My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 574 – Names Are Often Chosen On A Whim

Chapter 574 – Names Are Often Chosen On A Whim

Chapter 574 Names Are Often Chosen On A Whim

The exercise had taken up the majority of their time, and by the time they had successfully infiltrated a mall, half a day had already pa.s.sed.

Mu Chen had called for numerous stops along the way, unabashedly pointing out every mistake in their coordination.

Ling Mo, though he enjoyed the downtime, still offered plenty of advice on the use of special abilities, which significantly improved their performance.

Guided by the two of them, the trio quickly got the hang of working together. By the time they were inside the mall, their coordination could be described as fairly polished.

Alright, this is where we bring in Gu Shuangshuang, Mu Chen gestured, calling her over.

Okay, Ye Kai nodded, and the other two didnt object. They were also curious about what role Gu Shuangshuang would play in the team, especially since she hadnt taken any action previously.

The layout here is complicated. The chances of drawing the zombies away again are slim. Even if we could, it wouldnt make much sense since we cant lead them far, Mu Chen a.n.a.lyzed.

Ye Kai nodded again, but the look he gave Mu Chen was far from the friendly one he reserved for Ling Mo.

Mu Chen didnt mind, as he was just undercover and wouldnt be staying long; this team wasnt trained for Niepan

d.a.m.n it! What am I even doing here?! Mu Chen thought to himself, frustrated, but continued speaking, So the main goal here is to clear out the zombies. To do that, we need to achieve two things: one, clean and thorough elimination; two, as quietly as possible. Ye Kai, you should be able to hold your own, but Zhang Xincheng is not suited for fighting here, and Skinny Monkey is completely without combat ability

Skinny Monkey immediately felt a wave of embarra.s.sment at being singled out; he couldnt help it

But relying on Ye Kai alone would probably work him to death, Mu Chen added.

Ye Kais gaze turned fierce at once, but Mu Chen had already glanced at him and said, You can try if you want, but dont say I didnt warn you. Also, keep personal grudges out of the mission. Its no good for anyone.

Hmph Ye Kai couldnt refute, but that didnt stop him from glaring menacingly at Mu Chen.

Okay, Ling Mo quickly intervened to smooth things over, Your task is to go to the top floors managers office and retrieve an item from the desk.

What item? Ye Kai glared at Mu Chen with annoyance before turning to ask Ling Mo.

Youll know when you get there, Ling Mo said teasingly.

Whats this about

Big brother probably doesnt even know what it is

Yeah, definitely clueless.

The group whispered among themselves briefly before they heard Mu Chen shout, Start! And remember, youre on the clock this time!

As Mu Chen had predicted, their lack of combat strength as a group became immediately apparent in the complex environment.

Particularly without effective protection, they faced several close calls. Although they managed to pull through by the skin of their teeth, it left Skinny Monkey pale with fright, and even Zhang Xincheng appeared to be struggling.

The s.p.a.ce was only so big, and the ceiling was only so high. Given the zombies jumping ability, they could easily reach it, which made Zhang Xincheng nearly obsolete in combat.

Skinny Monkeys Wind Listener ability was somewhat useful, but its effectiveness was limited. Zombies were everywhere, and the slightest movement could lead to a surprise attack, making an early warning of one or two seconds pretty much meaningless.

Although Ye Kai was powerful, and the sight of him charging behind the zombies and furiously executing his Blade Dance was downright terrifying, he was only one man. And the zombies? Every time they advanced a bit, they could face five or six zombies simultaneously.

But with Gu Shuangshuang joining in, things changed.

Gu Shuangshuangs psychic shockwaves could significantly alleviate the pressure on Ye Kai, even making his Blade Dance more lethal than usual.

Staying close to her at least ensured that the zombies wouldnt all pounce at once. Sheltering by her side, Zhang Xincheng and Skinny Monkey actually managed to fight back with some semblance of competence.

However, Gu Shuangshuangs ability to control her powers was really poor. Even with Ling Mo directing her, she frequently made mistakes, sometimes even sending shockwaves at her own teammates

Im Im so sorry! Gu Shuangshuang apologized, her face beet red.

Thats the third time now. If it werent for them stepping in to save you, youd all be dead, Mu Chen pointed out unsparingly.

Gu Shuangshuang lowered her head and glanced at Ye Lian and the others, her eyes filled with both shame and grat.i.tude.

She had initially thought that the three of them were just tagging along with Ling Mo for a look-see, but when danger struck in an instant, the girl who looked like a mixed-blood appeared out of nowhere behind a zombie, grabbed its collar from behind, and her wrists eerie blade swiftly sliced through its neck.

Another was even more bizarre, seemingly dazed but firing her gun as soon as she lifted it, hitting the zombies knees with two shots. Before the zombie hit the ground, another precise shot blew its head off.

The most terrifying part was her perpetually bewildered look; her gaze was vacant and unfocused, yet her shots were spot-on, not missing by a hair.

On the other hand, the long-haired girl, who seemed to be the strongest, didnt seem too keen on getting her hands dirty, but Gu Shuangshuang understood why the moment she saw her ma.s.sive scythe.

If she was in action, did they even need to bother?

The four of them fought and coordinated for over twenty minutes before they finally reached the top floor.

However, most of their time was spent on the previous floors. By the time they got to the higher levels, their teamwork began to take shape, and they moved much faster.


Zhang Xincheng was the first to spot the office, but he didnt approach it right away; instead, he glanced at Skinny Monkey.

Skinny Monkey, understanding the cue, closed his eyes to listen, then shook his head.

The four of them, panting heavily, cautiously moved closer.

What could be on the desk? And what if there was nothingwhat kind of token would they take back?

Ye Kai glanced around the doorway vigilantly before das.h.i.+ng inside.

He was a seasoned survivor by now, and the first thing he did upon entering was to check every nook and cranny. Some zombies knew how to hide their presence for sneak attacks, so one couldnt be too careful.

Its safe, Ye Kai declared quickly after completing his check, snapping his fingers to signal the others.

The other three hurried in at the signal, converging around the office desk.

Hurry up and grab anything, were almost out of time, Skinny Monkey urged.

Although Mu Chen hadnt specified what the penalty for running out of time would be, it was easy to guess that he would take the opportunity to mess with them.

Skinny Monkey was quite timid, especially when it came to unknown dangers, so the mere thought of a penalty spurred him into action, even reducing his sense of fear.

Uh Ye Kai was just about to nod when he suddenly let out a surprised shout, Huh?!

Whats wrong? Zhang Xincheng asked urgently.

Skinny Monkey let out a yelp, his heartbeat that had just calmed down now raced again, and he jumped as if he had been stepped on.

Gu Shuangshuang also turned around nervously, scanning the surroundings, Are there zombies?

No, no, Ye Kai shook his head, then picked up a piece of paper from the desk, turned around, and slowly lifted it in front of the three, Look at this.

Honestly, more than the note itself, the first thing that caught the attention of Skinny Monkey and the others was Ye Kais expression.

This usually cool and tough guy was now standing with his eyes wide open and his mouth agape, looking utterly shocked.

What on earth could have scared him like this?

The three of them were immediately full of curiosity about the piece of paper and crowded in to take a closer look.

It was an old, ordinary piece of printer paper, but on it was a line of fresh handwriting.

Congratulations on pa.s.sing the test! Rookies, from this moment on, you are official members of the Miracle Team!

In the moderately-sized office, silence reigned.

Lets not fuss about this rather casual team name for now Zhang Xincheng commented deadpan, then said somewhat bewilderedly, How did this note appear here?

The zombies on the road, the zombies inside the mall If they werent quite sure that Ling Mo wasnt a mental ability user specialized in creating illusions, they might have doubted whether everything they had seen was just an illusion.

How exactly did this note get here?