My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 593 – Stinking Up the Wind

Chapter 593 – Stinking Up the Wind

Chapter 593 Stinking Up the Wind

Ah, youre just jealous and envious Ling Mo teased reflexively.

Calling them out for flaunting love? It was these people who were really acting as the third wheel!

Mu Chen, in a moment of tension, could only chop down another zombie that emerged, but he was too stunned to think of a comeback.

Ling Mo was right, it was pure envy!

While others struggled to survive in the aftermath of the Disaster Outbreak, how could this guy live so pleasurably?

Mu Chen even thought sadly that if he could have three charming girlfriends, he wouldnt mind if the end came tomorrow, let alone during the Disaster Outbreak!

But then again, the very thought of it was kind of pathetic, wasnt it?

Sheer envy!

After all, single for thirty years Xu Shuhan, his teammate, actually nodded in agreement at this point, mercilessly rubbing salt into Mu Chens wounded heart.

Its not like you have a boyfriend, Mu Chen retorted angrily, finally finding a point of attack and saying it with pride.

But as soon as the words left his mouth, he realized that something was off about the atmosphere.

Why did it suddenly go silent?

Mu Chen looked around and noticed Xu Shuhans cold face turned towards the bus, as she furiously opened fire with her gun.

It seemed like, at that moment, the zombies on the other side all turned into Mu Chen, bearing the brunt of Xu Shuhans rage.

Xia Zhi, covered in black ash, looked at him mournfully, while Ling Mo, that guy was openly expressing his disdain

Hey, what did I do, she was the one who d.a.m.n, it was clearly her who started making fun of me Mu Chen felt incredibly awkward and hurriedly tried to defend himself.

However, the only response he got was silence and even more apparent disdain

I d.a.m.n, can you guys not do this! Mu Chen continued to freak out, wondering why no one showed solidarity when he was under attack!

Xu Shuhan blew a zombies head off with a shot, then turned to Ling Mo and said, Lets get out of here quickly, I feel like the number of zombies is increasing again.

Yeah, lets go, Ling Mo nodded.

Hey, dont ignore me! Mu Chens face was a picture of gloom.

Can someone tell me what I did wrong! he called out helplessly behind the group.

As the group had just squeezed through a makes.h.i.+ft pa.s.sageway, Ye Lian and the others immediately turned around and with a clang, blocked the gap again.

The moment this temporary wall was in place, a series of m.u.f.fled thuds came from behind it.

Fragments began to fall off continuously, indicating that the wall wouldnt hold for much longer.

Lets move quickly. Ling Mo said without looking back.

The bus had crashed into what seemed to be an office s.p.a.ce, and after crossing the debris, Ling Mo and the rest entered a dimly lit, large mobile phone store.

At the time of the disaster, the store was still under renovation. Apart from some counters that were eager to open for business, most of the place was covered in plastic sheets or piled with renovation materials.

The display windows were plastered with leasing posters, and the thick layer of dust made the scant light that penetrated appear very weak.

Ling Mo squeezed his way to the window, wiped a streak in the dust with his hand, and peered outside, only to say in frustration, The place is swarming with zombies. We need to find another way out.

The noise weve made here is so loud that, sound aside, even the scent of blood could attract all the zombies from three streets around.

There was a Berserker earlier, which might have kept other zombies at bay, but now that the lead zombie is gone, the deterrent effect has vanished.

These new zombies probably didnt come for us specifically; theyre more likely here for the corpses of their own kind, especially the body of the lead zombie.

As a lead zombie, its existence was also a source of compet.i.tion. To get its body means youre not far from becoming the next lead zombie.

But the most nutritious part of it is now in the pocket of Ling Mos jacket.

I wonder if these zombies, after fighting tooth and nail, will explode with rage on the spot when they find out theyve been beaten to the punch Ling Mo couldnt help but think maliciously.

d.a.m.n, these monsters are so annoying they could annoy you to death! Mu Chen also went over to take a look and then spat out in frustration.

The group had no choice but to move deeper into the mall, where the view was blocked everywhere, and it was impossible to see the full layoutwho knew where the other exits were

They hadnt gone far when they came across an elevator entrance.

However, the yellow Isolation Zone tape dangling from the ground indicated that the elevators had never been officially in use.

How many floors does this place have again? Ling Mo suddenly asked.

In the earlier rush, he hadnt paid attention to this detail, too preoccupied with the bus.

Four floors. Its not very tall, but its pretty big inside, Shana said confidently.

She had just had a good time killing zombies and was still in high spirits, striding ahead with her scythe in hand.

Shana answered offhandedly when she heard Ling Mos question.

Xu Shuhan was taken aback. Who would notice and remember the number of floors in such a situation?

She certainly hadnt paid attention, but Shana sounded very confident

Ling Mos reaction also caught her attention; he didnt seem to doubt Shanas words at all but seemed to be pondering some other problem.

Strange Xu Shuhan frowned, but couldnt figure out what was wrong.

Shana and the others werent worried about zombies suddenly appearing, but Mu Chen and his two companions were very cautious.

They moved stealthily, weapons at the ready, constantly looking around vigilantly.

What are you thinking about? Lets hurry up and find the exit, Mu Chen said in a low voice, moving closer to Ling Mo.

Ling Mo immediately scowled and pulled away from Mu Chen in disgust.

Dont ignore me Mu Chen bellowed.

Dont come near me! Ling Mo shot back.

It was then that Mu Chen realized, not only was Ling Mo avoiding him, but so was everyone else

He looked down at himself in confusion, then took a deep sniff.

c.r.a.p, c.r.a.p, c.r.a.p! Mu Chens face turned black in an instant; the stench was almost enough to knock him out.

Even Xia Zhi, who was covered in grime, looked at Mu Chen with disdain, which says a lot about the stench coming off him.

I bet even the zombies are cleaner than you Ling Mo commented.

d.a.m.n it! Lets get out of here! Mu Chen lamented, practically in tears; he had become a walking stink bomb

While their bodies were slowly moving through the mall, the female zombie Ling Mo was controlling had already emerged from the third building.

But the result was the samenothing was found.

This frustrated Ling Mo. Where else could they have not searched?

Thinking it over, Ling Mo suddenly thought of a blind spot.

Could it be right here?!

He hadnt noticed this place before, mainly because it wasnt very tall.

He asked casually and the answer confirmed his impression.

Since Yu s.h.i.+ran and her group were supposed to be in a hidden location that no other survivors had found, Ling Mo reasoned it must be a place like a large office building. But now, he thought this notion was too narrow.

Places like a cellphone mall wouldnt be searched by survivors, either!

Whats the use of cellphones now that theyre all gone?

Even if it was to find one or two cellphones to distract zombies, n.o.body would enter a place that hadnt officially opened yet

With this in mind, Ling Mo felt that the suspicion surrounding this mall was actually quite high!

And since there had been no results with the Female Zombie Puppet, Ling Mo thought it might be better to search this place before heading out.

But as he looked down at the dark bas.e.m.e.nt level, he realized there was another problem.

How could he convince the three of them to agree to stay here temporarily?

Especially Mu Chen, who was muttering about the exit like a broken record behind him, Xu Shuhan, who kept stealing glances at him, and Xia Zhi, the sullen and scratchy man who was avoiding Ye Lian and the others

Um Ling Mo furrowed his brow in thought, then suddenly a sly smile flickered across his lips as an idea came to him. Part of his attention had already drifted to the Female Zombie Puppet.

The female zombie standing at the street corner twitched slightly and turned her gaze towards the mall.

Pus.h.i.+ng past a swarm of incoming zombies, the female zombie twisted her neck and suddenly broke into a sprint.

After a wild dash, the female zombie had already approached the mall.