My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 91 What... What Happened To Dad?

91 What... What Happened To Dad?

Xianw.a.n.g called for his car on his way to the main get. He didn't let the driver drive the car. Instead he s.n.a.t.c.hed the car keys from him and went to he driver's seat. His friend sat on the pa.s.senger seat. 

Xianw.a.n.g drove his car in the highest speed and reached his home in 20 minutes where it normally takes at least forty minutes.

He ran towards the main door being panicked. He was in so much hurry that he didn't even bother to close the door of the car.

Kong residence...

There is a big leaving room when one enters the building. At the center of the big hall room like leaving room,  there is a off white colored sofa set designed with golden colored pattern.

A large chandelier is hanging in the ceiling which is glittering like stars. Under the dazzling chandelier, Xianw.a.n.g's mother, Yan Feng ren was sitting leisurely and reading a magazine.

Xianw.a.n.g hurriedly entered and found his mother in this chilling mood.

"Mom... (Panting)... What .. (panting) ... What happened to da...?" He was a little shocked to see his mother in this mood, where some minutes ago she was panicking on the phone.

"Oh... You are back!" Feng ren was happy to see her son home. She was waiting for him.

"What happened to dad?" He again asked.

"I'll tell you everything. First you need to follow me." His mother commanded.

In the meantime, Si ying also joined. He greeted Feng ren and she nodded in reply with a gentle smile.

"After this stupid fellow, you are gonna be next my dear." Feng said to Si ying while hitting Xianw.a.n.g's head lightly.

"On ... What aunty?" Si ying asked confusedly.

Both the friends looked at each other as they felt something fishy about it.

Yan Feng ren dragged her son inside the house and Si ying followed them.

Xianw.a.n.g found that his mother was leading them to their garden at the back yard. The garden is filled with various types of of flowers, vegetables and of course fruits. One's mood surely becomes fresh while taking a stroll here.

When they reached the garden Xianw.a.n.g saw that, for whom he came like a maniac, his father is chatting with his friend. And who is the friend? It's none other then Zhang Mo Chen, Zhang Eliza's father.

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Those two old man were chatting like some gentleman and beside them Zhang Eliza was sitting like a daughter in law. She was serving tea or other snacks to them from time to time and talking with them shyly.

Everything became crystal clear to Xianw.a.n.g.

'I came all the way here, leaving all my work to look after you. And you guys! You are planning to set me up with this psycho!' Xianw.a.n.g became annoyed.

"Mom what is this?" He asked his mother with annoyance.

"It's just a get together. Go greet them." She said politely.

"You are telling me to greet them now! Then why were you panicking a while ago?" He asked her again.

"Oh... O ... That! Your dad said he had a... a... yeah... headache. That's why I got so worked up. But it was not serious." His mother stammered.

Xianw.a.n.g was not in the mood to talk with them. 

"I am leaving." Saying so he turned to leave but was stopped as his father called him from behind.

"There you are my son. Come and join us." his Father said.

Xianw.a.n.g curled his fingers into a fist then turned around with his cold gloomy look.

He walked straight to his father and sat beside him like a robot. His friend also accompanied him and took a seat beside him. He doesn't wanna Miss the show that's about to happen.