?"

"I'm not."

"Then why are you so afraid?"

"Because it's all too much. Everything we talked about yesterday, our history, what the Chairman told us – it's too much, Jimmy. I'm tired. All I want to do is run away right now. My head hurts so much. Doesn't yours hurt too?"

Jim had to agree with that.

It was too much. And his head did hurt.

Chuckling lightly, he said, "It does. And alright. Where do you want to run to?"

Miya had wrapped her hands around his huge chest. His words made her look up at his face in surprise.

"You'd run with me?"

"Of course. Don't you think I should?"

Miya's jaw almost dropped. Soon enough though, a small smile spread on her lips and she remarked playfully, "Absolutely, you should. You're my husband after all!"

It was Jimmy's turn to be shocked.

His mouth fell open at her words, and Miya laughed out loud. His heart turned jelly, and danced in his stomach, as a faint blush crept up his neck and spread on his face.


This woman…

She was flirting with him, wasn't she?

How cheeky!