My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 609 – Bears and Zombies Do Not Mix

Chapter 609 – Bears and Zombies Do Not Mix

Chapter 609 Bears and Zombies Do Not Mix

A sudden glint of cold light fell!

Immediately after, a sharp scream erupted: Ah!

Yet, this voice belonged neither to Shana nor to Ling Mo

Ye Lian, who had been aiming at a zombie, turned her head in bewilderment towards the direction of the sound: Huh?

In her puzzled gaze, Yu s.h.i.+ran, who had been hiding there quietly, was staring wide-eyed, with her mouth agape, screaming in astonishment: Ahhh!

The cries of the zombie loli at this moment were quite similar to those of human little girls startled under normal circ.u.mstances.

The only difference was that the faces of human little girls would usually be streaked with tears, while the zombie lolis face was just blank.

Yu s.h.i.+ran was not frightened by insignificant creatures like c.o.c.kroaches or mice; her uncontrollable screaming was entirely because the knife, which should have been headed towards Shana to usher in a new phase of life for her, was now appearing merely a centimeter away from her left eyeball.

What she found most unbelievable was that the knife was actually in her own hand.

How how can this be!

Yu s.h.i.+rans mind was screaming.

However, as soon as her eyes met Ye Lians, her screaming immediately diminished.

Right, right! Ive been discovered! No good, I must leave quickly! Leave

The nervous Yu s.h.i.+ran bit her lip, attempting to retreat, but she quickly realized that neither her arms nor her legs were responding to her commands.

All she could do was blink or choose to continue screaming.

Black Silk! Should I be thanking you for leaving me in control of these two organs? Didnt we agree? Besides, I didnt attack that human at all!

Yu s.h.i.+ran was still muttering to herself, but then she somewhat unexpectedly found that Ye Lian, after locking eyes with her for a few seconds, had already turned her head back.

As for Shana and Ling Mo, it was as if they hadnt noticed her at all, still focusing their efforts on dealing with the mutated zombies.

Could it be they didnt hear? But it is a bit noisy here Never mind, forget it.

Zombie loli desperately rotated her eyeb.a.l.l.s to the left, trying to catch Xiao Bais attention: Shoo shoo! Xiao Bai!

Hey! Hurry up and save me, I turned into this just to come and save you, Yu s.h.i.+ran said.

However, Xiao Bai just lifted her eyelids and then lay back down again.

Hey! Shoo! Xiao Bai! Panda! Stop playing dumb!

Xiao Bai, how about we make a deal? I promise Ill never leave you behind again!

Xiao bai bai?

The unresponsive mutated panda finally showed a hint of movement after Yu s.h.i.+rans persistent calling.

But to Yu s.h.i.+rans delight, the mutated panda merely lifted its paws and then pressed them to its ears

It actually covered its ears!

Curse this panda I knew pandas and zombies dont mix well!

Yu s.h.i.+ran grumbled with a grimace, then turned her gaze back to Ling Mo.

But seeing this human still turning his back on her, not even glancing her way, Yu s.h.i.+ran suddenly felt she couldnt relax

Three minutes later, the last mutated zombie fell.

And finally, Yu s.h.i.+ran got Ling Mo to turn around, but the look he gave her was not what she had expected.

Sausage you Yu s.h.i.+ran started as she watched Ling Mo slowly walk over.

What about me? Ling Mo asked while rubbing his brow.

Shouldnt your eyebrows be knitted and your eyes looking like theyre about to pop out? Yu s.h.i.+ran asked.

When did I Ah, thats what I look like when Im angry, Ling Mo realized and nodded, then turned and whispered to Ye Lian, Do my eyes really look like theyre about to fall out?

Ye Lian thought about it seriously and then nodded.

Really Ling Mo rubbed his eyes, coughed, and walked up to Yu s.h.i.+ran.

His expression today was indeed different from the usual fury he directed at Yu s.h.i.+ran; now, he was calm.

Having fun? Ling Mo asked.

Huh? Yu s.h.i.+ran blinked.

That Ling Mo waved to call Shana over, Take the knife down, will you?

Yu s.h.i.+ran finally widened her eyes in shock as she stared at Shana.

The long-haired girl smoothed her hair, and on her innocent face hung a sly smile. Black Silk, put it down.

Yu s.h.i.+ran watched helplessly as her arm lowered, and the knife was taken by Ling Mo.

Even though you chose a time when we were fighting to come over, hoping I wouldnt sense you that thought was pretty foolish, Ling Mo said.

But even if you sensed us, you were too busy Besides, Black Silk and I are in this together! Yu s.h.i.+ran said, clearly not grasping the situation.

You do realize you just compared yourself to a gra.s.shopper, right? Ling Mo said with a laugh, then added, Indeed, I didnt have much energy to spare, but do you think you could turn Black Silk against me? Haha

Why not! Yu s.h.i.+ran asked.

Shana came over with a smile, reached out and pinched Yu s.h.i.+rans cheek. The reason is simple, because Im the one who trained educated Black Silk. Do you think that after spending some time with it, it would listen to you? Well, it did start to listen to you, but have you ever thought about why?

At this point, Shanas gaze suddenly took on a profound meaning.

Yu s.h.i.+ran stared blankly at Shana for a while, then suddenly had an epiphany. Ah

Exactly, I allowed it to cooperate with you within a certain range because you two are symbiotes; this would accelerate the integration process. Once you reach a sufficient level of integration, there wont be a need to do this deliberately but this range is limited, Shana said, squatting slightly to keep eye level with Yu s.h.i.+ran.

It was clear she wanted to squat down completely, but doing so would mean looking up at the zombie loli.

Ling Mo, standing to the side, couldnt help but smirk

He hadnt expected zombies to have issues with height

Range? Yu s.h.i.+ran was completely dumbfounded, struggling to process all the information with her little brain.

Hehehe like harm Ling Mo interjected proudly.

Me Shana said, pointing to her own nose.

Ah? This answer also left Ling Mo momentarily stunned. He remembered that all the commands he had taught Black Silk started with the principle of not harming him!

However, when Ling Mo voiced this doubt, Shana laughed a bit sheepishly and said, Actually, the first rule was not to harm me

Why?! Ling Mo exclaimed in astonishment.

Training it just happened unconsciously, Shana said with a tilt of her head and a smile.

But Ling Mo was a bit slow to catch on, but he quickly came to terms with it.

Its all the same, isnt it? After all, his goal was to protect them.

Although there was always the nagging feeling that his Cool Wind Giant Dog disappeared because of this

So, did Black Silk betray me? Did it lead me into a trap? Yu s.h.i.+ran suddenly asked.

Not really, its actually just you. Your mental powers will probably merge together soon, Ling Mo said as he squatted down to Yu s.h.i.+rans level, one hand resting on the shoulder of the zombie loli. But how does it feel to be teased like this?

Huh? Yu s.h.i.+ran was confused again.

I mean, it must feel awful to be betrayed by someone close to you, right? And you cant hit it or do anything Ling Mo said.

I didnt want to hit Yu s.h.i.+ran tried hard to think.

Just then, two semi-transparent silver threads suddenly emerged, then dipped into the deep cleavage in front of Yu s.h.i.+rans chest.

As a glowing jellyfish was hooked out and delivered into Ling Mos palm, Yu s.h.i.+ran couldnt hold back any longer and cried out, Ah! Black Silk, Im going to eat you!

Thats the feeling. And you cant even get to it, Ling Mo said with a full-faced smile, patting Yu s.h.i.+rans cheek with one hand while fis.h.i.+ng out a small trinket with the other and placing it into Yu s.h.i.+rans palm, Although zombies dont lie, when even they arent clear about whats going on in their own minds, their words arent very credible.