My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 615 – I Have a Plan

Chapter 615 – I Have a Plan

Chapter 615 I Have a Plan

In the dimly lit, cramped s.p.a.ce, two figures stood in silence, facing each other.

Suddenly, Xia Zhi pursed his lips and, after a wary glance at Mu Chen, quickly reached for the doork.n.o.b.


Mu Chen promptly grabbed Xia Zhis arm. Its not what you think!

Just then, a girls voice came from outside, seemingly right at the door.

Hey, where are they?

This was followed by footsteps and indistinct chatter.

At this moment, Mu Chen had one hand over Xia Zhis mouth and nose, and the other gripping his arm tightly, using his body to block him against the wall inside.

He held his own breath, listening intently to the noise outside.

They must have gone upstairs, right? Theres nothing much here Ling Mos voice could be heard as well.

The footsteps soon moved upstairs.

Mu Chens tense expression eased slightly, and he was about to lower his hand when the old door suddenly made a loud clang.

Startled, Mu Chens heart raced, and he jerked back nervously.

The old-fas.h.i.+oned spherical doork.n.o.b began to slowly turn, and Mu Chens eyes instantly focused on it.

Had he locked it?

Tragically, he couldnt remember!

But it was probably too late to block the door now

At that moment, a distant shout came from upstairs: Ye Lian, hurry up!

Oh A faint response came from outside the door.

The doork.n.o.b stopped turning, and the door ceased its shaking.

But Mu Chen still stood frozen in place, barely holding his breath, until he finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Being discovered by Ye Lian might not have been a big deal, but the problem was Ling Mo was nearby


A m.u.f.fled groan suddenly startled Mu Chen again.

He quickly realized, however, that the sound was coming from Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi, caught unprepared and forcibly m.u.f.fled for so long, had turned a shade of ashen blue.

Ah sorry about that. Mu Chen quickly released Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi, holding his neck and struggling to breathe, leaned against the wall.

The way that guy pops in and out, I just panicked and Mu Chen started to explain, but upon realizing Xia Zhi wasnt listening, awkwardly s.h.i.+fted the topic to what was important. Actually, Ive been looking for the right opportunity all along, hoping the three of us could avoid Ling Mo and have a private talk.

But ever since he turned the tables on us at Team F, he hasnt given us a chance. Luckily, after several days and having reached our destination, he finally let his guard down a bit.

After finis.h.i.+ng, Mu Chen noticed Xia Zhis shocked expression and the intense stare fixed on him.

Okay, discussing this in the restroom doesnt exactly scream letting his guard down. But I was looking for an opportunity! Mu Chen said, irked. Are you rea.s.sured now? I said it wasnt like that. There has to be a limit to sulking!

Xia Zhi just smiled noncommittally and shook his head, which made Mu Chens anger flare up.

However, after a moment of glaring and wrestling with his frustration, he managed to suppress his anger and said:

I wanted to call Xu Shuhan in too, but threes too big a target. We dont have much time left, so lets make this quick.

Ive been trying to get in touch with Number 0 the entire way, but Ive had no success, all thanks to Ling Mos meddling. So up to now, the branch doesnt understand our progress or situation, meaning the agreement weve set with Ling Mo is private, and whether itll be acknowledged by the branch is entirely uncertain.

Mu Chen sighed. Ling Mo must have considered this, but why doesnt he bring it up? Because hes using us as hostages; to him, were the guarantee the agreement holds. We all know this, no need for me to elaborate. But the question is, how will the branch decide? Can you be sure? I dont think any of us can be And most importantly, we cant just sit here caught in the middle and do nothing! So heres what Im thinking

Two of us could distract Ling Mo and his crew while the third seizes the chance to escape back to Niepan Branch. This way, we can stop being pa.s.sive. What do you think? Mu Chen sought an opinion.

Xia Zhi seemed a bit dazed, staring blankly at the corner of the wall, probably deep in thought.

Mu Chen didnt rush him, because even though the plan sounded simple, it posed a significant dilemma.

Who stays? Who goes?

The two who stay might not be immediately eliminated by Ling Mo after the plan is exposed, but thats only because they are of value to him.

However, that doesnt mean they will remain safe indefinitely. If Niepan Branch rejects Ling Mos proposal, the fate of those two would be uncertain.

In essence, deciding to stay means their lives continue to be controlled by Niepan Branch and Ling Mo, hanging by a thread at their whim.

This feeling of ones fate being in someone elses hands is undoubtedly terrible for anyone.

The one who escapes faces the risk of traversing through hordes of zombies alone to return to Niepan Branch and the inevitable intense questioning that follows.

Most importantly, this person bears the responsibility for the other twos fates, and whether they can convince Niepan Branch hinges on this individual.

So, another question arises: among the three, who can earn the trust of the other two to take on this critical role?

After pondering for a while, Xia Zhi gestured with his hand.

Blinking, Mu Chen responded, All three of us run? Dont be foolish.

Xia Zhis head drooped in resignation. Compared to his suggestion, Mu Chens plan was indeed more viable.

The gap in strength between the three of them and Ling Mos group was too apparent.

The likelihood of all three successfully escaping was just too low.

Moreover, if they reveal such intentions, the chances of Ling Mo going on a rampage would skyrocket.

From their time together, they had come to understand Ling Mos personality.

Although he usually seemed easygoing and smiled often, always particularly fixated on supplies, he was not someone to be taken lightly. Once angered, Ling Mo was known for not holding back.

These days, most people have become tough-hearted and ruthless.

Just thinking about trying to run and then pleading for mercy if caught is a fools errand.

Ill hold them off for a day, which is roughly Mu Chen glanced at his watch, not many hours from now. Use this time to think it over.

In conclusion, Mu Chen added with some hesitation, I trust you both, even though you havent called me captain but, after all, I am the captain, and I will respect your decision.

Before Xia Zhi could speak, Mu Chen scratched the back of his head, Being this formal really is embarra.s.sing for me

After cautiously opening the door, Mu Chen peeked out to ensure the coast was clear, then slipped out on tiptoe.

However, just as he was nearing the stairs, a sudden shout nearly scared him out of his wits: Hey!

Mu Chen froze in his tracks then slowly turned his head: Whats up?

Shana, with her distinctive scythe in hand, stood on the stairs looking down at him: Where are you off to? And what about the quiet one?

I We Mu Chen hesitated, then blurted out, Xia Zhi said he needed to use the bathroom!

Ha So youre monitoring his bathroom break? Shana nodded.

No, no, no! Faced with Shanas scornful and scrutinizing gaze, Mu Chen panicked, Its not I mean

Does it make any sense to tell me all this? Shana huffed and turned to head upstairs.

I That Mu Chen ruffled his hair in frustration, Right! Why am I even explaining this to her!

Hey, werent you looking for water? We found some upstairs, come up and help carry it, Shana called out from above.

Mu Chen was on the verge of tears: So they just needed a pack mule, I shouldve known it wasnt just small talk