My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 689: Do You Think Ill Let You Ruin My Childhood?

Chapter 689: Do You Think Ill Let You Ruin My Childhood?

Chapter 689: Do You Think Ill Let You Ruin My Childhood?

The ordinary zombies couldnt figure out how to open the door immediately, but their ability to destroy things violently was more than enough.

The sound of cracking was already coming through, and even the zombies roars echoed within the building.

Quick, move! Mu Chen hastened his pace and quickly pushed open a slightly ajar security door.

Light immediately streamed in from the outside, along with two zombies that lunged at them.

Mu Chen instinctively jumped in fright, but his actions were swift as he drew his sword to strike.

Unexpectedly, just as he raised his sword, the two zombies each had a b.l.o.o.d.y hole appear in their foreheads and abdomens.

Xia Nas scythe had stabbed from the side, accurately flipping the still-breathing zombie and slamming it hard onto the ground.

Such a violent scene was hard to believe unless witnessed in person, especially coming from a girl like Xia Na.

Mu Chen turned to look at Ling Mo in astonishment, only to see Ling Mos calm expression: I have a sense ability

Of course I know that but couldnt you give me a heads-up? Mu Chen snapped angrily.

If you dont hurry, you can stay behind. Xia Na shot Mu Chen a sidelong glance and said coldly.

Roar! Roar!

Several zombies had already appeared in the corridor behind them, sprinting towards Ling Mo and the others who were heading out.

These zombies speed and strength were similar to the ordinary zombies Ling Mo had encountered elsewhere, but their behavior was noticeably smarter.

One of the zombies, after rus.h.i.+ng to the front, turned its gaze to Xu Shuhan.

It quickly pressed against the wall, trying to bypa.s.s Ye Lian, who was in front.

Although Ye Lian had restrained her aura, her dominant level strength was still evident, instilling some instinctive fear in these zombies.

While Ling Mo and Mu Chen were the primary targets, Li Yalin and Xia Na, both Leader-Level, stood in the middle.

Looking at it from any angle, Xu Shuhan seemed the easiest to take down.

They actually have basic intelligence now Ling Mo glanced back inside and remarked.

d.a.m.n it, save her! Mu Chens face turned pale, and he immediately tried to turn back.

But just as he took a step back, he saw Ye Lian, who had been standing still, suddenly blur into motion. She accurately grabbed the zombie trying to rush past her and hurled it directly at the other zombies.

This throw didnt just knock them off balance; in Mu Chens stunned gaze, a large splash of blood spattered out.

Ye Lian quickly turned around, grabbed Xu Shuhan, and ran out with her.

Just now Mu Chen was shocked. How had Ye Lian become so much faster and stronger in just one day? It was as if she had leveled up!

Moreover, that seemingly casual grabhow did she manage to grab the zombie by the back of the neck, a safe spot, while both were moving at high speed?

Not to mention the smooth throw that followed, knocking down several zombies that werent even in the same line. Even a professional bowler couldnt have done better!

Thinking back to Ling Mos calm expression and reaction, it was clear he had immense trust in Ye Lian.

They had only been out of his sight for a few hours, but what had happened during that time?

Stop dithering and move! Ling Mo slammed the security door shut and turned to leave.

Xiao Bai and Yu s.h.i.+ran wouldnt have any problems. Xiao Bai alone could handle it.

Compared to Ling Mos group, their concealment was much more effective.

Ling Mo knew his scent was highly attractive to zombies, but carrying something like corpse wraps all the time he couldnt stand it himself.

Plus, with Mu Chen, a pure human, in their team, no matter how many zombies they had, they couldnt avoid being pursued and surrounded by zombies.

As expected, there was a parking lot behind them, filled with cars. In the middle of the lane, a wrecked car lay smashed among several vehicles.

Just as they were pa.s.sing through the cars, they suddenly felt a gust of wind from the side.

Ling Mo immediately dodged to the side, and Mu Chen quickly crouched down.

A dark shadow flashed overhead, followed by a loud bang.

As the abandoned car shook violently, the dark figures true form became clear to everyone.

A big zombie, dressed in a blue mechanics uniform, stood there holding a pair of iron pliers.

The car roof had dented under his weight, and as Ling Mos group stared at him, the car window even cracked with a loud snap.

Such immense strength Mu Chen felt his throat go dry at the sight, especially given the zombies size. Although it couldnt compare to the city overlord of Dongming, it was still intimidating.

The iron pliers in its hand looked like a toy.

The real issue is that it knows how to use a weapon Ling Mo stared at the big guy intently. Do you think it might treat us like mushrooms?

Dont ruin my childhood; I refuse to answer that. Mu Chen rolled his eyes.

While speaking, Ling Mo subtly glanced back over his shoulder.

The parking lot exit was just ahead, with no zombies in sight for now, but they would likely appear soon.

If they got surrounded from both sides, Ling Mos group could probably escape, but Xu Shuhans condition would be precarious in a chaotic fight.

Already, the scent of blood had her breathing heavily, leaning weakly on Ye Lians shoulder and staring vacantly at the big zombie.

Dont engage head-on; lets move, Ling Mo quickly decided.

Move? How can we outrun it? Mu Chen exclaimed.

No sooner had he spoken than the big guy leaped again, aiming straight for them.

While still mid-air, the big zombie raised the iron pliers high, targeting Mu Chens head.

Mu Chen didnt dare take the hit and quickly dodged to the side.

But as soon as the zombie landed, it swung the pliers horizontally without hesitation.


Mu Chen blocked the blow, but his entire arm went numb.

And this was an enhanced human; a normal person, even with the reflexes, would have ended up with broken bones.

Why is it always targeting me? Mu Chen could only dodge left and right in a panic, avoiding direct confrontation.

Maybe because your head is big Ling Mo said offhandedly, then suddenly shouted, Turn left!

Mu Chen quickly dodged to the left, just in time to see the Big Guy zombie, who had been charging at him with the iron pliers, suddenly stagger as a burst of blood exploded from his knee.


The Big Guy fell heavily to the ground with a dull thump.

Without needing any further prompting, Mu Chen immediately took off running.

But when he caught sight of Ye Lian holding a sniper rifle, he couldnt help but feel a chill down his spine.

The opportunity had appeared in the blink of an eye. When had Ye Lian started preparing to take that shot? Just a few seconds ago, she had been supporting Xu Shuhan

Could it have been at the exact moment Ling Mo shouted for him to turn left?

As the group was about to dash out the door, the Big Guy got back up again.

Dragging his crippled leg and gripping the iron pliers, he chased after them, though much slower this time.

Hey, Captain, hes bleeding. Wont that attract more zombies? Mu Chen panted as he ran alongside Ling Mo.

Hes just an Advanced Zombie, at the intermediate stage. Hes injured, but his intimidation factor is still there. Zombies will follow us but wont get too close, which actually works in our favor. Its better than being surrounded, Ling Mo explained.

Mu Chen, accustomed to Ling Mos extensive zombie daily encyclopedia, focused on another issue: That sounds good, but what then? Wont we end up with more zombies following us?

When there are too many zombies, well take him out. Ordinary zombie bodies wont deter others from chasing, but an advanced one is different, Xia Na said with a mischievous smile, her tongue lightly licking the corner of her mouth.

But how long can he hold out? Mu Chen glanced back worriedly.

The Big Guy zombie was still relentlessly pursuing them, and though his speed had decreased, it was still relative. If Ling Mos group stopped, theyd be caught in less than ten seconds.

His knee was completely shattered, with his lower leg and foot dragging twistedly on the ground, connected by mere shreds of flesh.

As he chased them, he left a trail of blood and occasional bits of flesh in his wake.

Never underestimate a zombies regenerative ability, Ling Mo added.

Xu Shuhan couldnt help but glance back as well. Partly due to the scent of blood, but also because she suddenly felt a strange sensation

Watching that monster, she couldnt help but think of herself

That twisted leg was still capable of healing But the feeling it evoked wasnt relief; it was horror!

Although there was no turning back, and she had started to get used to the overly sharp senses of a Zombie, fully accepting this new ident.i.ty was still incredibly challenging for a human

After exiting the parking lot, they found themselves on another road.

Ling Mo led the group swiftly through the narrow gaps between buildings, their pace relentless.

Occasionally, Zombies appeared ahead, but Ling Mos tentacles, which combined detection and attack, showcased their formidable abilities at these moments.

Every time a Zombie showed up, just as Mu Chens heart leaped into his throat, a blood hole would suddenly appear in the Zombies head, and it would collapse before it could even open its mouth.

In such a narrow environment, there was no chance for another Zombie to start howling from a distance right after one was taken down

The Big Guy trailing behind did attract several Zombies, but in these pa.s.sages, which were no more than three meters wide, they couldnt bypa.s.s him to attack Ling Mos group, nor did they dare get too close to the Big Guy, keeping their distance instead.

At first, Mu Chen was on edge, but he was surprised to find that this strategy actually worked.

Following Ling Mo, he felt he had learned a lot, though he had also been tricked numerous times