My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 35 Red File

35 Red File

After 5 minutes she saw Xianw.a.n.g enter his room.

'Oh so he was in meeting. I have cursed him for no reason. My bad. It's not like I can take it back. Take it as for future trouble he is gonna give me.' Yuerui is already prepared for her future troubles.

After 10 minutes of entering his room Xianw.a.n.g called Si ying to let Yuerui in.

Yuerui was hasitating to go inside alone. After scratching her hand a little she asked Si ying,

"D…do I have to go alone?"

Si ying chuckled and replied,"I am afraid yes."

Yuerui became disappointed and approached to Xianw.a.n.g's room sloowwly.

She pa.s.sed through the living room with the slowest speed she could. She was planning how to face Xianw.a.n.g.

When she reached the door to his office she sighed deeply.

'Only this door is left? Aish…. I wonder what riddle is in store for me today.'

Yuerui knocked the big silver door, opened it slightly and only entered her face.

"May I come in boss?" she asked.

Xianw.a.n.g made a slight 'mm' sound while working in computer.

Yuerui came near his big table designed with white marbles and stood silently. For about 2 minutes n.o.body spoke a word. Yuerui got that she has to break the silence. Just when she was about to say something Xianw.a.n.g said,

"Don't bother Mr. Lin."

Yuerui didn't get from where did Mr. Lin came in this. After a pause Xianw.a.n.g added,

"He is a busy man."

Now she understood. He is telling him not to come with Zongguan. She pouted slightly escaping Xianw.a.n.g's eyes. Then she nodded.

"Okay boss."

Again silence covered the whole room.

After 2 minutes Yuerui said,

"Boss what should I report to you?"

Xianw.a.n.g was typing like storm. The moment he heard her he paused for a second then continued typing, and then he said,

"You tell me."

'Heh!!!!!! You told me to report you without telling me on what and now you are asking me what should I report to you? Everytime I see you, you move to a next level of weirdness.' Yuerui thought.

She stood in confusion for 2 minutes then gathered her courage and spoke,

"I....I don't follow you boss."

After hearing her Xianw.a.n.g stopped typing. There was a smirk in his handsome face.

'You have the audacity to say that miss... You sure are, is a thing.' he thought.

He then continued to type and said,

"Why you think I called you?"

Yuerui scratched her head for a moment.

'You are saying the same thing again and again. How would I know why you called me? Even I am wondering that.' Yuerui furrowed her brows slightly. Then a thought came in her mind.

'O yes. He said that I need training.'

She then replied,"My previous report may have some lacking"

When Xianw.a.n.g didn't say anything she took that as a yes.

'So that's why you called me weirdo.' She sighed.

After that the room again went in silence.

'Now what? Should I ask him what should I do?'

She coughed to clear her throat and said,"Boss what should I do for my training?"

Xianw.a.n.g didn't pay any heed to her as if she wasn't there.

'h.e.l.lo? Deaf, Are you listening to me???' Yuerui felt so annoyed.

After 5/6 minutes Xianw.a.n.g commanded,

"Look for the red file."

Yuerui came out her wonderland and replied with a 'Ah!'...She didn't heard him.

"Red!!!! File!!!!" Replied Xianw.a.n.g in annoyance without even glancing at her.

" file...but from where boss?" Yuerui was like a lost puppy in Xianw.a.n.g's office. She didn't know where to look for it.

Xianw.a.n.g's relaxed his hands on the table and looked at the desktop. Then replied in a cold voice, "Behind."

Yuerui looked behind Xianw.a.n.g. But beside him was nothing.

Behind Xianw.a.n.g there was no concrete wall. It was made of clear gla.s.s. The sun that was peeping through the black clouds was s.h.i.+ning like glitters.

'Eh! There's nothing. Oh may be I should look behind me."

When Yuerui turned behind her, her jaw dropped at the speed of Usain bolt.

She saw about 10 feet tall book shelf filled with red colored files.