My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 87 Unique Cinderella

87 Unique Cinderella

"Are you sure you didn't receive my call?" Xianw.a.n.g asked impatiently.

"Yes yes yes.... How many time do I have to tell you? You even checked your phone. You didn't call anyone during you stay there. You just missed called me once with your location." Si you said while being irritated.

His friend has been insisting on calling him and talking to him when actually he didn't.

"I guess it's the drug and it made you think that I talked with you through phone." Si ying sighed. He tried to calm down  his friend patiently.

"Ahh... Forgot it. I least I get to meet my princess again." Xianw.a.n.g started to day dream.

Xianw.a.n.g was looking at the heel in his hand and wondering about that girl. The heel was decorates with stones. It was glittering brightly as the rays of the sun was falling on the. Even though some of his memory is vogue, but he still remember her falling over him and how close she was to him. This made b.u.t.terflies in his heart.

On the other hand, Si ying was getting cringe seeing his friend like this.

"What an unique Cinderella! A typical Cinderella would left her shoe by mistake. But yours my friend, would break the heel of her shoe and throw at you. This girl always makes me surprised." Si ying said while admiring the girl who has the audacity to resist this handsome fellow.

Xianw.a.n.g liked Si ying saying his princess unique. So he replied,"Yes, that's what makes me wonder about her even more."

Si ying slapped his forehead.

'Aigoo... My friend has gone mad.' he thought.

"Oh.. about that girl... I checked for her there... But there were no entry in the registry there. Not only that, the recording of CCTV camera of that place is erased during the time of your stay." Si ying said.

"That's really suspicious." The atmosphere became intense all of a sudden.

"I think it's the person who drugged your drink. You know if that person wanted to do anything with you, he or she would have to erase his or her track." Si ying said.

"Yeah... Your theory sounds reasonable. But why delete the recording of that girl as well?"Xianw.a.n.g said.

"Is that girl an accomplice of this whole case?" Si ying said in a serious tone.

"No. I don't think so. If she was an accomplice then I would not be sitting here all relaxed. The bad thing had already been happened to me. That girl didn't do anything bad to me." Xianw.a.n.g reasoned his friend.

"Well, that's true. That girl didn't do any harm to you. I guess her recording just got deleted while deleting your clip." Si ying said.

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Xianw.a.n.g nodded.

"Okay, that's for now. But keep on searching for her. You have to find her in all cost." Xianw.a.n.g said in cold voice and then turned his attention to his work.


In the marketing department, Yuerui was yawning in every two minutes.

"Did you not get enough sleep little cat?" Su asked out of concern.

"How can I get enough sleep when I returned home that late." Yuerui said while glaring at her friends.

"It's okay sometimes, it's not bad to get little sleep right, Su?" Kai said while trying to defend them.

Yuerui could only pout at them then concentrate on her work.

"Ah... Little cat, I wanted to ask you something." Kai said.

"Tell me." Yuerui replied.

"You know, about yesterday's drama... You get to caught her red handed only because of your name written in those foils. Why did you lebel your foils? Did you already doubt that something like this would occur?" Kai asked.

"No... It's one of my habit. You know in our childhood, we had the habit of writing our name in every book. Just like that I have the habit of writing my name with invincible ink pen in my work. The soft copy of my work are also pa.s.sword protected and has my sign it is. So n.o.body can take my work without my acknowledge." Yuerui explained.

"You have such an unique havit little cat." Su was amazed.

"And also protective of her work." Kai praised Yuerui.

Yuerui just gave them a lovely smile in return and went to the main building.