My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - 21 Is She Trying To Seduce Me?

21 Is She Trying To Seduce Me?

She wore a red pencil skirt with white blouse. The blouse was quite revealing.

'Since the company has given freedom in their choice of clothes these people wear whatever they like. Doesn't even show any decency.' Mai yuerui thought.

The leader girl rested her palms on the table and leaned towards Yuerui. The more Yuerui moved her face backward the more she leaned her face towards Yuerui. The girl was so close that Yuerui could see her cleavage.

'Is she trying to seduce me? What the h.e.l.l! Is this place full of gays and lesbians?'Yuerui thought in her mind.

Su could feel that things were getting awkward.

"Sister ruo ruo how come you are here? Haven't seen you in the cafeteria for a while. Does your boyfriend didn't have time for you today?" Su took the initiative to break the awkwardness and also to gibe at her. She couldn't let this opportunity go to gibe at her.

"Oh h.e.l.lo to you too...Su...dan" Ruo replied. After a pause she continued, "I am not here to talk to you. I am here to welcome our new intern."

She looked back to Yuerui and said, "Hi I am Ran ruo. Here juniors call me sister ruo ruo. Nice to meet you."

Yuerui didn't like her at all. By observing her by far she made a conclusion that she is into the seductive type girl. She could feel some b.i.t.c.hy vibe from her.

'I have to keep my guards on when she is around.' she warned herself.

'Yuerui keep yourself calm. Don't say any inappropriate words before her. Think thousand times before uttering a word. Understood?'

Yuerui faked a smile and replied, "h.e.l.lo sister ruo ruo. I am Mai Yuerui. I am sorry I didn't greet you yesterday. Actually I was nervous yesterday so couldn't greet my seniors properly. Please don't take it to your heart."

After a pause she added, "No wonder you are so beautiful. Su told me about you so I was looking forward to meet you."Yuerui tried to add b.u.t.ter as much as she could.

Ruo gave a smile slightly and murmured,"Well you are not as rude as I thought."

"Since you are here why don't you join us in lunch?"Yuerui still not finished with b.u.t.tering her.

"Oh no dear, you see I have a very possessive boyfriend. He never lets me eat lunch without him. Sometimes I think that how did he let me work? He is very possessive you know…." Ran ruo started to jabber about her boyfriend, n.o.body knows who.

"There she goes again." Su murmured.

"Did you say anything Su dan?" Ruo glared at Su.

"Nothing sister ruo ruo. I think you should go and meet your 'possessive ' boyfriend. You don't wanna keep him waiting right? We all know how 'possessive' he is." Su put pressure on the word possessive.

"You….ah forget it. I should not waste my precious time on you." Ruo moved her face from Su to Yuerui and said, "I take my leave now. See you at your welcome party after work." There was a hint of wickedness in her eyes.

'Ohhhh….no… she sure wants to kill me. I don't know what she will do to me tonight. Please G.o.d help me avoid this scary woman.' Yuerui thought.