My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 37 Brother Wang Wanted To See Me

37 Brother Wang Wanted To See Me

"Who is this?" He was startled.

The sudden jump of Xianw.a.n.g made Yuerui chuckle but she shut her mouth with her hands not to make any sound.

After Xianw.a.n.g's panicked questions the hands in white finally had a face. It was a girl. She stood up from her sitting position slowly to let everyone see her face.

"Zhang Eliza!" Xianw.a.n.g was surprised. He didn't expect her this early.

"Brother w.a.n.g how can you not recognize me?" The girl named Zhang eliza said.

"How did you come here?" Xianw.a.n.g asked her back.

"I came here very early when no one was here. And hide beside your table. Xingtian told me brother w.a.n.g wanted to see me so I thought of giving you a surprise." Eliza said with a bright smile on her face.

'Kong Xingtian, you brat. I told you not to tell her about me.'

In the moment of a second the bright smile in Eliza's fade turned to a murderous expression.

"But brother w.a.n.g what is she doing here? You called for me didn't you?" She said it in a low voice. There was a killing aura in her voice that gave chills to both Xianw.a.n.g and Yuerui.

Her eyes were cold as ice and there were also disappointment.

"That's Miss Mai yuerui. Will be training for a month here." Xianw.a.n.g said ignoring Eliza's disappointed gaze.

Eliza made a slight 'oh' sound and looked at Yuerui. But the murderous aura didn't leave her. She said to Yuerui,"h.e.l.lo, I am Zhang eliza. Nice to meet you." Said in whispering voice.

Yuerui nodded and replied with a bright smile,"Nice to meet you too miss. I am Mai yuerui."

"Miss?" Eliza asked in poker voice.

'You seem like you are those possessive psychos who are clingy towards man. I have to answer wisely.' Yuerui thought.

"I am sorry for my misconduct mam. I should have called you 'mam'." Yuerui said.

Yuerui's words satisfied Eliza so the cold glommy aura started to fade a little. But suddenly she turned towards Xianw.a.n.g and her coldness again surfaced,

"Brother w.a.n.g? She is gonna come everyday?"

Xianw.a.n.g replied with a stern "Yes" while keeping his hands in his pocket and looking somewhere else.

Eliza raged with anger. She started to breath heavily.

"Brother w.a.n.g you are cheating on me? How could you cheat on me in my back?" She started to act like she in his wife and he cheated on her.

'Heh!!!! You have a girlfriend weirdo? Then why would people say another thing for you?' Yuerui was shocked.

Yuerui wanted to say 'No mam it's not what you are thinking.' but she was stopped by Xianw.a.n.g.

He said,"None of your business."

"What? None of my business?" Eliza replied in a whispering voice.

"You are not my girlfriend." He again said in a stern voice.

This made Eliza rage even more. She used her both hands to threw every file on the table.