My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Today, after the drama in the office Xianw.a.n.g was really in a good mood . He was missing this type of entertainment in his life . Today he enjoyed it to its fullest .

After the drama he had a meeting with some foreign clients . After an hour of meeting he bid them goodbye . But he was not in the mood to go home this early . So he decided to enjoy all by himself today .

He went to he and his friends regular place . They even had a room set only for themselves . No one is allowed to book that room . Today he decided to change his regular room and choose another . But he didn't knew that this small change can't put him in such a situation .

He ordered his regular drink but after having a couple of sips, he already felt dizzy . Xianw.a.n.g is not a bad at drinking . So only two sips can't make him drunk . Hence he immediately knew there's something wrong . He immediately left that room and went towards his usual room .

He has a key for the room, after entering, he picked up his phone to call his friend . But the drink was really doing it's work . So he mistakenly called Yuerui instead of Si ying .

After the call, he dozed off on the ground for a minute, but he pull himself together and went to the washroom . He splashed water on his eyes several times but it didn't help really well . He wobbled towards the sofa and rested for a while .

After some minutes he heard a cracking sound in the door .



At first he thought it was his friend . But whent he door opened Xianw.a.n.g saw a lady in a golden high heel entering the room . She was wearing a floral dress in the most modest attire . Even in the drunk state, he admired her beauty . But the problem is, the girl didn't have a face . It was hidden behind that d.a.m.n scarf and .

"Who are you? What do you want? I . . . I didn't call for you . Go away . . . Shoo . . . !" Xianw.a.n.g said in his drunk state .

'Oh boy! He is drunk . ' initially when Yuerui saw him she really got relieved that he is okay . But after hearing him she knew that she had to take care of this problem now .

"I am here to take you with me . " She whispered .

"What! Why would I go with you? I . . . I called for Si ying . Not you!" He said .

"Yeah you clearly remember that part . " Yuerui murmured .

"What did you say?" Xianw.a.n.g asked . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Nothing . You just come with me . " Yuerui tried to make him stand so that she can support him to walk .

But Xianw.a.n.g wasn't ready to go with her . .

"No . I won't go with you . I want Si ying . " He was adamant on not to go .

Xianw.a.n.g tried to resist her and tried to defend himself . So he used his hands to attack Yuerui . But accidentally his hands went on her and her dropped from her eyes .

Now Yuerui's pretty blue eyes were visible to Xianw.a.n.g .

"You . . . " Xianw.a.n.g came closer to yuerui to see her eyes clearly .

"Me what?" Yuerui replied . She felt awkward .

"You are here! Where were you?" After recognizing his pretty blue eyed lady Xianw.a.n.g's joy knew no bounds . He held both Yuerui's hands .

"Huh! I . . . . I was here . " Yuerui replied in confusion still didn't know about the situation .

"Pretty blue eyed girl, do yo u know I have been searching for you for sooooooo long . " Xianw.a.n.g said in his a sleepy sleepy state .

' . . . . . . . '

'Oh c.r.a.p!!!!!!!!! My . . . Where are they!' Yuerui finally understood that the jerk had finally caught the blue eyed lady . But she also understood that he is still oblivious of the fact that she is Yuerui .

'Okay . I think I should just leave . He is fine after all . '

"You aren't talking to me again! Are you mad at me, my lady?" Xianw.a.n.g said while making a baby face .

'Hey what the h.e.l.l are you doing' Yuerui got a little awkward . She tried to leave him but Xianw.a.n.g held her very tightly on her wrist and made her sate beside him and continued his blabbering .

He doesn't wanna let her go this time .

"No, you are not upset, right? If you were upset then wouldn't have come to save me, right? Right?" He said .

In reply, all Yuerui could do is look elsewhere and try to lose her hands .

"I know . . . I know . . . . You you are my princess in . . . " Xianw.a.n.g looked at her dress then continued,

"My princess in floral armor . . . . "