My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 560 – A New Kind of Kin – Screamers

Chapter 560 – A New Kind of Kin – Screamers

Chapter 560 A New Kind of Kin Screamers

But the first to face the brunt of the situation was Xia Na, who was currently engaged in combat with a mutated zombie.

Despite its shrieking, the mutated zombies hands didnt stop moving.

Its elongated arm propelled its talons forward, and with a whoosh, it swiped at Black Nas head.

Nana, who was supposed to block the mutated zombie with her spiritual body, seemed to be frozen by the screeching, standing there dazed.

The talons pa.s.sed right through Nanas body. Although it didnt cause her any physical harm, the sight was still quite terrifying.

Not good, this is a mental shock!

Black Na quickly realized what was happening. She frantically swung her scythe to block the mutated zombies claws, while simultaneously retreating Nana back into her own body.

After reuniting, Xia Nas complexion turned a shade paler, and her eyes dimmed significantly.

Shes strong But she probably cant scream like that again in the short term, right?

Xia Na noticed that the mutated zombies eyes had lost their l.u.s.ter, indicating that its special frequency of screams wasnt something it could just produce at will.

Just as she was about to make another move, she saw a second mutated zombie step forward and open its mouth

A chorus, really? Xia Na was immensely frustrated. In terms of close combat skills, this mutated zombie was definitely no match for her. But those screams were torturous and could greatly disrupt a spiritual body, making the fight truly troublesome.

These are my newly created kin; I call them Screamers, the Spider Queen announced from atop a vehicle, introducing them methodically. They were originally designed to deal with this person, she said, obviously referring to Ling Mo, but I didnt expect to capture them so easily

Alright, alright, why is a zombie like you talking so much? Xia Na interrupted her impatiently.

Even though she didnt mean it that way, her words sounded like a mockery of Ling Mo, which Xia Na didnt want to hear.

However, the Spider Queen was actually quite straightforward. She had probably never been reprimanded by her own kind since her birth, and promptly closed her mouth.

But closing her mouth didnt mean she wouldnt take action. Her eyes s.h.i.+fted slightly, and suddenly she pointed in a direction: Over there!

d.a.m.n, weve been spotted.

In the direction the Spider Queen pointed, Yu s.h.i.+ran and Xiao Bai were tiptoeing around, preparing to sneak up and launch a surprise attack.

Particularly Xiao Bai, the panda was standing upright, trying to squeeze through an alleyway that was clearly a bit too small for it.

But the Spider Queens observation was sharp. Despite being distracted by Xia Na, she still managed to notice the situation in the corner.

The two Screamers immediately pounced toward Yu s.h.i.+ran and Xiao Bai, and soon there was a series of m.u.f.fled thuds

The Spider Queen had no intention of moving, for she knew that there were two other kin nearby, watching her.

Although she didnt understand why these kin were so fixated on a human, according to zombie thought patterns not understanding wasnt really an issue.

As an excellent hunter, the Spider Queen was quietly waiting for her prey to take the bait.

As soon as they appeared, they would be entangled by the Screamers, and she could take the opportunity to escape with Ling Mo.

Peering through those blood-red eyes, the Spider Queen intently watched the street bathed in a faint blood glow.

Her tentacles waved in the air, sensing the changes in airflow and temperature around her.

Should anyone approach, she would definitely notice

Seconds felt like minutes in this tense atmosphere, each moment stretched out as if slowed down.

Suddenly, a figure flashed by in front of the Spider Queen.

Here they come!

The Spider Queens gaze immediately locked onto the figure. But soon she realized it was just an afterimage.

The real figure had appeared beside another Screamer. By the time the Spider Queens tentacles reached there, yet another figure had appeared beside the second Screamer.

Two identical figures, indistinguishable from each other, captured the attention of both the Spider Queen and the Screamers, but no one noticed another figure emerging behind the Spider Queen.


A flash of cold light struck the coc.o.o.n on the Spider Queens back, and simultaneously, the coc.o.o.n bulged from the inside, exploding open through the small slit as if detonated.

However, it wasnt fire that burst out but a pale-faced Ling Mo.

The Spider Queen had reacted as soon as she heard the sound, but the bullets that followed completely immobilized her, allowing Ling Mo time to escape.


Ling Mo landed gracefully and stood beside Li Ya Lin.

Human, you The Spider Queen looked at Ling Mo with some anger.

She had turned towards Ling Mo and Li Ya Lin, but the two Screamers were still chasing the two figures, until they lost their target and stopped, looking confused.

Did you really think you could capture me that easily? Ling Mo said, moving his body a bit.

The Spider Queen didnt speak, as arguing wasnt her strong suit.

Ling Mos easy escape irked her, and she also felt a bit lost.

The female zombies had all been quite ordinary, without any special actions, so how did they manage to achieve such a result?

Without Li Ya Lins help, even if Ling Mo were faster, he couldnt have escaped in an instant. But now, looking back, it seemed so simple. How could it have succeeded right under her nose?

This defeat led the Spider Queen to unconsciously ponder these questions.

Of course, she wouldnt know that the actions and performance of the female zombies had been orchestrated by Ling Mo from the moment they arrived.

With Black Silk acting as a relay, Ling Mos mental commands could be sent to every Zombie Puppet simultaneously.

Their actions might have seemed unremarkable, but in reality, they were all parts of a plan.

Xia Nas diversion, Yu s.h.i.+ran and Xiao Bais distraction of forces, Li Ya Lin drawing attention, and Ye Lians crucial shot at the key moment.

It was these seemingly insignificant details that, when combined step by step, led to this outcome.

Inside the coc.o.o.n, besides coordinating and planning, Ling Mo also did something else.

He covered his entire body with his mental tentacles, and then, at the moment Li Ya Lin made her move, he solidified all these tentacles and expanded them outward.

Simple, practical, and with Ling Mos strong mental power, he forcefully tore through the spider silk.

After Ling Mo freed himself, Xia Na and the others, who were entangled with two Screamers, suddenly erupted into action.

Their speed and strength were further enhanced, and the twin Shanas coordinated with each other, their scythes drawing cold lights, quickly cornering one of the Screamers.

Yu s.h.i.+ran, in perfect sync with the two Mutated Beasts, often stayed back to launch surprise attacks, while Xiao Bai was exceptionally brave. Each time Black Silk exerted force and briefly constrained a Screamer, the panda would pounce like it was injected with adrenaline, slapping and scratching, finis.h.i.+ng it off with a signature Panda Fall.

By the time it got back up, the Screamer that was. .h.i.t was in a sorry state, barely alive but unable to move.

The situation quickly became one-sided, and the other two Screamers, who wanted to get close to the Spider Queen, were also thrown out by Ling Mos tentacles.

After exchanging a glance with Ling Mo and receiving his consent, Li Ya Lin eagerly joined the fray.

Blood splattered all over the street, creating a scene of chaos, but in this small area, the atmosphere was particularly tense.

No matter how one looked at it, the Spider Queen was suddenly at a disadvantage.

Its useless, the Spider Queen suddenly said.

What? Ling Mo was startled.

Anyway its useless, the Spider Queen seemed to have no intention of explaining.

What exactly are you saying Ling Mo instinctively felt a sense of foreboding and pressed on.

The Spider Queen sized up Ling Mo from head to toe and said, You could become even more perfect. And I underestimated you.

Not good! Shes going to run!

Ling Mo instantly reacted, shooting out a dozen mental tentacles.

But the Spider Queens speed was indeed extraordinary. A thin strand shot out from her wrist, attaching itself to an overhead cable, and she sprang up as if propelled from the ground, suddenly appearing mid-air.


Although Ling Mos tentacles were fast, they only reached halfway before he could only watch helplessly as the Spider Queen leapt onto another rooftop.