My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 625 – Breakout

Chapter 625 – Breakout

Chapter 625 Breakout

At this moment, Ling Mo and the others had already rushed to the window.

As the fireworks burst into the sky, they also caught sight of the silhouette standing on the rooftop.

However, as Ye Lian raised her gun, the figure had already calmly slid open the terrace door.

The angle perfectly obscured his figure, leaving Ye Lian no choice but to reluctantly lower her arm.

Xu Shuhan did the same, but her movements were clearly a beat slower than Ye Lians.

Unlike Mu Chens frantic rage, her expression became significantly more complex at the sight of Xia Zhi.

Just then, the slowly closing door hesitated for a moment.

In the gaze of the onlookers, a hand suddenly lifted above the doorframe, then slowly waved in the direction where Ling Mo and his group were.


Mu Chen lunged forward furiously, cursing aloud.


Another firework exploded timely, and when the dazzling sparks dispersed, the rooftop was empty.

d.a.m.n it! Mu Chen cursed through clenched teeth, He even dared to come back!

Why wouldnt he dare? He was prepared and extremely cautious, Ling Mo said, squinting towards the opposite rooftop, No need to say it, he surely knows you inside out. And these days, hes been with us every day, at least hes got a basic understanding of the situation.

As he spoke, Ling Mo suddenly leaned out, reaching to grab a thick electrical wire from the side of the window. With the help of the firelight, it was clear to see the wire stretching down towards the ground.

He even cut the wires between the two buildings. It seems hes not only cautious but also meticulous.

Whether it was Ling Mo or the three female zombies, they could use such wires to easily climb to the opposite building. They had shown this trick while avoiding zombies, but in such a tense moment, the adversary still managed to remember every detail, which spoke volumes about how terrifyingly composed he was.

One last thing, Ling Mo turned around, a cold smile on his lips, Since he decided to make a return strike, it means his plan is far more than just escaping and taking you out.

What else does he want to do? Mu Chen asked, eyes widening.

Ling Mo pointed at himself and said, To eliminate me.

But Xu Shuhan opened her mouth and in a low voice said, Maybe its just to hold you back?

Heh, Ling Mo looked up at the sky and said, With the fireworks making such a commotion, do you think theyre only attracting zombies?

With those words, the atmosphere instantly became tense.

Mu Chens expression turned even more shocked, while Xu Shuhan sighed and lowered her head.

Only Ye Lian and the two other female zombies were turning their heads to watch the flames below and the fireworks bursting continuously.

Although in their human memories they surely had experiences of watching fireworks, the feelings they had while watching them as mutated zombies were definitely completely different.

Normal humans watching fireworks would probably never feel bloodthirsty, but zombies would

Three murderous female zombies stood in front of the window, staring with wide eyes at the fireworks in the night sky

Hes insane, Mu Chen finally managed to say after a while.

Simply taking you out just provides him with an opportunity to climb up within the Niepan Branch, and it also carries some risks. But by taking me out, he could eliminate the risks and earn rewards. Weighing it, the benefits outweigh the risks, Ling Mo said.

Mu Chen and Xu Shuhan both fell silent at these words. Although they had already thought of this, hearing Ling Mo say it out loud still made them feel a sense of heaviness in their chests.

We better hurry, or itll really be too late, Ling Mo said, looking down.

Mu Chen and the others also looked out and their expressions immediately became extremely grim.

The fire was burning more and more intensely, and more and more zombies were gathering from the surrounding area. Although these zombies had not yet noticed them, the light from the fire had drawn them close to the caf.

Once they showed themselves, they would face a ma.s.s a.s.sault from a large number of zombies.

It was like a new game of Whac-A-Mole, except they had become the unfortunate moles and the mallets were not just simple hammers but the talons of zombies.

But Xia Zhi Mu Chen clenched his teeth and said, even in this situation, he was not willing to let Xia Zhi go.

The thought of struggling to survive amidst the encirclement of zombies, while Xia Zhi smugly returned to the Niepan Branch, was something Mu Chen couldnt swallow.

However, when he turned to look at Ling Mo, he was shocked to find that the guy still had a smile on his face.

How could he still smile in a situation like this?!

Facing Mu Chens almost glaring eyes, Ling Mo simply said, He wont get away.

How are you going to stop him? We can hardly save ourselves

Mu Chen was muttering to himself when suddenly, Ling Mo spoke up, I havent forgotten the things youve done to me. For now, lets work together

Lets settle our scores later, Xu Shuhan interjected. She looked up at Ling Mo and said, Whatever your conditions are, just bring them up when the time comes. As long as youre satisfied. But if we dont survive tonight, all of this talk is meaningless.

After she spoke, Xu Shuhan didnt wait for a response from Ling Mo and walked past him.

As they brushed shoulders, Ling Mo faintly heard her whisper, I never wanted to kill you.

Ha Ling Mo touched his nose with a strange expression and turned to look at Xu Shuhans retreating figure.

Looking at Xu Shuhan now seemed very different from when he first saw her; the footsteps that seemed normal now appeared much heavier

The building housing the cafe was completely surrounded by flames and zombies. Ling Mo and the others had just run up to the second floor when they were forced back by black smoke and a few flaming zombies.

To the roof! Ling Mo immediately led the group in a turnabout.

The flickering flashlight illuminated the dark corridor while all sorts of noisy sounds came from outside.


A sudden m.u.f.fled sound from behind caused Mu Chen, who was at the back, to reflexively bend down, covering his head with one hand and gripping the handrail with the other: d.a.m.n!! What was that noise?

Just the gla.s.s exploding. This type of building burns quickly, hurry up! Ling Mo urged.

Wait for me! Mu Chen pressed his stomach, crying out with a contorted expression.

Despite the urgency, Mu Chen couldnt afford to stop his feet. Whether it was becoming a meal for zombies or being burnt to a crisp, neither sounded like a pleasant experience.

The door to the rooftop was wide open, which saved them some time. However, as Ling Mo stepped on a clump of fabric frozen to the ground, he couldnt help but frown.

It was clear that a gruesome scene had unfolded here, and all that was left aside from a broken door were these suspicious remnants on the floor.

If they didnt hurry, they might soon become part of the debris.

The air was thick with the smell of burning, so potent it was almost suffocating. Black smoke had already begun to billow up, punctuated by a series of explosive cracks.

The footsteps of zombies echoed up the stairs. Ye Lian quickly shut the rusty metal door and leaned against it, temporarily holding them back.

Over here.

Ling Mo quickly scanned the rooftop with his flashlight and chose a spot. He then turned to the others and asked, Youre all physical enhancement types, so a long jump shouldnt be a problem, right?

Mu Chen and Xu Shuhan hurried over to Ling Mos side, then looked across at the gap that was about four or five meters wide: No problem probably.

The gap wasnt just wide; the rooftop of the other building was also a meter or two higher, significantly increasing the difficulty of the jump.

But if they didnt jump now, they wouldnt even have the chance to try.

The iron door behind Ye Lian was shaking violently, clanging nonstop, and even the walls were trembling, with plaster raining down.

The door latch also showed signs of coming loose. Even with Ye Lians strength, it wouldnt hold for long.

What use was a door thats come off its hinges?

Quickly! Ling Mo urged.

Li Ya Lin and Shana positioned themselves at the edge of the rooftop, furiously smas.h.i.+ng at zombies climbing up the drainpipe, their bodies engulfed in flames.

These zombies, wrapped in fire, still managed to emit eerie screams, reaching out with hands that bubbled blood and skin peeling away to a charred black, toward them.

You first, Ling Mo said, glancing at Xu Shuhan.