My Girlfriend is a Zombie - Chapter 526 - Chapter 526: The Tip of the Iceberg

Chapter 526 - Chapter 526: The Tip of the Iceberg

Chapter 526: The Tip of the Iceberg

Chapter 526: The Tip of the Iceberg

Lucys gaze was worrisome

There was a sudden thud in Jian Qis heart How did Lucy find out? How much did she know?

No It wasnt Lucy

In many ways, she was competent, but she wasnt particularly insightful, and belonged to the type of fool who could easily be bamboozled once they became comfortable with someone.

Could it be Ling Mo? Does he suspect me and sent Lucy to probe me?

The more Jian Qi thought about it, the more likely it seemed. But then a cold sneer rose in his heart.

What could be gained by sending Lucy to probe? A fool like her could easily be deceived

What are you talking about? What potion? Could it be Could it be that Zhen Zhiyuan and the others have taken the potion I was researching?!

Jian Qis eyes widened as he exclaimed, Thats madness, its just a prototype No, not even a prototype, merely an experimental sample! How could they steal something like that?

He sighed heavily, his eyes flickering with disbelief

So thats how it is

Lucy watched Jian Qi for a while, then suddenly snapped back to reality: Thats quite a story! It sounds plausible at first and your expression seemed sincere, but how come you didnt mention the three missing bottles of potion! And your face seems calm, but your heart is clearly in turmoil!

I almost got deceived again, you really think Im that gullible! Lucys heart sank even further, mixed with a hint of anger.

A persons expression can be faked, but not their heartbeat.

And Jian Qis denial only made it clearer that something was off

These past few days, the mutation had increasingly affected Lucy, but she had never been as sensitive as she was now.

The more focused she was, the clearer the other persons breathing and heartbeat became.

However, the other sounds around her seemed the same as before, not as keen as the average zombies.

Lucy also vaguely realized that her changes might not be the same as those of the average zombie.

But for now, she had no time to think it through

Heh, it seems youve misunderstood something about me? Jian Qi managed a strained smile and said.

He was also feeling frustrated. Just a moment ago, Lucy seemed to have been swayed by his act!

How did she suddenly change her demeanor? What switched off her fools acceptance?

Biting her lip, Lucy was silent for a few seconds before asking, Why?

By the sound of it, she was no longer considering any of Jian Qis defenses, and it wasnt just suspicion anymore; she was convinced

Jian Qi opened his mouth but still couldnt come up with a suitable excuse. free webno vel

After a mutual gaze for a while, the surprise on Jian Qis face suddenly vanished without a trace, and his eyes grew colder.

He smiled faintly and asked, Did those three idiots tell you?


That was almost like an indirect admission!

Although Lucy already had her answer, hearing Jian Qi say it still felt somewhat hard to accept.

Just how many masks was this man wearing on his face

You previously said they went there stealthily, but it seems like you had a part in this too. But why? Just to maintain a cooperative relations.h.i.+p with the Air Force Corps?

Lucy gritted her teeth as she asked.

When Zhen Zhiyuan and the others had gone to hunt down Ling Mo, Lucy hadnt returned to Fire yet.

So, in their hunting plan, Lucy was naturally a partic.i.p.ant

The thought chilled her to the bone.

Though Jian Qi did not directly partake in the hunt, he provided them with potions

Looking at your face, it seems like youve misunderstood something

After dropping the pretense, Jian Qis eyes returned to their previous state, smiling yet not smiling as he said, Actually, what you said is not entirely wrong, nor is it entirely right.

What do you mean? Lucy took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to punch him, and asked.

The Air Force Corps held an absolute advantage at that time; my actions were justifiable. And didnt I tell you? They were just test subjects, and I wasnt talking only about the potions Jian Qi said with a slight smile, squinting his eyes, That includes the three of them too.

Lucys eyes widened with shock, What you just said

Hmph, you really are a fool, woman. Ive made it so clear, and you still dont understand? Jian Qi scoffed inwardly, then shook his head, You still dont get it? Why do you think we had to go to City X? Resources? Factories? Food? Those may be important to you, but they mean nothing to me. The resource Im interested in is the ground littered with test subjects. Of course, that includes you all as well.

His words were blunt, and though Lucy was overwhelmed mentally, she managed to grasp his meaning.

All her previous questions were answered at that moment.

Jian Qi stayed in Fire because he saw all the psychics as lab rats!

The resolve of Zhen Zhiyuan and the others to secretly pursue Ling Mo was likely influenced by his instigation and provocation, and he had even provided them with experimental potions

His intentions were sinister, utterly ruthless!

You were supposed to be comrades Lucy trembled with anger, her blood boiling with fury, and she cursed incoherently, You actually Then the experiments youve done before must have been numerous! Let me think Thats right, last month, two psychics disappeared That was you! You did that!

Oh, suddenly got smart, have we?

Jian Qi said with amus.e.m.e.nt, At times like these, what does the death of a few people matter? No one cares about them. Not just a few, even if all of Fire were wiped out, so what? Now, those in City X are like poor bugs surrounded by zombies, with no place to run.

His tone wasnt sinister as he spoke these words; it was just like he was chatting casually, and his eyes didnt show the slightest change.

But it was this indifference that infuriated Lucy even more!

What did this guy think people were!

Whats the point of those experiments youre doing? And who on earth are you! Lucy demanded loudly.

Anyway, as long as its not some kind of mad scientist As for who I am What if I told you that I was once just a regular Psychic like you? Would you believe me?

Jian Qi chuckled and said, Before, I used to punch the clock, commute by subway, and occasionally hit the bars Sometimes I felt that the world I saw was all there was, and sometimes I actually longed for some excitement and change Heh.

Why are you suddenly bringing this up? Lucy asked with a frown.

Dont you think that the Disaster Outbreak could actually be an opportunity? Jian Qi asked back in surprise, To break everything down and start anew. Of course, at first, I just wanted to survive, and even after awakening my Psychic abilities, I simply felt that I had an extra layer of protection over others, until I came into contact with them

Them? Lucy suddenly became alert, sensing from Jian Qis words that there was someone else behind all this, not just Jian Qi

The Origin, the virus Origin, Jian Qi said abruptly, his usually unchanged gaze suddenly filled with fervor, We are mere p.a.w.ns, but on this chessboard, no one controls us; we make our own moves. However, most p.a.w.ns cannot see the whole game and are thus doomed to be eliminated. We havent grasped the full picture either, but weve seen some clues

At this point, he suddenly narrowed his eyes.

A very dangerous feeling made Lucys body involuntarily tense up.

In fact, from the moment she saw through Jian Qi, Lucy knew that the other party would definitely make a move

The only questions were when and how long she could hold out

Do you hope someone will pa.s.s by?

Jian Qi laughed heartily, looking at Lucy with a pitying gaze, Silly girl, were right next to the rooftop. Who would come up here for no reason just to catch the wind? Even your Ling Mo wouldnt

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared at the corner of the hallway.

Jian Qis words were cut off as if someone had choked him. His voice disappeared in an instant.

When did this person come here!

And how could I have not noticed at all?!

Looking at Ling Mos face, Jian Qi suddenly felt the urge to slam his head against the wall.

Sorry, I just happened to be pa.s.sing by.

Ling Mo sniffed and said with a smile.