My Perfect Lady - 104 God... I Want You

104 God... I Want You

Jim towered over her, his hand wrapped around her small shoulder as the smirk on his lips widened. When the missus didn't respond, he pushed her into his body, his own heart leaping at the touch. Miya grasped his s.h.i.+rt.


Jim's voice was heavy with want.

He pushed her further into himself, almost groaning at the contact when Miya didn't resist at all. His own legs went weak, and he put one hand against the wall to support himself, holding her close with the other. Miya's hold at his chest tightened.

So close, they could feel their hearts beat in sync.

Miya couldn't breathe. While Jim simply closed his eyes as his bottom hardened.

His hand quivered against the wall, and he felt like he would collapse.

"Miya…" he groaned again.

It was this time that his voice dragged her back to her senses. She could feel his heart beat against her fist, and she knew when he was about to speak.

The three magical words, he had said…

Jim breathed out, "Miya, I –"

Miya stiffened.

She didn't have the courage to look into his eyes, but she didn't want to let go either. So grabbing his s.h.i.+rt in a fistful with more force, she pressed her head against his chest and whispered


That took Jim by surprise.

He looked down at her small head, his eyes a flicker of wild desire. Then holding her in place so that she wouldn't move, he said huskily, "Look at me."

Miya pressed herself into him further, and shook her head. Jim felt the slight tremble of her body against his.

"Miya, look at me."

He was calm, but his voice was still hefty with need.

Her entire body began to quiver as Miya refused to match the young master's eyes. Jim slowly slid down his hand against her hair in a gentle caress, and repeated softly, "Miya, my love. Look at me."

She froze for an instant, then slowly looked up.

Jim smiled.

Her eyes were the most beautiful shade of black he had ever seen. He was still reminded of the green, but for now, she was enough. Jim let go of the wall and silently cupper her face. Then tracing her lips with his thumb, he leant forward and kissed her cheek.

Miya was entranced by the deep, knowing look in his eyes. It made her want to shatter in his arms. And when he pulled her even closer and kissed her so close to her mouth, she lost all control and trembled wildly.

She didn't even have a warning.

Jim's hold on her small face was tantalizing, and he only had to grab her chin between his thumb and fingers to gain access to her mouth. Miya gasped once again at the touch, but this time, his eyes were locked with hers.

Jim's bottom was ready to slash through.

Their lips met.

Jim's mouth was tender, when his lips parted and brushed over hers. Miya struggled to grab at even the s.h.i.+rt, as his mouth settled over hers and the kiss became more pa.s.sionate. Jim licked at her bottom lip, and drew at it, careful not to bite this time. She moaned, and parted her own for him, feeling weak all over. His tongue teased hers at first, then forcefully plunged inside to devour the sweetness of her mouth.

The heat rose.

Jim kissed that small mouth, those inviting lips over and over again, slowly moving down to her cheek and then to her chin. He caught her jaw between his teeth, sending Miya's senses spiralling, then again moved back to her mouth.

He couldn't have enough if it.

Miya felt the hard edges of his face against hers, and was once again surprised at the gentleness of the kiss despite his sharp features. The kiss was tender at first, but then it turned wild, making her own heart want to leap out of her mouth.

She didn't realize it herself, but just when she was about to collapse into his arms, Jim picked her up and began to carry her somewhere. They still didn't break the kiss. She complied to that demanding mouth of his with full diligence and further parted her lips, wanting to explore that sweet inside of his with her tongue, as he did hers.

Jim walked back to their room, and shut the door with one forceful kick.

Miya had wrapped her hand around his neck, and was kissing him back pa.s.sionately as well.

It made him smile.

His bottom had begun to ache now, and it was only growing harder by the minute. Jim gasped between the kiss, wanting relief.

He put his wife down on the bed gently, still reluctant to break apart from her lips. Miya too refused to let go of his s.h.i.+rt. Jim felt her pull him closer to herself, and he willingly complied. She refused to let him go, and he was happy to oblige.

Jim crouched over Miya's slender body, his one hand still behind her back. He bit the corner of her lips, and removed his arm embracing her from behind. Then holding that small hand of hers, he raised it above her shoulders and pinned it over her head.

With the other hand, he flicked open the third b.u.t.ton on her s.h.i.+rt.

Cold air hit Miya's chest and she gasped at the sensation. Jim deepened the kiss, then moved away to leave a trail of kisses down her mouth. His body pressed into hers lightly, enough for Miya to feel the bulge in his pants against her stomach.

She needed him too.

Jim continued to kiss her neck, and then bit slightly at her collar bone.

Miya gasped at the feeling and then moaned.

It was that sound that pulled Jim back to her lips.

He consumed her mouth further, his bottom threatening to tear through. He kissed the corners of her mouth again, panting as he whispered close to her ear

"G.o.d… I want you."

Miya closed her eyes and bit her lip, relis.h.i.+ng the feeling ricocheting through her body. But when Jimmy said those words, her eyes shot open.

Those words…

Oh f***.

She felt Jim's hand dangerously close to her chest. She wanted the touch, but somehow, her brain sprung into action. Before Jim could bite at her earlobe, she held his face with her free hand and looked deeply into his eyes.

Jim matched the intensity of her gaze with his own, and was about to plunge into her mouth again, when Miya whispered softly.


Jim's hand froze on his wife's arm, his lips inches away from hers. He looked up at her in question.

Miya stroked the side of his face gently.

Then taking in a deep breath, she said in a soft voice, "Are you sure? We barely know each other…"

The words took Jim by surprise, and his eyes shot up at her. He searched her face for a while, and then slowly smiled.

"What do you want to know?"

His voice was calm.

And with that, he dipped his head and kissed her again.