My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 46 Why Would Someone Else Clean The Mess You Created?

46 Why Would Someone Else Clean The Mess You Created?

"What the h.e.l.l is this?" She couldn't help but speak.

To her horror she saw a huge pile of files dupmed in the big marble table. It was way bigger pile than the previous day. Not only in the table but also the sofa has a pile of them. Some files were on the floor, some were on the verge of falling from the bookshelf. Some pages were also flowing in the floor.

"What the h.e.l.l is this? It is 100 times more messy than yesterday. Should I go and talk to Si ying?" She was now talking to herself.

"Yeah. I guess I should go...." Suddenly her eyes fell on the forbidden door.

'It's a great opportunity to investigate this door since that weirdo is not here. When will I get this kind of opportunity ever again.' Yuerui thought. There was a mischievous smile all over her face.

She slowly approached the door with full enthusiasm. Her heart was beating a little fast than usual. She was really curious about the door.

She went near the door and slowly reached for the door k.n.o.b. Just when she was about to touch the k.n.o.b a cold voice from her behind floated in her ears.

"I have forbidden you to go near that door."

Yuerui got so startled that she actually jerked in her spot. She turned to see the cold, gloomy Xianw.a.n.g. There was a hint of murderous sure in his golden cat like eyes.

"Boss you are misunderstanding. I just saw some dust there. So I thought I should check first then call for someone to clean it up." Yuerui just made up some excuse in her mind then blurted that out.

"Why would someone else clean the mess you created?" Xianw.a.n.g replied remaining in his calm and composed exposure.

'Me? When did I create this mess? Micchosso?[1] Do you have hallucination problems also werido? Why is G.o.d? Why did you leave this crazy open in city? He should be locked up in mental asylum.' she cursed Xianw.a.n.g from the core of her heart for a long time.

But the only word came from her mind was,"Me?"

Xianw.a.n.g tilted his head down. And gave a smirk.

"So you are saying it's me?"he said.

"No, sir. You are misunderstanding. But from what I recall it was miss Zha.." she was cut in the middle.

"Who's fault was it?"He asked.

'Didnt't I just said it's that psycho girl. You have became deaf too? No it won't do. You should get admitted to hospital right now.' Yuerui thought.

She was thinking in her mind but on the outside she was blinking at Xianw.a.n.g at 2 seconds intervals with confused expression.

'Ah...this girl doesn't understand me at all.' Xianw.a.n.g sighed.

"Who do you think made her agitated that she threw the files." Xianw.a.n.g said looking at Yuerui.

'I have to say so much words because of this girl. Ah... It's so tiring.' Xianw.a.n.g sighed again.

'That psycho girl is psycho for you. She threw a fit. She destroyed your office and you are lebeling me as the culprit? A**hole!!! But no....I will not admit to you this fast. Let's play oblivious for a while. Hehe...' Yuerui thought.

[1]= are you mad?