My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 32 I Was Not Always Righ

32 I Was Not Always Righ

Now Ruo's gaze fixed on the chits.

'Something is not right. I have to check it.' She thought.

Yuerui understood her intension. She signaled Su with her eyes. Su understood her meaning and went near there chits before Ruo. She then dropped the drink over the chits intensionally but acted as in she dropped it by accident.

"O….I am so sorry. I dropped my drink carelessly." She said and intentionally tossed the chits to get them all drenched in the liquid.

'd.a.m.n it.' Ruo became angry.

"I am sorry again. Because of me the game stopped. Let me throw them in the dustbin." She didn't even let Ruo touch them and throw them away.

"Aiyoo… look at the time it's already late. Let's go back home and have a good night sleep guys." Su suggested.

Everybody nodded and one by one all left.


After everybody left Yuerui was arranging her bag then Su came and gave her a tight hug.

"Little cat, I love you. I love you. I love you so much"

"What happened? You seem very happy."

"Today I got to see a drama full of spices because of you."

"I just hope I don't get caught."

"Ran ruo only knows how to scheme and fluant her beauty. She doesn't have that brain to figure out who did this."

"Don't you wanna see if she had really written my name in those chits? I mean it could be me who did the scheme not her."

"I trust you little cat."

"Even so. Let's check them."

They checked the chits of Ruo and they were right. All the chits had Yuerui's name in them.

"Little cat you need a hat's off. You sure can see through people."

"You are flattering me. I am not always right." She gave a smile.

'Yeah I was not always right. But experience really teaches people a lot.' Yuerui thought in her mind and a sad expression surfaced in her face.

"Hey why are you suddenly giving a sad face?" Su asked.

"O…it's nothing." Yuerui shook her head and then they also left the club.


9 PM

Huo ban residentials.

Xianw.a.n.g's car entered his apartment, he swiftly get off from the car changed his shoes and went straight to his room.

When he put off his coat while in daydreaming about the girl in blue eye, something fell on the sound. His gaze diverted to that direction then he found the chapstick that the girl left.

The cover of the chapstick was silver colored. But there was no brand name written. Instead it was decorated with floral design. At the corner of the cover there is written 'MY' with a diamond placed at the end.

"It seems it's a custom made chapstick."

He curiously opened the chapstick. When he opened the chapstick he could smell the sweet smell of 'right-blooming jasmine flower'. The sweet smell of the chapstick made a gentle smile in his handsome face.

"Her taste is different too..." He said.

"Who's taste is different???" Xingtian interrupted Xianw.a.n.g's pleasure time.

"You don't know how to knock?" Xianw.a.n.g said.

"Don't change the topic bro. Now tell me there sure is something between you and that new girl right?" Xingtian said winking at her brother with a mischievous smile.

" totally spoiled my mood. You couldn't name any other person?" Xianw.a.n.g said.

"Who else would I name? She is the only one who caught your attention."

"How about Ran ruo." Xianw.a.n.g said while looking for his pajamas with no expression.

"Ran ruo? How do you know that name?" Xingtian surprised.

"She tried to seduce me today." Still no expression as in it was a normal routine in his daily life.

"She did that? Does she have no fear that she can get fired? She is shocked.

"I guess not. But gave her a warning. Ah... My face. When will I live a day without this chaos. I can't even approach them for my position... I feel pity for them... Tch tch.." Xianw.a.n.g cannot help being nercissist.

"Ran ruo is a no brother... She is a sly.... She is a no no no.... But in case of miss Mai yuerui I can help you...hihi..." Xingtian said.

"Again that name.... Do you know what she did?"

After nagging for the incident in the meeting in the morning Xianw.a.n.g sit on the bed to rest since he said it all in one breath.

"Hahaha.... I like her even more brother..." Xingtian jumped in joy.

"You dare do anything Kong Xingtian..." Xianw.a.n.g gave a glare then Xingtian got frightened and shut her mouth.

"I have to deal with her tomorrow and I can't wait for that. It's been a while since I got something to pa.s.s my boredom. Hahahaha" there was a devilish grin in his face that even scared his little sister.

"Bro...what are you gonna do?" She asked.

He looked at her sister with interest and said,

"You have to do a work of mine"

"Wh....what brother?"

"Call Zhang Eliza tommorow."