My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 79

Chapter 79

"Huh . . . My file? Yes my file . . . Where is it?" Ruo started to blabber . "What? You don't know where is it?" Su questioned her . "No . . I know . . . " Ruo just replied without thinking anything . "Where is it then?" Now Kai asked . These two of them were really having fun in interrogating her . "Where is it . . . . . Huh it's . . . " Ruo was planning about an excuse . Xianw.a.n.g looked at his watch and said,"Wasting my time . "This three words of him made cold sweat I'm Ruo's forehead . Not only her but also others became frightened . Everybody knew how conscious and strict Xianw.a.n.g is about time . "Boss, can I show the soft copy of my work?"After getting the file of Yuerui Ruo became so over confident that she threw her pendrive on the dustbin . So even though she said about the pendrive, she had to go and search for it . "Wait a minute, isn't this the file that you made me look earlier, Ruo?" Zongguan suddenly looked at the files of Yuerui and became suspicious . "Huh . . . This? Oh may be I got it mixed up way before the lunch . " Ruo was still making excuses . Even though there were no evidence but people still get the hint of what has happened . "Can you present your presentation now?" Xianw.a.n.g asked . "Now . . . I need to get them . . . . " Ruo said . "Now means now!" Xianw.a.n.g said to her without having any expression on his face . Ruo's neck became wet with fear . She didn't know what to say . "Aa . . am . . . Bo . . . boss""Leave!", Xianw.a.n.g said while adjusting his blezer . "But . . Boss please don't do this . . . An least give me a minute . " Ruo cried . Because everyone present knew what 'Leave' meant . It didn't mean to just leave from the auditorium . It's to leave the company . "We have a meeting in an hour right, right?" Xianw.a.n.g said to Zongguan while totally ignoring Ruo . "Ye . . . . Yeah . . . Boss . . . But boss?" Said Zongguan . Firing someone like this was too cruel . So Zongguan wanted to try at least once to ask Xianw.a.n.g . "Let's go . " Xianw.a.n.g stood up from his seat and prepared to leave . "But you gave Yuerui extra 10 minutes . " Ruo shouted from behind . Xianw.a.n.g stopped in his motion for a second then leisurely turned around and said, " She didn't waste my time . "After that Xianw.a.n.g prepared to leave and Si ying followed him . But Xianw.a.n.g was again stopped in his motion . Ruo ran from behind, stood in front of him and kneeled before him . "Please, CEO Kong Xianw.a.n.g . I beg you . Don't fire me . "'Ah . . . I really didn't want this to happen . . . ' he thought and got a little annoyed . Xianw.a.n.g relaxed his shoulders and said in a cold voice," Then apologize!"Ruo raised her face to face him and gave a confused look . "Don't know who?" He asked . Ruo again gave the same confused expression . "You should know who you should apologize to . " Xianw.a.n.g really didn't wanted to use so much words on her . "Boss I don't know who you are talking about? If you want me to apologize to you then I am really really sorry . " Ruo cried . "Should we check the camera?" Xianw.a.n.g's eyes narrowed .