My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 8 I Wanna Go Home

8 I Wanna Go Home

The business sector buildings are designed as official buildings having sophisticated aura, the architecture building has the touch of professionalism. Anybody can say the architect of this building is great architect. On the other hand the creativity building is the most unique one. Because only this building doesn't has those gloomy black or grey shade. Having colored in bright color this building stands out the most. There is a fountain in front of the building which increases its beauty.

While Yue rui was enjoying the view of her office suddenly she felt gooseb.u.mps all over her body. She felt as if someone is watching her. When she tried to look for it, to her surprise she saw thousands of eyes looking at her from the gla.s.s of every single building.

Afraid of the big boss? It is way more scary then that.

Yue rui wanted to cry.

'O my G.o.d… now what the h.e.l.l is this. What have I done? Is this how they treat a newbie? I don't wanna work. I wanna go home.' She cried in her thoughts.

Suddenly a hand shook her to get her out of her thoughts.

"Yue rui what are you doing? We are getting late." Zongguan said.

"Sir, I wanna go home." Yue rui was in daze.

"What?" Zongguan was surprised.

Yue rui shook her head.

"Nothing sir"

"Now follow me." He ordered.

When they entered the main building another flow of curious colleagues attack them. This time Yue rui was well prepared and she hide herself behind her senior. Zongguan understood her situation and helped her to pa.s.s through them.

"Alright alright all of you can see her. But please don't scare her like this. It's her first day today and all of you are frightening her away. At least let her report to big boss first then one by one I will introduce her to you." Zongguan said to calm down the crowd.

'What! Sir I tried to use you as my s.h.i.+eld to save from these people and you are voluntarily throwing me to the fire pit?' now Yue rui just wanted to flee from this place.

After pa.s.sing those curious employees they finally reached the big boss's office.

"h.e.l.lo secretary Si, CEO kong told me to bring this newbie and report to him. Will you let him know that I've brought that newbie?" Zongguan said to Si ying.

As news of the CEO to ask some female employee come to his office for the first time has spread like fire so Si ying was not unaware of this news. To be honest he was also curious to know who this girl is that his friend has called for the first time. But as the secretary of CEO he had to keep his posture. So he couldn't act like other employees.

Since that girl has arrived at the office Si ying couldn't help but examine Yue rui from tip to toe.

Seeing Si ying examine her like this Yue rui felt more awkward.