My Perfect Lady - 122 A Match Made In Heaven

122 A Match Made In Heaven

Not to mention, he had been reluctant to come in even at the break of dawn.

Mr. Park had convinced him to walk back to Black Opal, his mansion, and take a rest. The Chairman had somehow been fired up at the idea, and though he did come back, he did not rest for a single second. He was now bathed, properly dressed, and sn.i.g.g.e.ring into a mirror as he stared at his reflection.

Park secretly rolled his eyes.

This father and son were a match made in heaven.

The old butler set out to fetch Ben from the library, for he was pretty sure the Chairman had left him there last night. As for other things that had managed to irk him so early on in the morning – they included Jimmy the brat, of course, his newly wedded wife and the icing on the cake – his best friend Hartley Greene.

Park didn't even want to think where Jim was. Or where Miya was. Those two kids weren't in their right mind anyways. Every time he thought about them, it automatically gave Park a headache.

As for Hartley, the old butler wished he could find the boy and simply smack him once or at least thrice. The Chairman needed him for the meeting which was to start in less than two hours, and as far as Park knew, Hart wasn't in Palace Jade. Which simply meant he had decided to cause more trouble and maybe had run away.

Probably because no one was paying him enough attention.

Somehow, Park had the urge to crack his knuckles.

Amidst all these useless adults who obviously grew up screwed up and annoying, the thought of meeting Miya's boy, actually cheered up the old man. Despite how suspicious his mother was, she had done a good job with taking care of her child.

Ben, Mr. Park decided, was the most mannered and the least troublesome boy that the Hunter manor had seen in ages.

The fact made him happy.

The thoughts relaxed Mr. Park visibly, and his agitation dropped. His fascination and liking for the little boy grew tenfold too, when he walked into the library and saw the boy already awake, and reading quietly in a corner.

His heart went jelly.

Park would never understand why he wasn't blessed with his own child.

Jimmy was like a son but… there was only so much right he had on the Chairman's child. Park knew he would have a made a good father himself. And yet…

Well. Somethings just weren't meant to be.

Sighing, he replaced the smile on his face and walked merrily towards Ben.

"Good morning," he called out cheerfully.

When Ben heard the familiar voice of uncle Park, his face brightened up, and he quickly left his chair. Park didn't see it coming when the little boy ran towards him and flew directly into his arms. The old butler was so astonished, he could only spread out his arms and lift up the boy.

"Uncle!" Ben sang happily, "Good morning!"

Park's heart melted further.

Such a good boy.

"Did you sleep well, uncle?"

The smile on Park's face broadened, and he quickly ruffled the boy's hair. Park remembered when Jimmy had been five. Not that he was complaining, but the only thing that Park recalled Jimmy asking him all those years ago was if he was strong enough to take over the world. And of course, if he was more handsome than Simon Hunter.

The word he had used was 'beautiful', Park corrected himself.

The old man shrugged, rolling his eyes.

He had to hand it over to Miya. She had done a fine job with her boy, despite her tumultuous history. Part of him was always ready to believe in that small girl's innocence, thanks to her own behaviour and Ben's excellent mind.

"I slept fine, Ben. Did you do okay?"

Ben nodded enthusiastically.

"I bathed and dressed too, uncle!" he said proudly pumping his fists, "but I didn't have clothes here, so I wore the same ones from yesterday."

Park grinned again, tousling the boy's hair once more.

"Aren't you a brilliant child, dear?" he chuckled, and then began to walk out of the library.

"Let's get you changed too."

Half an hour later, Mr. Park had returned to palace Jade, and he had helped Ben out of his clothes. The little boy had been shy at first, but then he grew comfortable with Park in less than two minutes. Especially when Park told him the story of three pigs and the cunning wolf.

Ben was transported to another world.

"So the wolf's back just got burnt?" he asked Park in wonder.

The old man chuckled.

"Yes, and thanks to the third pig who actually worked hard. That's a lesson, Ben. Always work hard. Okay?"

"Yes!" Ben nodded obediently.

Mr. Park laughed softly. For someone who read so much, and understood so many complicated things, the child was very less aware of even the most common tales told to children. Park decided it was about time the boy learnt them too. As great as it was for him to be so composed and mature, and so adorable too –

Well… he must act a bit spoilt as well! Sometimes, at least. Like a normal five-year old who wasn't out to become some scholar!

Mr. Park laughed again.

When they were done, Ben wanted to see his mommy. That troubled Park immediately, but when they reached Miya's room and later Jim's bedroom, they couldn't find the duo at both places. Mr. Park's eyebrows did twitch at the unmade bed in Jim's room, and he was reluctant to continue the search.

Ben however, urged Mr. Park to keep looking.

And all h.e.l.l was ready to break lose when they did find the two.

The veins on Park's forehead throbbed threateningly when he saw Jimmy lying near the poolside, with one leg and one hand immersed in the water. Miya was lying half on him, and half on the floor. And somehow, Jim's tie was tied in a knot around the girl's forehead.

As suspected.

The two were drunk. Dead beat.

Park wasn't amused about that at all.

Hadn't he given Jim a warning previously? And Miya had been present there, when he had indicated to them how annoying he found taking care of drunk kids. Park looked down at Ben, who was clearly confused.

Well, it was time the two learnt from their kid.

And Jimmy Hunter… he was so d.a.m.n grounded!

For once, Park did let go of his restrain and actually cracked his knuckles.

He was scary as h.e.l.l.

Ben swallowed.