My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 685: Look, You Messed Up

Chapter 685: Look, You Messed Up

Chapter 685: Look, You Messed Up

With a crunch, a sign, scorched and deformed, fell from above, trailing thick black smoke as it plummeted straight toward a dazed figure standing below.


As the shadow loomed overhead, the figures tightly shut eyes suddenly snapped open.

Clang! A loud crash followed immediately.

When the smoke cleared, the narrow alley was left with only the still-swaying sign and a charred corpse lying not far away

The figure with the large head vanished into the deeper darkness: What an interesting human Truly interesting Hahaha


A ball of fire burst through the ground-floor window, flooding half the alley with rolling heat waves.

And the figure with the large head was completely gone

Ah, finally In the hotel room, Xia Na released her crossed arms and collapsed weakly to the floor. Its finally stopped

You Ye Lian stared at Xia Na with wide eyes, looking somewhat shocked.

Im fine. Xia Na smiled at Ye Lian, then raised a hand and wiped it across her eyes.

When she lowered her hand, a pair of deep black eyes were revealed.

She slyly blinked, then repeated the gesture.

This time, the eyes that emerged were clearly red and white.

Ah! Ye Lian gasped, covering her mouth in surprise.

But wait, theres more

Xia Na giggled and did it a third time.

When she spread her fingers, the eyes peeking through were mismatchedone red and one black!

Wow! Ye Lians eyes widened, watching intently.

Dont blink Xia Na said, staring at Ye Lian with an eerie tone.

A red glow gradually appeared in Ye Lians vision. From within Xia Na, another her began to emerge.

Although she had seen it a few times before, this time felt different.

Unlike the previous complete separations, now the spiritual body appeared behind the physical one.

It looked like two people, yet there was a faint connection between them.

Black and red hair intertwined, the two figures eyes each bore one red and one black iris.

The physical form in front exuded a coldness that was characteristic of black, while the spiritual body closely behind it carried a sense of lightness.

A faint red aura enveloped her entire body, adding a hint of bloodiness to her ethereal presence.

This stark contrast, however, lent her a unique beauty that was a blend of innocence and blood.

Both Xia Na figures closed their eyes simultaneously, and when they opened them again, though their appearances remained unchanged, their auras were entirely different.

The physical forms previously cold, cunning gaze had turned serene, her expression s.h.i.+fting from mischievous to that of a normal young girl, with a faint trace of determination.

Meanwhile, the spiritual body behind her had a slight smile, her eyes narrowing, giving her an air that was both dangerous and terrifying.

Interesting, isnt it? Xia Na lowered her hand and smiled.

Changing faces Ye Lian looked like she was struggling to comprehend.

Hehe, like a face-changing show? Xia Na continued.

Ye Lian nodded excitedly. Yes!

This is pretty good, right? But every time I level up, the two mes still fight. Ye Lian, tell me Xia Nas expression suddenly turned mysterious, and her voice dropped to a whisper. If Nana becomes the sole winner, will I turn back into a human?

Ye Lian was bewildered. How was she supposed to answer that?

She understood each word individually, but their combined meaning was beyond her grasp.

Her cognitive evolution had been focused on understanding Ling Mos behaviors, leaving little room for such abstract matters.

Seeing Ye Lians confusion, Xia Na smiled and answered her own question: Probably not possible, right? After all, my brain has already mutated, how could it reverse? So, well have to keep arguing In the past, I only fought with myself, doing things I didnt want to do. But who knew that when it came down to it, it would be such a troublesome thing

After listening quietly, Ye Lian suddenly reached out and patted Xia Na on the head.

Xia Na froze for a second, then silently s.h.i.+fted her gaze to Ye Lians collarbone.

I guess Ill never grow taller So much for evolution!

Phew! A large pile of cotton and shredded cloth was suddenly pushed aside, and a tall figure struggled to stand up.

Li Yalin exhaled deeply, blowing away the cotton stuck to her lips. She glanced around dizzily before finally setting her eyes on Ye Lian and Xia Na.

A slight smile appeared on her perfectly sculpted face, and in a flash, she was standing right in front of them.

Xia Na waved her hand to disperse the cotton floating in front of her eyes and looked up at Li Yalin. Senior Sister, youre done too?

Yes. Li Yalin smiled, pinching Xia Nas cheek, completely ignoring the momentary stiffness in Xia Nas expression. She twisted her waist slightly. I feel even more flexible.

Before she finished speaking, Xia Na and Ye Lian noticed their vision blur for a moment.

Then, Ye Lian felt a cool breath suddenly blowing behind her ear.

Li Yalin buried her face in Ye Lians long hair and took a deep breath. What a lovely scent

A scent thats a level higher, Xia Na added.

Hehe A hint of amber flashed in Li Yalins eyes, and for a moment, it looked as if a snakes shadow was reflected in her gaze. Wheres Ling Mo? I feel like I could have a bunch of kids at any moment. Maybe Ill break through after giving birth!

Thats not possible Besides, what kind of kids are you talking about? Xia Na rolled her eyes.


The door suddenly opened, and Ling Mo, carrying Xu Shuhan, appeared at the entrance. His face was pale as he looked at the three female zombies inside the room. Can someone give me a hand?

Xia Na and Li Yalin had completed their evolution, but since Black Silk and Yu s.h.i.+ran were still in their coc.o.o.ns, Ling Mos ordeal wasnt over yet.

After handing Xu Shuhan to Li Yalin, Ling Mo looked around dizzily and decided to sit down on one of the coc.o.o.ns.

It was a bit unstable but felt quite bouncy

Hey, Xia Na, you Ling Mo immediately noticed something unusual about Xia Na. He almost thought she had mutated.

But upon closer inspection, it was actually a form of evolution, with no fundamental changes.

As for what kind of mutations might happen to Xia Na in the future, there was no clue at all.

Wheres Senior Sister? Ling Mo had just asked when he suddenly felt a weight on his legs. Before he realized it, a captivating young woman appeared in front of him.

Li Yalin wrapped her arms around Ling Mos neck, her soft waist swaying back and forth. Ling Mo

Her voice held no trace of pretense but was filled with enough allure to make ones bones tingle.

However, in Ling Mos eyes, the swaying Li Yalin looked like overlapping shadows, and her voice seemed to come from a distance.

The overlapping shadows were beautiful but dizzying

Senior Sister, be careful not to crush this coc.o.o.n Ling Mo said.

I am being careful Li Yalin tossed her hair, adding a touch of wildness to her demeanor.

That doesnt look like being careful Ling Mo replied, at a loss for words.

The two of them swayed back and forth on the coc.o.o.n, causing it to bounce gently beneath them.

Ling Mo didnt actually push Senior Sister away. He felt so exhausted at the moment that he didnt have the strength

Besides, the quality of this coc.o.o.n had been tested; it wasnt that easy to break

Li Yalin didnt make any further moves; it seemed she just wanted to stay close to Ling Mo for a while.

Xia Na and Ye Lian had already turned their attention to Xu Shuhan. The two female zombies surrounded the expressionless Xu Shuhan, one deep in thought while the other curiously poked her gently with a finger.


At the sound of a light crack, the entire room fell silent.

Ling Mo stared at Li Yalin, feeling cold sweat instantly bead on his forehead.

We overdid it Ling Mo didnt dare move a muscle. He could feel the inside of the coc.o.o.n writhing.

And that faint crack was slowly widening

Is this considered a premature birth Xia Na muttered to herself as she watched the crack on the coc.o.o.n.

Li Yalin and Ling Mo exchanged a glance. In a flash, Li Yalin appeared on the other side of the room.

Ling Mos eyes widened as he maintained his seating position and growled, Its too late to pretend you have nothing to do with this! Since I have to stay like this let me at least hold a girl for a bit of comfort! Besides

His expression suddenly turned conflicted. Its lighter!

Crack, crack, crack

A series of cracking sounds erupted beneath Ling Mo. The large, round coc.o.o.n split visibly from the middle and then popit completely broke into two halves.

Throughout this process, Ling Mo wore a blank expression, and his posture remained unchanged.

He was utterly shocked. Previously, no matter what he did on this coc.o.o.n, it remained intact. But today, it actually collapsed under him!

This isnt right! He was just complaining earlier!

As the coc.o.o.n split open, a curled-up figure appeared.

The figure had her eyes gently closed, her long eyelashes trembling slightly. Her porcelain-white skin had a faint pink hue. She hugged her knees, resembling a sleeping fetus.

At first glance, she looked like a finely crafted doll fresh from an art factory.


The girl suddenly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of crimson eyes. The red irises were stark against the whites of her eyes, making her appearance even more eerie.

She slowly turned her head, her gaze moving upward.


The girls scream pierced through the room, echoing down the dark hallway.

Mu Chen, who was grimacing while searching on a lower floor, shuddered and looked up in surprise. What where did that childs soprano come from?