My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 675: I Have Professional Body Armor

Chapter 675: I Have Professional Body Armor

Chapter 675: I Have Professional Body Armor

Sparks flew everywhere, mingled with a few drops of blood.

But the Bird Zombies thin wings acted as a specialized s.h.i.+eld.

With a raise of its arms, its entire upper body, including its head, was completely s.h.i.+elded.

Ling Mos physical attacks had little effect, each strike felt like hitting a steel plate. Not only were they ineffective, but they also made his head spin with each impact.

Ha ha ha ha!

The Bird Zombie maintained its head-covering posture, letting out a series of mocking, bizarre laughs.

Watching this human jumping around in frustration clearly amused the Bird Zombie.

Its att.i.tude seemed more like it was having fun rather than being in a hurry to eat.

However, Ling Mo did not appreciate being toyed with like a mouse.

Before it could continue gloating, the Bird Zombies laughter abruptly stopped, replaced by a scream: Ah!

Simultaneously, its body jerked, and its arms dropped uncontrollably.

Almost the instant its face was exposed, a burst of firelight exploded on it.

It looked as if someone had thrown a live firework directly at its face.

Being mocked by a Birdman? Who can tolerate that?

Ling Mo, his face pale, let out a cold snort.

The physical tentacles couldnt break through that membrane, but the invisible mental energy could.

The Bird Zombies Psychic Light Cl.u.s.ter was tough to penetrate, but not impossible if a flaw was found.

Just moments ago, Ling Mo had keenly sensed a lapse in the Bird Zombies focus and decisively converted his physical tentacles back into pure mental energy.

When the intense mental a.s.sault caused the Bird Zombie to act erratically, the pre-prepared physical tentacles struck again.

Twice in quick succession, the seamless attacks. .h.i.t the Bird Zombie square in the face. Its head was spinning, and its face burned.

The Bird Zombie swiftly retreated about ten meters, wiping its face with its hand.

Seeing the blood on its palm and feeling the burning pain from its face, the Bird Zombies expression suddenly changed.

The Bird Zombie lifted its head suddenly, its eyes bulging as if they might pop out of their sockets, and its mouth stretched wide, revealing eerily white teeth.


As the Bird Zombie screamed, Ling Mos attention involuntarily drifted to its throat.

Watching that constantly trembling uvula, Ling Mo felt as if the sound was crawling out from the depths of that pitch-black throat

Just the sound alone made Ling Mos scalp tingle with dread.

Much like the Screamers, this sound seemed to have a certain effect.

After hearing it a few times, Ling Mo felt his legs start to go weak.

He tried to move his feet but was horrified to find that he could barely move

d.a.m.n it, even though my willpower can resist, my body isnt responding

And this was with his fairly decent physical condition. Imagine if he were an average person, they might have collapsed by now.

My face!

The Bird Zombie dug its nails into its own hand and scratched down its cheek, producing a screeching sound.

Even a face like sandpaper, and you still care about it, huh?

Ling Mo, his body stiff, spoke naturally while glancing at his feet out of the corner of his eye.

This situation was hard to explain, roughly akin to some emergency mechanism in the body. When sensing an extreme threat, the body would automatically react to protect itself.

Like a shutdown and rebootfainting, or entering a sleep modegoing blank.

But this feeling of weakness all over, Ling Mo had never heard of before

This wasnt protection; this was sabotage!

Could it be that if the scream human tolerance, it would cause blood vessels to burst, leading to death by explosion?

Ling Mo speculated wildly, glancing back again.

In just a few seconds, Xiao Bais ma.s.sive figure had completely disappeared.

A quick sense revealed that they had already dashed into Central Avenue.

In a place filled with intersections and Zombies at every turn, with their abilities, escaping wouldnt be too difficult.

Ye Lian being discovered was clearly due to her aura leaking entirely when she broke through.

If they deliberately concealed and restrained themselves, the chances of being discovered would be much lower.

But if the distance between them and their pursuers wasnt far enough, then it was hard to say.

How much longer can I hold out?

Ling Mos palms began to sweat slightly again. He wasnt at his limit yet, but he was close.

Especially considering his current physical condition, it was hard to say how much longer he could last.

The Bird Zombie had come for the sole purpose of feeding. Although its curiosity had been piqued by the uniqueness of its food, that curiosity had likely been replaced entirely by anger by now.

Human! You hurt my face! the Bird Zombie screamed in rage.

Its bony fingers sc.r.a.ped against its specimen-like face, and with that twisted expression, it looked utterly horrifying.

Im upholding justice! Ling Mo replied righteously.

Since he needed to buy time, he might as well completely draw its attention to himself!

Ling Mo pressed his fingers against his chest, occasionally glancing at his body. Come on, give me some reaction! Dont break down on me at a time like this, okay?

Whether this psychological suggestion and self-encouragement would work, Ling Mo wasnt sure.

But it was better than nothing!

If it really didnt work Ling Mo glanced at his leg, and his expression steadied considerably.

The Bird Zombies face was smeared with blood, and its anger was being further inflamed by Ling Mos provocations.

Justice? Does my face really look evil? the Bird Zombie remembered these two words and used them quite aptly.

Yes, Ling Mo nodded.

Where do you see the evil? the Bird Zombie snarled, baring its teeth.

As it spoke, its fingers continued to scratch at its face.

If those claws were used on someone else, one scratch would likely leave the other person faceless.

Only its own leathery skin could withstand the a.s.sault of its claws.

Listening to that grating scritch-scratch sound, Ling Mo found himself at a loss for words for a moment.

A Birdman that looked like a dried-up corpse, with a blood-covered face, continuously scratching at its own leathery skin

The real question should be, what part of it isnt evil?

The Bird Zombie had completely lost its patience. With a sudden scream, it lunged forward.

At its speed, Ling Mo barely had time to blink before he saw a dark shadow rapidly enlarging in front of him.


The gust of wind hit Ling Mos face, and from the sound of it, if he got hit, hed likely end up as a headless corpse.

Ling Mo felt a sudden chill rush through his body, and his heartbeat momentarily halted.

His legs still wouldnt move!

But just as the dark shadow closed in, Ling Mo managed to turn his head to the side and leaped backward with a sudden burst of speed.

His toes barely touched the ground, yet he moved astonis.h.i.+ngly fast, putting distance between himself and the Bird Zombie in the blink of an eye.

Without pausing, he suddenly leapt upward, landing nimbly on the sign of a nearby shop. After a brief moment, he jumped down, disappearing behind the corner of the wall.

The Bird Zombies attack missed, and in an instant, Ling Mo had vanished from sight again, leaving the Bird Zombie wide-eyed with surprise.

However, this time, despite its curiosity, the Bird Zombie didnt stop moving.

Using his Psychic Tentacle to pull himself along at high speed, Ling Mo frowned as he glanced behind him.

The shadowy figure kept flickering in and out of view, and it seemed to be getting closer.

Persistent, arent you

Ling Mo calculated his current consumption and the amount of mental energy he could safely use.

The result wasnt promising. If he maintained this speed, he could only last another ten minutes at most.

Running continuously was one thing, but he also had to consider the distance between himself and Ye Lian.

This made shaking off the Bird Zombie much more difficult.

Human, running is useless! Hahaha

The Bird Zombie began to emit a piercing, cackling laugh. The wounds on its feet and face had already stopped bleeding.

But because the blood had stimulated it, its tone sounded both manic and excited.

Dont run and die instead?

Ling Mo retorted bluntly, though his attention remained sharp.

Using his Psychic Tentacle to latch onto streetlights or utility poles to swing himself forwardsaying it was easy enough.

But accurately spotting the next target while moving at high speed and reacting instantly upon seeing it was not an easy task.

If he got distracted, it would be a disaster