Miya snapped out of her thoughts, and looked dazedly at Rebecca. Her heart had started to thump rather loudly, and she could hear its beat in her eardrums.
"Yes?" she asked.
Rebecca immediately grew concerned.
"Are you alright?"
Miya shrugged forcefully, and then concentrated on the situation at hand.
"You – You have a point, sis," she said roughly clearing her throat, "And I didn't think of that aspect at all. But, don't you think this situation puts too much control in the Chairman's hands? He'd be responsible for everything in your life! Doesn't that make you uncomfortable?"
"And what can I do alone right now?"
"If you choose otherwise, you can have a better future. He said he'd help you if you want to pursue a career somewhere else. That way you'd be out of danger, sis, and free."
"That's just running away."
"It isn't."
"Miya… alright. Listen to me," Rebecca breathed deeply, "When father and mother wanted me to be accountable for my life, I screwed around, ran away. When Simon Hunter put me under Carver to train, I was too weak and gave in to drugs. Look what its led to now. Adrian was killed because I wasn't able to protect myself. I would have been played around by Karl and Carver had you not miraculously appeared. Don't you see it, girl? What you're suggesting is what I've done my entire life. Don't you think it's time I move on?"
"And taking over Toby-Freeman will do that for you?"
"I meant it when I said it to the Chairman, Miya. Toby-Freeman is my parent's name. Not publicly, but its still stained because of this cartel. I can't stand by and watch if their reputation tarnishes forever. I don't have that kind of right anymore."
"And what if things go wrong?"
"I know they will."
"Well, when have they not?"
"Maybe this time they'll –"
"Okay, if you say so."
They both looked at each other, and somehow Rebecca burst out laughing. The awkwardness dissipated between them, and Miya got up and hugged Becky. The act took Becky by surprise, but chuckling, she hugged her back.
"We don't have drinks, or I'd toast to our future," Rebecca shrugged.
Miya shot her a look.
"Don't talk about drinking. But… what would you say?"
"To our c.r.a.ppy future!"
"Alright, alright. To hoping its less c.r.a.ppy than our history?"
"That'll do."
Miya pressed her lips, looked at Becky and chuckled as well.
They fell silent for a moment, before Becky let her Junior Sister go. She did hold her by her shoulders though, at an arm's length and looked at her c.o.c.kily.
���Haven't you grown up" she said teasingly then, "Giving sound advice to elders. Your sis is proud."
"Elder! Five years, sis!"
"I've told you, its old enough."
"It's not!"
"On a serious note. Did you know about Kasu, Miya? I had no idea the b.a.s.t.a.r.d came from a powerful family!"
Miya stiffened in Rebecca's hold for a second, and the bright smile left her face. She shrugged hastily before responding. The change in her expression did not escape Rebecca's notice.
"He told me. We met again, three years after I left your house."
"And… Miya, you still stayed with him, knowing he came from that background?"
"What can I say? I myself wasn't that clean back then."
Miya's mouth had drawn into a thin line, and her face went blank. She had hissed the words when she said them, almost as if something repulsive had haunted her memories.
Rebecca's expression dropped too.
"T-Then… Ben is…?"
"Kang Sheng's grandson? Yes."
"Miya… how did Kasu die?"
Miya sighed. She was not doing this.
She looked at Rebecca firmly, the sternness steady in her eyes. Rebecca almost held her head in her hands. This girl was still as secretive as ever! Her demeanour said she wouldn't say a word about this.
But why?
"Fine," Rebecca said grudgingly again, "But do you think the Chairman knows? That Ben is this man's grandson?"
That made Miya fall into thought again.
"I don't know," she said hesitantly, "But I think he does. He said 'you've both been involved with one very important man from the family' when he referred to Kasu. It's not like the Chairman to not know."
"T-Then… why is he so calm?"
"I don't know, sis."
"It's weird of him"
"It is. But it's not like I can ask. And I've dealt with Kang Sheng for a while now. I can do it in the future too. Don't worry about it."
Somehow, Rebecca felt disheartened by her words. She let go of Miya's shoulders, unable to a.s.sess how this small of a woman could keep so many riddles about herself, all stuffed in a closet by her own. Not for once could she have guessed that Miya was dealing with some drug lord, a mafia of sorts. How did she even do it?
"Just stay out of trouble," Rebecca said resignedly to the girl. It made Miya smirk.
"I'm fine," she responded airily, "You're the one I'm worried about!"
"I'll be fine too. But seriously… if you need any hep with anything, please come to me Miya."
"Of course, sis!"
Rebecca sighed again. She knew Miya had a traumatic childhood, and it wasn't rocket science to figure out her teen years must have been challenging as well. The thought of it all depressed her further.
"I just wish you had met Jimmy Hunter sooner, punk."
Now that, took Miya by surprise. Frowning, she asked,
"I mean… he's a nice guy."
"Yeah, I know that, but what –"
"All I mean is, then you wouldn't have to be dealing with this Kang Sheng c.r.a.p, at least. And G.o.d knows, whatever the h.e.l.l trouble Kasu has caused for you. And Ben –"
"Sis. Ben is my son."
"Yes Miya. And I can see it that you love him a lot. What I'm fearing is… Miya, don't be so dense. Try and catch on. Ben – was he… I mean… between you and Kasu, was it consensual? The conception, Ben, I mean – Did Kasu force –"
Miya's face was filled with horror once she heard Rebecca's words. Disgust spread on her lips as she retorted, "What are you talking about?!"
Rebecca's own words were lost in her mouth. She swallowed them, but couldn't take them in. Bitterly, she muttered again, "Miya, maybe its time you move on as well."
Miya couldn't follow. Scowling, and slightly annoyed, she asked, "From what?"
"Kasu – its time you stop being hung up over him!"
"I am not hung up on that b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I never was!" Miya was getting angry now.
"Well, its hard to believe that. You did give birth to his child."
"Sis, I gave birth to a dead child! Do you even know –"
And Miya froze.
As soon as the words left her mouth, her face paled. All blood drained from her body, and she stood before Rebecca, petrified.
Rebecca's own eyes widened in shock.
Miya didn't move. Then very slowly, the ticking of the clock in the room resounded in her head and she stared at Rebecca blankly. Her lips trembled, but ages later, she spoke.
"We're done here, sis. Let's go."
With that Miya walked out of the room.