My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 598 – Someone's Trying to Bend My Antenna!

Chapter 598 – Someone's Trying to Bend My Antenna!

Chapter 598 Someones Trying to Bend My Antenna!


As the iron door was fully pushed open, Ling Mos flashlight clicked off at the same time.

Given the ominous premonition he had just experienced, it was time to cease the careless use of the light source.

Ling Mo didnt want to become a sitting duck. If possible, he would much rather be the one taking shots.

The surroundings plunged into absolute darkness, and at the moment he turned off the flashlight, Ling Mos perspective had already s.h.i.+fted to share with Ye Lian.

Although it did consume a bit of mental power and even a tiny bit of mental energy was crucial for the current Ling Mo, this expenditure was necessary.

However, in the instant of the perspective switch, Ling Mo completely missed the fleeting red light in the darkness.

Its so dark

Despite having experienced this many times, Ling Mo couldnt help but admit that he was still not quite used to this sensation.

The view through the zombies eyes was always shrouded in a layer of blood-red, especially in the dark environment, making things appear somewhat like thermal imaging.

But these eyes were indeed much more useful than human vision, even in absolute darkness with no light at all, they could still see fairly clearly.

What appeared behind the iron door was a vast s.p.a.ce that at first glance seemed like a parking lot.

But no matter what its original purpose was, one thing was certain: it had absolutely nothing to do with a parking lot now

The ground was still covered with that semi-solid, thick mucus, even thicker than the layer in the corridor outside.

This meant that within this s.p.a.ce, there were even more watery corpses secreting bodily fluids.

Moreover, the walls and ceiling were also draped with this sticky substance, some of which was still dripping down.

The light plop plop sounds echoed everywhere, and in this creepy environment, what was even more unbearable was the stifling heat.

Its like a sauna

This wasnt the time to express surprise. Ling Mo needed to move quickly.

So, swallowing his disgust, he stepped forward while murmuring complaints under his breath.

Shanas voice came from behind him, Isnt it just like a sauna? Dont you think theyre like soup dumplings?

How am I supposed to treat soup dumplings properly now? Ling Mo grumbled.

Hehehe Li Ya Lin laughed weirdly and said, Dont worry, soup dumplings and the like have already become history.

Sister Lis intelligence is growing! But youre using it in the wrong place! Ling Mo responded while laboriously moving his feet, heading deeper into the s.p.a.ce.

Although the murky fluid kept dripping from above, thanks to the zombies vision, Ling Mo avoided it very timely.

However, this significantly slowed down his pace.

Let someone else wear that distort vision and then try to walk in a straight line while viewing their surroundings from different angles?

That feeling is quite awkward!

Fortunately, Ye Lian had a habit of looking down, so occasionally Ling Mos view would s.h.i.+ft to a pair of bouncing peaks

Ahem Let me check where Yu s.h.i.+ran and the others are, Ling Mo said.

According to their schedule, Yu s.h.i.+ran and her group should have arrived here a few minutes ago.

However, to conserve his mental power, Ling Mo, after an unsuccessful observation, terminated the view switch.

Now, he tried to locate Black Silk, but the vision was still blurry, so he decided to try the view switch again.

But switching perspectives wasnt so easy either; the mucuss s.h.i.+elding effect on mental power was just too strong

After struggling for more than a minute and breaking out in a cold sweat, Ling Mo finally spotted an anomaly.

However, just like a television with poor signal reception, the images were incoherent, intermittent, and somewhat blurred

This side

Yu s.h.i.+rans voice also stuttered like a stuck tape, and Ling Mo could only half listen and half guess.

A deep ravine flashed before Ling Mos eyes, and it was still trembling.

Huh? Where are they going?

Ling Mo was initially startled until the image shook and gradually cleared up, he realized he had seen it wrong.

It was a pair of rabbits raised by the zombie loli, not terrain

Black Silk, youre obviously female, so why does the view keep focusing on these things? Is this the real reason you mutated like that and hang around peoples necks?

Ling Mo muttered his complaints and finally waited until Black Silks perspective changed.

It seemed to look to the side, and in the red-tinted view, a large pool of blood appeared before Ling Mo.

Something happened? Ling Mo was startled.

Black Silks host, Yu s.h.i.+ran, was clearly running, but not very fast.

The bloodstains seemed to be coming from her, and judging by her heavy breathing, she might have been injured.

Even if she wasnt injured, the exhaustion was severe, which was fatal for zombies.

It looked like their situation was not good, perhaps the enemy was stronger than they had antic.i.p.ated

A leader level zombie and two advanced mutated beasts seemed to be at a disadvantage. What exactly was hidden in this parking lot?

Right Wheres Xiao Bai?! Ling Mo suddenly realized a problem. Before, Yu s.h.i.+ran was always riding on Xiao Bai, but now she was running on her own.

There was no sign of Xiao Bai in front or behind them

d.a.m.n it, wheres Xiao Bai! Ling Mo exclaimed in frustration.

But annoyingly, he could only receive signals from Black Silk and couldnt communicate freely with her.

How could a person and a dog girl possibly have a normal conversation? Although Ling Mo did wish for it

Then Yu s.h.i.+ran spoke again: What should we do, should we go back and save it?

It? She must be talking about Xiao Bai. Of course, they should save it! Hurry back and save it!

It wasnt easy to smuggle a national treasure out of the zoo, and it had grown more and more impressive Such a normal mutated beast couldnt just be lost!

Ling Mo roared inwardly.

Gurgle gurgle A wave of mental energy emanated from Black Silk, but Ling Mo couldnt understand the content at all.

Yu s.h.i.+ran seemed contemplative and nodded: Hmm, should we go find Ling Mo first? But

The zombie loli pinched her little chin, conflicted: Wouldnt it be better to take the opportunity to run away? It feels like hes not watching us here anymore.

d.a.m.n it! Ling Mo cursed, I knew you were up to no good!

Yu s.h.i.+ran had been plotting her escape for more than a day or two, but Ling Mo hadnt expected her to be so persistent.

Arent you a zombie? How can you be a zombie if youre always thinking about such proper things?!

But Xiao Bai Yu s.h.i.+ran, acting as the caretaker for Xiao Bai every day, seemed to have some reluctance to abandon the Mutated panda, What about Xiao Bai?

Yu s.h.i.+ran hesitated for a while, but just when Ling Mo thought she would resolutely betray her teammates, the zombie loli suddenly turned around: Lets go check it out!

Lil s.h.i.+ran Ling Mo was moved, who said zombies cant have human feelings?

What if they both end up hurting each other? Hehehe, its worth a bet! The zombie loli lifted the hem of her dress, revealing a pair of little feet in leather shoes, and started to accelerate sharply

Ling Mo was speechless, but just as he wanted to watch a little longer, suddenly a mental shock came from the darkness.

It was a stronger mental s.h.i.+elding force, aggressive in nature.

But unlike Ling Mos control power, this was more inclined to destruction.

Caught off guard, Ling Mo immediately felt a throbbing pain in his temples, and the perspective switch was abruptly interrupted.

Not only that, it felt like there was a storm inside his head, making him instantly feel weak all over, as if he had lost control of his body.

At the same time, countless images flashed through his mind; if not for his strong mental energy, he probably would have lost the ability to think.

While he was still lucid, Ling Mo immediately began to resist the impact.

Fortunately, the energy came quickly and dissipated quickly; a few seconds later, the feeling of being hit pa.s.sed.


Ling Mo clutched his head and groaned in pain.

What what happened? Ye Lian hurried over to support him and asked with concern.

Its nothing Ling Mo rubbed his forehead while frowning, Its just that the antenna got bent.